goldsborough / bloom-cpp

:mag: A header-only bloom filter implementation in C++14.

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A header-only bloom filter implementation in C++14

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A Bloom::Filter is parameterized by a size n and the number of hash functions k to use for each insertion or query operation. Use put(key) to add a value to the filter and query(key) to test for membership.

#include <bloom/filter.hpp>

// 32 bits, 3 hash functions.
Bloom::Filter filter(32, 3);


assert(filter.query(42)); // guaranteed
assert(filter.query("string")); // guaranteed
assert(filter.query(123.456)); // maybe!

filter.clear(); // unset all entries

Notice that the filter is not parameterized by any (template) type, since a bloom filter generally does not store any values. Instead, put() and query() both take a Bloom::Slice -- a simple abstraction over a blob of bytes, i.e. a pointer and a size. Specialize the Bloom::Sliceable trait for your own type to make it usable throughout the library:

namespace Bloom {
template<> struct Sliceable<MyType> {
  Slice to_slice(const MyType& value) const {
    return {, value.size_in_bytes()};
} // namespace Bloom

Bloom::Filter filter(32, 3);

Instead of passing the number of hash functions explicitly, you can also use one of Bloom::Options factory methods to compute the optimal number given either an expected false positive rate, or expected number of inserted values:

Bloom::Filter filter1(Bloom::Options::ForFalsePositiveRate(/*size=*/100, /*fp=*/0.2)); // k = 3
Bloom::Filter filter2(Bloom::Options::ForExpectedCount(/*size=*/100, /*expected_count=*/20)); // k = 4

Finally, the library also provides Bloom::StaticFilter which takes the size and hash count as (non-type) template parameters. Bloom::StaticFilter does not incur any heap allocations for its internal storage. The API is the same as Bloom::Filter.

#include <bloom/static-filter.hpp>

Bloom::StaticFilter<32, 3> filter;


The documentation for this project can be built by running doxygen from within the docs/ folder. This will generate a build/html folder that contains the doxygen HTML output.


The library is header only, so you can simply point your include path at the include/ folder.

If you are using CMake, you can also link against the bloom target, which has the correct include paths configured in its interface properties. For example:

target_link_libraries(my-target bloom)


If you would like to contribute to this library, you will likely want to build the tests. For this, run the following commands starting at the project root:

mkdir build && cd build
cmake ..
make -j

This will generate a bloom-test binary that contains the tests. The cmake command will also download googletest on which the tests depend.

There is also a clang-tidy target you can use to run [clang-tidy] over the codebase. For this you should pass -DCMAKE_EXPORT_COMPILE_COMMANDS=ON to the cmake command above. For example:

mkdir build && cd build
make -j
make clang-tidy


This project is released under the MIT License. For more information, see the LICENSE file.


:mag: A header-only bloom filter implementation in C++14.

License:MIT License


Language:C++ 88.9%Language:CMake 11.1%