goldenwalden / DeepEarnings

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


This is a project which attempts to model whether a company will beat or miss earnings announcements based on previous financial data, sentiment analysis, and stock price movement using deep learning. For example, will the amount of long-term debt impact next quarters earnings? How about the amount of R&D spent? Do increases in volume contain information about upcoming earnings announcements? Deep learning pulls out complex, non-linear statistical dependencies in the data between every variable that are otherwise unobservable to humans. The end-goal is to develop trading strategies through reinforcement learning to develop a profitable algorithm.

Feel free to also use these methods to gather earnings or 10Q/10K data. Also please message me with any questions or comments :)

Current Performance Baseline bias is the natural bias in the data for a company to beat earnings.

Data Features Model Baseline Bias Train Acc Test Acc Num Samples Time Range
Compustat IQ Fundamentals Quarterly 2 Layer NN 57.50% 71.11% 66.91% 56621 2010-2020
OHCLV 30 prior to earnings biLSTM 56.84% 58.89% 58.34% 81549 2010-2020
10Q/10K Sentiment 5 Layer NN 57.24% 59.60% 58.82% 52918 2010-2020

Looking for collaborators / to-do list

Feel free to reach out to me if you're interested in collaborating. I'm looking for people who are experienced traders who might know how to develop trading strategies off of this. I'm also looking for people who have an interest in machine learning with finance applications. Future ideas:

  1. Use LSTMs/RNNs to track OHLCLV + technical indicators before earnings (I've sorta tried this and it sorta works, need to clean it up before I commit). Improve LSTM hyperparameters and add technical indicators
  2. Use advanced NLP methods on 10Q/10K datasets
  3. Use reinforcement learning to develop trading strategies
  4. Use alternative data (Google trends)
  5. Find and use options data

Getting Started

This project uses the R package "edgar" to scrape SEC 10Q/10K filings for sentiment analysis. You also need basic things like Pandas, scikit, and numpy. The neural networks will be built using Keras. I'm using PyCharm for everything so just download that and you can clone the repo. Also PyCharm will let you run R scripts.

You're going to need a text file "list_cik.txt" which contains a list of company tickers and CIK numbers. This list will provide the companies to the get_ZacksEarnings.R to scrape. If you don't plan on doing sentiment analysis, you don't need the CIK numbers.

Gathering the data

Scraping earnings

Because I couldn't find access to consensus estimates for earnings easily, I scraped for their earnings. For example, data are scraped from this link:

Run this in your terminal:

Rscript get_ZacksEarnings.R

This will create a directory "DirtyZacksEarnings" where it stores each earnings for a company in a text file.

Financial data

I have access to Compustat North American Wharton Research Data Service through my university. I don't think I'm allowed to share that data set because of their terms and conditions. If you do have access yourself, you can get this data set by querying Compustat - Capital IQ / Compustat / North America Daily / Fundamentals Quarterly through Wharton Research Data Services. For the variables, select all of them.

If you don't have access to this data set, I recommend this free API I'm not sure how reliable this website is, but it's hard to come by free financial data. IEXCloud is probably another good choice, but it is not free after you hit a certain number of requests. Also if you're a beast, you could manually get this data directly from the 10Q/10K documents themselves. If you do end up using an alternative method, then you'll have customize your own script to clean the data you gather.

This is the main chunk of data upon which the algorithm is trained on. The algorithm will receive data from balance sheets, cash flow, debt, and much more, from the previous quarter. From these data, the algorithm will try to predict if the company will beat earnings or not.

CRSP stock data

I have access to CRSP Stock Prices Wharton Research Data Service through my university. There are alternatives like pyfinance to get daily stock prices. You can replicate my query by doing: CRSP / Quarterly UpdateStock / Security Files / CRSP Daily Stock. For the desired variables: Company Name, Ticker, Price, Share Volume, Open Price, Ask or High, Bid or Low, Closing Bid, Closing Ask, Return without Dividends.

Downloading 10Q/10K files and sentiment analysis

Again this will require the text file "list_cik.txt". I'm using the R package "edgar", which to me as been the easiest way to scrap SEC filings. This package requires a CIK number to scrape filings from. The current sentiment analysis built in to the edgar package is very simple. It just counts the number of positive/negative business words. More advanced NLP methods would obviously be better, but I haven't gotten around to that.

Rscript get_SecSentiment.R

Cleaning the Data

The data is converted to a Pandas data frame which has dates as the indexes. The time ranges are hardcoded to only be from 01/2008 - 01/2021 so if you're using data before hand or you're a time traveler then you need to change those in the script.

Clean earnings

After you have run the R script which gathers the earnings from, you can now run the script to clean these text files into a Pandas data frame:


This will make a data frame formatted like so. These are a few earnings from AAPL:

Quarter (index for the df) DateAnnounced Estimate Reported Surprise pctSurprise AMC
2019Q2 2019-07-30 00:00:00 2.1 2.18 0.08 3.80952 True
2019Q3 2019-10-30 00:00:00 2.84 3.03 0.19 6.69014 True
2019Q4 2020-01-28 00:00:00 4.54 4.99 0.45 9.91189 True
2020Q1 2020-04-30 00:00:00 2.09 2.55 0.46 22.0096 True

Clean Compustat data

The queried compustat data is a long tab delimited text file with all of the dates and companies stacked on top of each other.


This will make a data frame formatted like so. These are a few entries for the Compustat Fundamentals Quarterly for AAPL. For example, mkvaltq is the market capitalization.

Quarter (index for the df) gvkey datadate fyearq fqtr fyr indfmt ... mkvaltq prccq prchq prclq adjex spcseccd
2019Q2 001690 20190630 2019 3 9 INDL ... 896853.6984 197.9200 215.3100 170.2700 1.0000 940
2019Q3 001690 20190930 2019 4 9 INDL ... 995151.5669 223.9700 226.4200 192.5800 1.0000 940
2019Q4 001690 20191231 2020 1 9 INDL ... 1287643.2104 293.6500 293.9700 215.1320 1.0000 940
2020Q1 001690 20200331 2020 2 9 INDL ... 1099546.6542 254.2900 327.8500 212.6100 1.0000 940

Clean CRSP stock data

Similar process to cleaning the Compustat data.

Date permno date ticker comnam bidlo ... vol bid ask openprc retx
2010-01-05 14593 20100105 AAPL APPLE INC 213.25000 ... 22082278 214.35001 214.38000 214.60001 0.001729
2010-01-06 14593 20100106 AAPL APPLE INC 210.75000 ... 20396105 210.92999 210.94000 214.38000 -0.015906
2010-01-07 14593 20100107 AAPL APPLE INC 209.05000 ... 17628746 210.53999 210.52000 211.75000 -0.001849
2010-01-08 14593 20100108 AAPL APPLE INC 209.06000 ... 16553861 211.96001 212.00000 210.30000 0.006648
2010-01-09 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN ... NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN
2010-01-10 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN ... NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN
2010-01-11 14593 20100111 AAPL APPLE INC 208.45000 ... 17085997 210.02000 210.13000 212.80000 -0.008822

Clean sentiment data

Same thing as above, must have ran the get_SecSentiment.R script before this one.


This will make a data frame formatted like so. These are a few entries for the sentiment analysis for AAPL. For example, lmWeakCnt are the number of Loughran-McDonald weak words in the 10Q/10K document.

Quarter (index for the df) CIK CompanyName FormType DateFiled ... lmWeakCnt lmUncerCnt lmLitigCnt harvNegCnt
2019Q2 320193 Apple Inc 10-Q 2019-07-31 ... 157 367 236 1356
2019Q3 320193 Apple Inc 10-K 2019-10-31 ... 177 438 265 1666
2019Q4 320193 Apple Inc 10-Q 2020-01-29 ... 44 147 93 641
2020Q1 320193 Apple Inc 10-Q 2020-05-01 ... 47 153 97 831

Training the networks

This current iteration does not incorporate the sentiment analysis. I've tried it and it does not increase accuracy substantially, however I will be adding it back in the future for completeness.

Multilayer perceptron for compustat quarterly financial data


Financial data is messy because comapanies may omit certain financial data fields (Apple may not have reported their good will for example). KNN imputation is a method used to fill in missing nan values based on closer points according to some distance metric. This may or may not be a valid assumption for certain data fields.

The data are also scaled by the market capitalization of every company to allow fair comparisons between companies' financial data.

The data are also whitened (zero mean and unit variance across features) which can improve neural network training.


The data set contains 56621 samples after cleaning. Train:test:validation set are split 0.8:0.1:0.1.

The network will contain two hidden layers with 250 hidden units each implented using Keras. SeLU activations were chosen opposed to ReLU for better performance. l2 regularization and dropout layers also reduced overfitting and improved test accuracy.


LSTM for OHLCV data


Most stock price data is clean. 30 trading days worth of data before the announced earnings date are used as features for the LSTM. Each feature is normalized across time within each sample. Otherwise Volume would be several orders of magnitude higher than every other feature). This way, The LSTM will be forced to learn statistics about the dynamics of the OHLCV movement.

Additionally, "background" market data in the form of SPY will be added for each time frame. This may give an indication of how the market is doing in general.


A single biLSTM layer with 10 hidden units is used along with a dropout layer to reduce overfitting.

Future directions will be to add more technical indicators. As you can see from the plots, the accuracy isn't too great, and the parameters definitely need tuning. Including the background SPY data definitely helps.


Multilayer perceptron for sentiment data


All of the LM word counts were divided by the total number of words in the 10Q/10K document to create a frequency for the occurence of certain word categories. The samples were normalized across features so that each feature had zero mean and unit variance for improved neural network training.


SeLU layers were doing some weird stuff where the validation accuracy was higher than the training accuracy. 5 ReLU layers were used instead. Also RMSprop over Adam made nicer looking training plots.




Language:Python 93.0%Language:R 7.0%