google / longbet

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Bayesian Ensemble Trees for Causal Inference on Longitudinal Data (LongBet)


This package implements the Bayesian Ensemble Trees for Causal Inference on Longitudinal Data for estimating time-varying conditional average treatment effect estimation; the manuscript will be available soon. This approach builds on the methodology behind Bayesian Causal Forests outlined in Hahn et al. (2020) and incorporates several improvements to Bayesian Additive Regression Trees implemented by He et al. (2019).

This package is based on the source code of the XBCF package.


It can be installed from GitHub directly using devtools package in R. The CRAN version will be submitted soon.



longBet(y, x, z, pcat, 
num_sweeps = 60, num_burnin = 20,
num_trees_pr = 50, num_trees_trt = 20,
mtry = 0L, n_min = 1L,
sig_knl = 1, lambda_knl = 5)


y: An n by t matrix of outcome variables. x: n by p input matrix of covariates. (If the covariates matrix is different for the prognostic and treatment term, please use longBet_full). z: An n by t matrix of treatment assignments. t: time variable (post-treatment time for treatment term will be infered based on input t and z). pcat: The number of categorical inputs in matrix x. num_sweeps: The total number of sweeps over data (default is 60). num_burnin: The number of burn-in sweeps (default is 20). num_trees_pr: The number of trees in the prognostic forest (default is 50). num_trees_trt: The number of trees in the treatment forest (default is 20). mtry: number of variables to be sampled as split candidate per tree. n_min: The minimum node size. (default is 1) sig_knl: variance parameter for squared exponential kernel (default is 1). lambda_knl: lengthscale parameter for squared exponential kernel (default is 5).

See Also

'longBet_full' for fitting with more hyperparameters. 'predict' will be avaible in the next update.



n <- 100
t1 <- 4
t0 <- 3

# generate dcovariates
x1 <- rnorm(n)
x2 <- sample(1:3,n,replace=TRUE,prob = c(0.4,0.3,0.3))
# TODO: memory bug occurs when there's no categorical variable 
x <- cbind(x1, x2)

# untreated outcome
mu <- outer(x1 * x2 , rnorm(t1, 5), '*')
# treatment effect
te <- outer(x1 + x2, rnorm(t1, 1), '*')

# generate observations
z <- rbinom(n,1,0.6)
y0 <- mu + 0.2 * sd(mu) * matrix(rnorm(n * t1), n, t1)
y1 <- y0 + te
y <- z * y1 + (1 - z) * y0

z_mat <- cbind(matrix(0, n, (t0 - 1)),  matrix(rep(z, t1 - t0 + 1), n, t1 - t0 + 1))

t_longbet <- proc.time() <- longBet(y = y, x = x, z = z_mat, t = 1:t1, p_cat = 1,
num_trees_pr =  50, num_trees_trt = 50)
tau_hat_longBet <- apply($tauhats.adjusted, c(1, 2), mean)
t_longbet <- proc.time() - t_longbet

print(paste0("longBet RMSE: ", sqrt(mean((as.vector(tau_longBet[, t0:t1]) - as.vector(te[,t0:t1]))^2))))
print(paste0("longBet runtime: ", round(as.list(t_longbet)$elapsed,2)," seconds"))


License:Apache License 2.0


Language:C++ 95.2%Language:R 4.6%Language:C 0.1%Language:Shell 0.0%