google / deck

Deck provides a flexible logging framework for Go apps.

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Deck - Flexible Logging Framework for Go

The Deck package provides a flexible logging framework for Go apps. Deck supports Windows Event Log, syslog, Go's standard logging, logging to file, and log replays for testing. Deck is extensible, so new log backends can integrate seamlessly into existing application code.

Standard Logging

Deck can be a drop in replacement for some other logging packages, with support for common functions like Info, Error, & Warning. The standard logging functions write their outputs immediately and don't support additional attributes.

deck.Info("an info message")
deck.Errorf("an %v message", errors.New("error!"))

Extensible Logging with Attributes

Sometimes we want to be able to pass more complex inputs to our log messages. Deck facilitates this by allowing custom attributes to be attached to log messages.

When using the Attribute-supporting log functions, the message isn't output immediately. We use the With() function to attach additional metadata to the message first. The metadata can be anything supported by an attached backend. Once fully marked up with attributes, the Go() function then performs the final write of the message.

In this example, a log message is marked with Verbosity level 2. Verbosity can be used to dynamically show or hide log events at runtime.

deck.InfoA("a verbose message").With(deck.V(2)).Go()

The EventLog backend for Windows supports Event IDs:

deck.InfoA("a windows event").With(eventlog.EventID(123)).Go()

Multiple attributes can be attributed to the same message:

deck.InfoA("a verbose windows event").With(eventlog.EventID(123), deck.V(3)).Go()


Deck's logging functionality revolves around backends. A backend is any logging destination that deck should write messages to. Backends are plug-and-play, so you can reconfigure your application's logging behavior simply by adding and removing different backends.

import (

deck.Add(logger.Init(os.Stdout, 0))

Cross-platform builds can support platform-specific log outputs by calling Add from platform-specific source files.

// my_app_windows.go

func init() {
  evt, err := eventlog.Init("My App")
  if err != nil {
// my_app_linux.go

func init() {
  sl, err := syslog.Init("my-app", syslog.LOG_USER)
  if err != nil {

eventlog Backend

The eventlog backend is for Windows only. This backend supports logging to the Windows Event Log. It exports the EventID attribute that allows logging messages with custom Event IDs.

eventlog Documentation.

logger Backend

The logger backend is based on Go's core log package. It can take any io.Writer, including os.Stdout, os.Stderr, io.Multiwriter, and any open file handles.

logger Documentation.

syslog Backend

The syslog backend is based on Go's core syslog package for Linux/Unix.

syslog Documentation.

discard Backend

The discard backend discards all log events. Deck requires at least one backend to be registered to handle logs. To suppress all output, add the discard backend.

discard Documentation.

glog Backend

The glog backend provides support for logging to the glog package from This backend supports the Depth attribute as well as exporting a V() attribute for glog's V-style logging.

glog Documentation.

replay Backend

The replay backend provides the ability to record and replay log events for use in testing.

replay Documentation.

Message Verbosity

Verbosity is a special attribute implemented by the deck core package. The V() function decorates logs with a custom verbosity, and the SetVerbosity() function determines which verbosity levels get output. This allows the verbosity level to be changed at runtime, such as via a flag or setting.

log.InfoA("a level one message").With(deck.V(1)).Go()
log.InfoA("a level three message").With(deck.V(3)).Go()

In this example, if verbosityFlag is 2 or lower, only "a level one message" will print. If it's 3 or higher, both messages will print. Verbosity defaults to 0, and all non-Attribute functions will be at verbosity 0.

Custom Decks

The deck package builds a global deck whenever it's imported, and most implementations can just use this deck directly via the package-level logging functions. For more advanced use cases, multiple decks can be constructed using deck.New(). Each deck can have its own set of attached backends, and supports the same functionality as the global deck.


Deck provides a flexible logging framework for Go apps.

License:Apache License 2.0


Language:Go 100.0%