goliatone / waterline-to-json-schema

Convert Waterline model definition to JSON schema

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

WaterlineJS to JSON schema converter

Convert Waterline model definitions to JSON schema. You can then use this generated JSON with tools such as core.io-cli-view-generator.


This library provides a cli utility, waterline-schema, with two commands:

  • collect
  • generate
waterline-schema 0.2.1 - WaterlineJS to JSON schema generator


  waterline-schema <command> [options]


  collect [source] [output]       Collect metadata from waterline models and generates a JSON schema file
  generate [source] [output]      Generate schema from model data                                        
  help <command>                  Display help for a specific command                                    


  -h, --help         Display help                                      
  -V, --version      Display version                                   
  --no-color         Disable colors                                    
  --quiet            Quiet mode - only displays warn and error messages
  -v, --verbose      Verbose mode - will also output debug messages   


Collect will go over all files in a given directory and generate a JSON file with all the model definitions. Note that for now, the command relies on the models exposing an schema object.

const schema = {
    identity: 'user',
    attributes: {
        id: {
            type: 'text',
            primaryKey: true
        name: {
            type: 'string',
            label: 'Name'

const Model = Waterline.Collection.extend(schema);

module.exports = Model;
module.exports.schema = schema;


The generate command will take a JSON file with definitions of Waterline models, turn it into a valid JSON schema object, and save it to a file.


  • Do swagger output from schema?
  • Remove "required": [] if empty.
  • Identify primary key
    • if not pk show warning.
  • generate report with:
    • errors
    • warnings
  • Filter out fields or mark them as private?
    • password field, we don't want to show in GUI but want to have in Swagger
  • inputs
    • form:
      • ensure we have a default for items or provide one


Convert Waterline model definition to JSON schema


Language:JavaScript 96.9%Language:Shell 3.1%