golimpio / recipe-finder

Recipe Finder Exercise

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Recipe Finder

Build Status


Given a list of items in the fridge (presented as a csv list), and a collection of recipes (a collection of JSON formatted recipes), produce a recommendation for what to cook tonight.


1) Fridge CSV

Format: item, amount, unit, use-by


  • Item (string) = the name of the ingredient – e.g. egg)
  • Amount (int) = the amount
  • Unit (enum) = the unit of measure, values:
    • of (for individual items; eggs, bananas etc)
    • grams
    • ml (milliliters)
    • slices
  • Use-By (date) = the use by date of the ingredient (dd/mm/yy) 


peanut butter,250,grams,2/12/2014
mixed salad,150,grams,26/12/2013

2) Recipes JSON

Array of recipes with format specified as below:

  • name : String
  • ingredients[]
    • item : String
    • amount : int
    • unit : enum


[ {
  "name": "grilled cheese on toast",
  "ingredients": [
   { "item":"bread", "amount":"2", "unit":"slices"},
   { "item":"cheese", "amount":"2", "unit":"slices"}
} , {
  "name": "salad sandwich",
  "ingredients": [
   { "item":"bread", "amount":"2", "unit":"slices"},
   { "item":"mixed salad", "amount":"100", "unit":"grams"}
} ]


This application provides a lightweight RESTful API using the Java API for RESTful Web Services (JAX-RS) on top of an embedded Jetty (based on the Heroku template for JAX-RS).

A deployed version is running and hosted on: http://recipe-finder.herokuapp.com/




Target platforms

  • Heroku
  • Java stand alone application

Minimum requirements

  • Java 7
  • Maven 3

Running the application locally

First build with:

$ mvn clean package

Then run it with:

$ mvn exec:java -Dexec.mainClass="com.example.Main"

Alternatively, there is a run script at the project root folder:

$ ./run


The REST API can be accessed from: http://recipe-finder.herokuapp.com/services

There are two available services, both expose two operations:

  1. fridge (list stored items - GET)
  2. fridge/add (add new items to the fridge, replacing the existing ones - POST)
  3. recipes (list available recipes - GET)
  4. recipes/add (add new recipes to the fridge, replacing the existing ones - POST)

If the request succeeds, the response’s content type will be JSON.

Command line interface

The simplest way to access the service API from the command line is via CURL (a command line tool for transferring data with URL syntax).

Add new items to the fridge


curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: text/plain" -d $'bread,10,slices,25/12/2014\ncheese,5,slices,3/2/2015' http://recipe-finder.herokuapp.com/services/fridge/add

The response will be a JSON with a suggestion for dinner:

    "message": "Suggestion for dinner",
    "recipe": {
        "name": "grilled cheese on toast",
        "ingredients": [
                "item": "bread",
                "amount": 2,
                "unit": "slices"
                "item": "cheese",
                "amount": 2,
                "unit": "slices"

If there is no match for the ingredients in the fridge, a null recipe will be returned, e.g.

    "message": "Order Takeout",
    "recipe": null

Sending an invalid content will result on a status 400 (Bad Request) with the following message:

Failed to parse line 2. Item should have exactly 4 fields: [cheese, 5, slices, 3/2/2015, xxx]

List items added to the fridge


curl -X GET -H "Content-Type: application/json" http://recipe-finder.herokuapp.com/services/fridge


        "item": "bread",
        "amount": 10,
        "unit": "slices",
        "useBy": "25/12/2014"
        "item": "cheese",
        "amount": 5,
        "unit": "slices",
        "useBy": "3/2/2015"

Add new recipes


curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d $'[ { "name": "grilled cheese on toast", "ingredients": [ { "item":"bread", "amount":"2", "unit":"slices"}, { "item":"cheese", "amount":"2", "unit":"slices"} ] } , { "name": "salad sandwich", "ingredients": [ { "item":"bread", "amount":"2", "unit":"slices"}, { "item":"mixed salad", "amount":"100", "unit":"grams"} ] } ]' http://recipe-finder.herokuapp.com/services/recipes/add

The response will be the same as described for the fridge service.

List all recipes


curl -X GET -H "Content-Type: application/json" http://recipe-finder.herokuapp.com/services/recipes


        "name": "grilled cheese on toast",
        "ingredients": [
                "item": "bread",
                "amount": 2,
                "unit": "slices"
                "item": "cheese",
                "amount": 2,
                "unit": "slices"
        "name": "salad sandwich",
        "ingredients": [
                "item": "bread",
                "amount": 2,
                "unit": "slices"
                "item": "mixed salad",
                "amount": 100,
                "unit": "grams"

Sending a file instead

If you have a large amount of items to send, they can be uploaded from a file. See examples below.

Sending fridge items from a file located at ‘/tmp/items.txt’:
curl -X POST -H "Content-Type:text/plain" --data-binary "$(</tmp/items.txt)" http://recipe-finder.herokuapp.com/services/fridge/add
Sending recipes from a file located at ‘/tmp/recipes.json’:
curl -X POST -H "Content-Type:application/json" --data-binary "$(</tmp/recipes.json)" http://recipe-finder.herokuapp.com/services/recipes/add


Recipe Finder Exercise


Language:JavaScript 69.5%Language:Java 22.8%Language:HTML 6.0%Language:CSS 1.7%