gonchar / bvhio

Read, write, edit and create .bvh files with hierarchical 3D transforms

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Lightweight libary for reading, editing and creating Biovision .bvh files. Deserializes files into a hierarchical spatial structure like transforms in Unity or Unreal.

Data for each joint is provided in local and world space and does support modifing the hierarchy itself without losing the keyframe data. The spatial structure does also allow for editing the motion or rest pose data. This libary supports also deserializing and serialising .bvh files into a simplified structure that represents the key data from the file.


pip install bvhio

Why and intention

This libary is a side product of my master thesis, in order to extract conveniently local and world data features from a humanoid skeleton hierarchy. I could not find any libary that could do that, without bloat or the features I required for extraction or modification.


  • The package spatial-transform is used as base object for joints and provides the most properties and methods.
  • The package PyGLM is used for matrix, quaternion and vector calculations.
  • Same coordination space as openGL and GLM is used, which is right-handed, where Y+ is up and Z- is forward.
  • Positive rotations are counter clockwise when viewed from the origin looking in the positive direction.


  • Read/Write/Edit
    • Read and write .bvh files as simplified structure (BvhJoint).
    • Read and write .bvh files as transform hierarchy (Joint).
    • Animation data can be modified with both methods.
    • The transform hierarchy allows for easy modifications of rest and motion data.
  • Animation
    • Supports modifing keyframe, rest positon and final pose data.
    • Supports joint special modifications, like changing the joint-roll
    • Keyframes are stored in local space and as difference to the rest pose.
    • Keyframes support Position, Rotation and Scale.
  • Python
    • Every method is documented in code with docstrings.
    • Every method has type hinting.
    • (Fluent Interface) design.


Read bvh as simple structure and modify channels

import bvhio
# Loads the file into a deserialized tree structure.
bvh = bvhio.readAsBvh('bvhio/tests/example.bvh')

# Iterate through joints for changes
for joint, index, depth in bvh.Root.layout():

    # Keep positons for the hip
    joint.Channels = ['Xposition', 'Yposition', 'Zposition'] if joint.Name == "Hips" else []

    # Set order for euler rotations
    # Bvhio will calculate the correct euler angles.
    # Partially given channels are also uspported.
    joint.Channels.extend(['Zrotation', 'Yrotation', 'Xrotation'])

# Stores the modified bvh
bvhio.writeBvh('test.bvh', bvh, percision=6)

Read bvh as transform hierarchy

import bvhio

# Reads the file into a transform tree structure and converts all data to build proper local and world spaces.
# This structure allows for extensive read of properties and spaces and does also support modifications of the animation.
root = bvhio.readAsHierarchy('bvhio/tests/example.bvh')

# load rest pose and print data
print('\nRest pose position and Y-direction of each joint in world space ')
for joint, index, depth in root.layout():
    print(f'{joint.PositionWorld} {joint.UpWorld} {joint.Name}')

# --------------------------- OUTPUT ---------------------------
# Hips
# +- Chest
# |  +- Neck
# |  |  +- Head
# |  +- LeftCollar
# |  |  +- LeftUpArm
# |  |     +- LeftLowArm
# |  |        +- LeftHand
# |  +- RightCollar
# |     +- RightUpArm
# |        +- RightLowArm
# |           +- RightHand
# +- LeftUpLeg
# |  +- LeftLowLeg
# |     +- LeftFoot
# +- RightUpLeg
#    +- RightLowLeg
#       +- RightFoot

# Rest pose position and Y-direction of each joint in world space
# vec3(            0,            0,            0 ) vec3(            0,            1,            0 ) Hips
# vec3(            0,         5.21,            0 ) vec3(            0,     0.997333,    0.0729792 ) Chest
# vec3(            0,        23.86,  1.19209e-07 ) vec3(            0,            1,            0 ) Neck
# vec3(            0,        29.31,  1.19209e-07 ) vec3(            0,            1,            0 ) Head
# vec3(         1.12,        21.44,         1.87 ) vec3(            1,  5.96046e-08,            0 ) LeftCollar
# vec3(         6.66,        21.44,         1.87 ) vec3(            0,           -1,            0 ) LeftUpArm
# vec3(         6.66,         9.48,         1.87 ) vec3(            0,           -1,            0 ) LeftLowArm
# vec3(         6.66,    -0.450002,         1.87 ) vec3(            0,           -1,            0 ) LeftHand
# vec3(        -1.12,        21.44,         1.87 ) vec3(           -1,  5.96046e-08,            0 ) RightCollar
# vec3(        -7.19,        21.44,         1.87 ) vec3(            0,           -1,            0 ) RightUpArm
# vec3(        -7.19,         9.62,         1.87 ) vec3(            0,           -1,            0 ) RightLowArm
# vec3(        -7.19,        -1.03,         1.87 ) vec3(            0,           -1,            0 ) RightHand
# vec3(         3.91,            0,            0 ) vec3(            0,           -1,            0 ) LeftUpLeg
# vec3(         3.91,       -18.34,            0 ) vec3(            0,           -1,            0 ) LeftLowLeg
# vec3(         3.91,       -35.71,            0 ) vec3(            0,           -1,            0 ) LeftFoot
# vec3(        -3.91,            0,            0 ) vec3(            0,           -1,            0 ) RightUpLeg
# vec3(        -3.91,       -17.63,            0 ) vec3(            0,           -1,            0 ) RightLowLeg
# vec3(        -3.91,       -34.77,            0 ) vec3(            0,           -1,            0 ) RightFoot

Bvh deserialized properties and methods

import bvhio

# Reads the file into a deserialized tree structure.
bvh = bvhio.readAsBvh('bvhio/tests/example.bvh')
print(f'Root: {bvh.Root}')
print(f'Frames: {bvh.FrameCount}')
print(f'Frame time: {bvh.FrameTime}')

# Properties of joints in the bvh tree structure.

# Calculated properties that depend on the hierarchy.

# --------------------------- OUTPUT ---------------------------
# Root: Hips
# Frames: 2
# Frame time: 0.033333

bvhio joint properties and methods

import bvhio

# The 'Joint' object allows for reading and modifing animations.
# Most of the functionality is based on the package 'spatial-transform'.
hierarchy = bvhio.readAsHierarchy('bvhio/tests/example.bvh')

# joints from the hierarchy can be selected by their name
joint = hierarchy.filter('Head')[0]

# Some methods and properties have been added to work with keyframe and joint data
joint.Keyframes         # list of local animation data
joint.loadPose(0)        # sets the transform data to a specific keyframe
joint.writePose(0)       # writes the current transform data into a keyframe
joint.roll(0)            # changes the rotation of a bone around its own axis without affcting the children

# Some methods do also update the keyframes to no destroy the animation data
# Please refer to the package 'spatial-transform' for their behaviour

Interacting with joints and animation

import bvhio

# The package allows to make modifcation on the animation data very conviniently.
root = bvhio.readAsHierarchy('bvhio/tests/example.bvh')

# Add a root bone to the hierarchy and set itself as 'root'.
root = bvhio.Joint('Root').attach(root, keep=['position', 'rotation', 'scale'])

# Scale so the data represent roughly meters, assuming the data is in inches.
# Because the scale is on the root and the rest pose, it is applied to all world space data.
root.RestPose.Scale = 0.0254

# this bakes the rest pos scale of 0.0254 into the positions,
# so that the scale can be reseted to 1 again.
root.applyRestposeScale(recursive=True, bakeKeyframes=True)

# tursn the animation by 180 degrees.
# Keep in mind that local keyframe and child rest pose data is still untouched.
root.RestPose.addEuler((0, 180, 0))

# Set all joints to the first keyframe.
# The animation pose is calculated by -> Pose = RestPose + Keyframe.

# print info
print('\nPosition and Y-direction of each joint in world space ')
for joint, index, depth in root.layout():
    print(f'{joint.PositionWorld} {joint.UpWorld} {joint.Name}')

# --------------------------- OUTPUT ---------------------------
# Position and Y-direction of each joint in world space
# vec3(            0,            0,            0 ) vec3(            0,            1,            0 ) Root
# vec3(    -0.203962,     0.889254,     -2.24434 ) vec3(   -0.0575126,     0.965201,    -0.255108 ) Hips
# vec3(    -0.211573,      1.01698,      -2.2781 ) vec3(   -0.0481175,     0.852046,     0.521251 ) Chest
# vec3(    -0.232769,      1.43762,     -2.06126 ) vec3(    -0.163858,     0.314978,     0.934847 ) Neck
# vec3(    -0.255451,      1.48122,     -1.93185 ) vec3(    -0.136333,     0.863658,     0.485292 ) Head
# vec3(    -0.203905,      1.36171,     -2.04548 ) vec3(     0.967669,     0.251636,   -0.0172419 ) LeftCollar
# vec3(   -0.0677384,      1.39712,     -2.04791 ) vec3(     0.901112,     0.170623,     0.398605 ) LeftUpArm
# vec3(     0.206005,      1.44895,     -1.92682 ) vec3(    -0.212169,    -0.689803,     0.692213 ) LeftLowArm
# vec3(     0.152491,      1.27497,     -1.75223 ) vec3(     -0.21588,    -0.681082,     0.699661 ) LeftHand
# vec3(    -0.260679,       1.3607,     -2.04907 ) vec3(    -0.953783,     0.278612,     -0.11258 ) RightCollar
# vec3(    -0.407731,      1.40366,     -2.06643 ) vec3(    -0.992285,     0.105528,    0.0650799 ) RightUpArm
# vec3(    -0.705642,      1.43534,     -2.04689 ) vec3(    -0.105734,     0.764633,     0.635733 ) RightLowArm
# vec3(    -0.734245,      1.64218,     -1.87492 ) vec3(    -0.117056,     0.781042,      0.61341 ) RightHand
# vec3(    -0.108093,      0.88812,     -2.27025 ) vec3(     0.182967,    -0.963475,    -0.195552 ) LeftUpLeg
# vec3(   -0.0228604,     0.439299,     -2.36134 ) vec3(    0.0743764,    -0.450022,    -0.889915 ) LeftLowLeg
# vec3(   0.00995436,      0.24075,     -2.75397 ) vec3(     0.085988,    -0.463928,     -0.88169 ) LeftFoot
# vec3(    -0.299832,     0.890388,     -2.21844 ) vec3(    -0.170185,    -0.858689,     0.483414 ) RightUpLeg
# vec3(    -0.376041,     0.505865,     -2.00197 ) vec3(    -0.135822,     -0.89424,    -0.426482 ) RightLowLeg
# vec3(    -0.435172,     0.116553,     -2.18764 ) vec3(    -0.188425,    -0.981787,    -0.024278 ) RightFoot

Compare pose data

import bvhio

root = bvhio.readAsHierarchy('bvhio/tests/example.bvh')
root = bvhio.Joint('Root', restPose=bvhio.Transform(scale=2.54)).attach(root)

# Load poses, then extract from all joints their position in world space.
pose0positions = [joint.PositionWorld for (joint, index, depth) in root.loadPose(0).layout()]
pose1positions = [joint.PositionWorld for (joint, index, depth) in root.loadPose(1).layout()]

print('Change in positions in centimeters between frame 0 and 1:')
for (joint, index, depth) in root.layout():
    print(f'{pose1positions[index] - pose0positions[index]} {joint.Name}')

# --------------------------- OUTPUT ---------------------------
# Change in positions in centimeters between frame 0 and 1:
# vec3(            0,            0,            0 ) Root
# vec3(    -0.558798,       0.2286,      -4.8006 ) Hips
# vec3(    -0.469618,     0.324989,     -5.21318 ) Chest
# vec3(     0.296169,     -1.28726,     -8.01178 ) Neck
# vec3(     0.350996,     -2.16693,     -8.26605 ) Head
# vec3(     0.161901,     -1.32426,     -7.49876 ) LeftCollar
# vec3(     0.790674,  0.000457764,     -10.1185 ) LeftUpArm
# vec3(      1.05577,      3.92007,     -8.26009 ) LeftLowArm
# vec3(     0.350739,      5.54311,     -9.92455 ) LeftHand
# vec3(     0.158957,     -1.40071,     -7.48221 ) RightCollar
# vec3(    -0.532215,     -1.32915,     -4.50168 ) RightUpArm
# vec3(    -0.389343,     -4.22717,     -4.83904 ) RightLowArm
# vec3(      2.33563,     -6.29668,     -6.45831 ) RightHand
# vec3(    -0.659554,     0.479576,     -5.20877 ) LeftUpLeg
# vec3(     -2.30601,    0.0990372,     -10.0871 ) LeftLowLeg
# vec3(      1.48517,     0.579193,     -9.71515 ) LeftFoot
# vec3(     -0.45804,    -0.022377,     -4.39243 ) RightUpLeg
# vec3(     0.278942,    -0.908985,     -2.43927 ) RightLowLeg
# vec3(     0.042263,      0.13649,    -0.323273 ) RightFoot

Convert between bvh and hierarchy structure

import bvhio

# load data as simple deserialized structure
bvhRoot = bvhio.readAsBvh('bvhio/tests/example.bvh').Root

# convert to a joint hierarchy
hierarchyRoot = bvhio.convertBvhToHierarchy(bvhRoot)

# convert them back to simple deserialized structure.
# the frame count needs to be given, and the max frame id is selected.
bvhRoot = bvhio.convertHierarchyToBvh(hierarchyRoot, hierarchyRoot.getKeyframeRange()[1] + 1)

# writes the data back into a .bvh file
bvhio.writeBvh('test.bvh', bvhio.BvhContainer(bvhRoot, len(bvhRoot.Keyframes), 1/30))

Isolate joints from the hierachy (remove root joint)

import bvhio

# load data
root = bvhio.readAsHierarchy('bvhio/tests/example.bvh')

# get the joint to isolate.
# if there is a root joint you want to remove,
# you probably want to filter for the hips.
chest = root.filter('Chest')[0]

# detach the joint from the parent and set a new root
# the restpose and keyframes are modified for this joint to match the original animation
root = chest.clearParent(keep=['position', 'rotation', 'scale', 'rest', 'anim'])

# store the subhierarchy as own file
bvhio.writeHierarchy('test.bvh', root, 1/30)

Interpolate between keyframes

import bvhio

# load data
root = bvhio.readAsHierarchy('bvhio/tests/example.bvh')

# scales the frame id of the two given frames.
# this will restult in the ids 0 and 100.
# frames without keyframe are linearly interpolated.
for joint, index, depth in root.layout():
    joint.Keyframes = [(frame * 100, key) for frame, key in joint.Keyframes]

# persists the interpolations automatically
bvhio.writeHierarchy('test.bvh', root, 1/30)

Merge BVH files

# You cannot merge different skeletons / hierarchies.
import bvhio

# load data
file1 = bvhio.readAsBvh('bvhio/tests/example.bvh')
file2 = bvhio.readAsBvh('bvhio/tests/example.bvh')

# get hierarchy of both files
data1 = file1.Root.layout()
data2 = file2.Root.layout()

# append the animation to the end of the original one
for joint, index, _ in data1:

# update framecount to write all animation
file1.FrameCount += file2.FrameCount

bvhio.writeBvh('test.bvh', file1, 4)

Create/build animations from code

import bvhio

# create custom hierarchy.
root = bvhio.Joint('Root', (0,2,0)).setEuler((0,0,0)).attach(
    bvhio.Joint('UpperLegL', (+.3,2.1,0)).setEuler((0,0,180)).attach(
        bvhio.Joint('LowerLegL', (+.3,1,0)).setEuler((0,0,180))
    bvhio.Joint('UpperLegR', (-.3,2.1,0)).setEuler((0,0,180)).attach(
        bvhio.Joint('LowerLegR', (-.3,1,0)).setEuler((0,0,180))

# sets current layout as rest pose

# change the pose of the hierarchy to save it alter as key frame
# this will add a rotation to each leg joint for left and right side
for joint in root.filter('LegL'):
    joint.Rotation *= bvhio.Euler.toQuatFrom((+0.523599,0,0))
for joint in root.filter('LegR'):
    joint.Rotation *= bvhio.Euler.toQuatFrom((-0.523599,0,0))

# Persists the current pose as pose.
# This will calculate the keyframe differences to the rest pose.
root.writePose(0, recursive=True)

# The rest pose is loaded first to have the base pose again, this is not necessary.

# Now the same thing again with other rotations two have two keyframes.
for joint in root.filter('LegL'):
    joint.Rotation *= bvhio.Euler.toQuatFrom((-0.523599,0,0))
for joint in root.filter('LegR'):
    joint.Rotation *= bvhio.Euler.toQuatFrom((+0.523599,0,0))

# persists the current pose again as new pose.
# All keyframes between the first and this pose are linearly interpolated.
root.writePose(20, recursive=True)

# store the animation
bvhio.writeHierarchy('test.bvh', root, 1/30, percision=4)

# --------------------------- OUTPUT (.bvh file) ---------------------------
# ROOT Root
# {
#   OFFSET 0.0 2.0 0.0
#   JOINT UpperLegL
#   {
#     OFFSET 0.3 0.1 0.0
#     CHANNELS 3 Zrotation Xrotation Yrotation
#     JOINT LowerLegL
#     {
#       OFFSET 0.0 -1.1 0.0
#       CHANNELS 3 Zrotation Xrotation Yrotation
#       End Site
#       {
#         OFFSET 0.0 -0.33 0.0
#       }
#     }
#   }
#   JOINT UpperLegR
#   {
#     OFFSET -0.3 0.1 0.0
#     CHANNELS 3 Zrotation Xrotation Yrotation
#     JOINT LowerLegR
#     {
#       OFFSET 0.0 -1.1 0.0
#       CHANNELS 3 Zrotation Xrotation Yrotation
#       End Site
#       {
#         OFFSET 0.0 -0.33 0.0
#       }
#     }
#   }
# }
# Frames: 21
# Frame Time: 0.03333333333333333
# -0.0 -30.0 -0.0 -0.0 -30.0 -0.0 -0.0 30.0 0.0 -0.0 30.0 0.0
# -0.0 -26.7437 -0.0 -0.0 -26.7437 -0.0 -0.0 26.7437 0.0 -0.0 26.7437 0.0
# -0.0 -23.5782 -0.0 -0.0 -23.5782 -0.0 -0.0 23.5782 0.0 -0.0 23.5782 0.0
# -0.0 -20.4873 -0.0 -0.0 -20.4873 -0.0 -0.0 20.4873 0.0 -0.0 20.4873 0.0
# -0.0 -17.4576 -0.0 -0.0 -17.4576 -0.0 -0.0 17.4576 0.0 -0.0 17.4576 0.0
# -0.0 -14.4775 -0.0 -0.0 -14.4775 -0.0 -0.0 14.4775 0.0 -0.0 14.4775 0.0
# -0.0 -11.537 -0.0 -0.0 -11.537 -0.0 -0.0 11.537 0.0 -0.0 11.537 0.0
# -0.0 -8.6269 -0.0 -0.0 -8.6269 -0.0 -0.0 8.6269 0.0 -0.0 8.6269 0.0
# -0.0 -5.7392 -0.0 -0.0 -5.7392 -0.0 -0.0 5.7392 0.0 -0.0 5.7392 0.0
# -0.0 -2.866 -0.0 -0.0 -2.866 -0.0 -0.0 2.866 0.0 -0.0 2.866 0.0
# -0.0 0.0 -0.0 -0.0 0.0 -0.0 -0.0 0.0 -0.0 -0.0 0.0 -0.0
# -0.0 2.866 0.0 -0.0 2.866 0.0 -0.0 -2.866 -0.0 -0.0 -2.866 -0.0
# -0.0 5.7392 0.0 -0.0 5.7392 0.0 -0.0 -5.7392 -0.0 -0.0 -5.7392 -0.0
# -0.0 8.6269 0.0 -0.0 8.6269 0.0 -0.0 -8.6269 -0.0 -0.0 -8.6269 -0.0
# -0.0 11.537 0.0 -0.0 11.537 0.0 -0.0 -11.537 -0.0 -0.0 -11.537 -0.0
# -0.0 14.4775 0.0 -0.0 14.4775 0.0 -0.0 -14.4775 -0.0 -0.0 -14.4775 -0.0
# -0.0 17.4576 0.0 -0.0 17.4576 0.0 -0.0 -17.4576 -0.0 -0.0 -17.4576 -0.0
# -0.0 20.4873 0.0 -0.0 20.4873 0.0 -0.0 -20.4873 -0.0 -0.0 -20.4873 -0.0
# -0.0 23.5782 0.0 -0.0 23.5782 0.0 -0.0 -23.5782 -0.0 -0.0 -23.5782 -0.0
# -0.0 26.7437 0.0 -0.0 26.7437 0.0 -0.0 -26.7437 -0.0 -0.0 -26.7437 -0.0
# -0.0 30.0 0.0 -0.0 30.0 0.0 -0.0 -30.0 -0.0 -0.0 -30.0 -0.0


Read, write, edit and create .bvh files with hierarchical 3D transforms

License:MIT License


Language:Python 80.4%Language:Jupyter Notebook 19.6%