goldenboy / geo

Small, fast & simple JavaScript mapping and geo API as a jQuery plugin

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jQuery Geo

After years of internal development, we are pleased to bring our JavaScript map widget and spatial analysis tools to the open-source world in the form of a jQuery plugin.

Getting Started

Using jQuery Geo requires adding one element, including one script (apart from jQuery itself) and calling one function. The following copy-and-paste snippet will help you get started.

<div id="map" style="height: 320px;"></div>
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
  $(function() {
    $( "#map" ).geomap( ); // you've got a map!

You can also download the latest release as a minified JavaScript file or a full, uncompressed one.


The latest docs are hosted at:

Release and other announcements via @jQueryGeo on Twitter:

News and smaller updates via @ryanttb on Twitter:


In lieu of a formal styleguide, take care to maintain the existing coding style. Add unit tests for any new or changed functionality. Lint and test your code using grunt.

Release History


  • examples - drawing markers
  • geomap - ie8 - [bug] graphics do not resize with window
  • examples - kml points
  • docs - geomap - default action for shift option should be dragBox in dragBox mode
  • geomap - default action for shift option should be dragBox in dragBox mode
  • geomap - don't empty graphics on map interaction
  • geographics - build labels in background, replace html once
  • geomap - [bug] sometimes interaction with other elements doesn't work right on a page with a map
  • geographics - don't empty labels on map interaction

1.0b1.1 (2012-08-24)

  • geomap - [bug] shingled deferred services lose img elements when changing scales slowly
  • geomap - [bug] shapes don't render on smaller windows when zoomed in
  • geomap - [bug] changing the zoom & center options at the same time does not zoom to the correct location

1.0b1 (2012-07-30)

  • geographics - use canvas compositing for Polygons with holes
  • geographics - [bug] on polygons with holes, stroke draws a line from exterior ring to interior one
  • docs - geomap - trigger a shape event when a user finishes measuring
  • geomap - trigger a shape event when a user finishes measuring
  • geomap - [bug] elements inside the map div lose their position setting
  • geomap - trigger bboxchange when we update the map size after the window resizes
  • geomap - [bug] multiple map widgets share the same compiled measureLabels template names and overwrite each other
  • examples - inset map/multiple maps example
  • geomap - [bug] in zoom mode, dragging from bottom-right to top-left draws box but doesn't zoom
  • geomap - [bug] any mouse down triggers refresh, even without pan
  • cdn - fix caching ** Cache-Control header max-age set to 5 years ** remove Expires header
  • geomap - upgrade to jsrender 1.0pre
  • deploy - build releases using grunt
  • deploy - make a package for new jQuery plugin directory **
  • deploy - lint JavaScript files
  • docs - geomap - dragBbox mode
  • docs - geo - polygonize function for bbox
  • geo - polygonize function for bbox
  • geomap - dragBbox mode
  • docs - geomap - shift option (default, zoom, dragBbox, off)
  • geomap - shift option (default, zoom, dragBbox, off)
  • docs - geomap - loadstart, loadend events
  • docs - geomap - allow append to take an array of shapes
  • docs - geomap - allow remove to take an array of shapes
  • docs - geomap - improve services option documentation
  • geomap - clamp measure labels to [0, 0]
  • geo - clamp centroid to bbox
  • geomap - measure label for polygon should be in centroid
  • geomap - merge interactive pan and zoom into one, faster system (pan/zoom rewrite)
  • geomap - [bug] iOS - panning is visually jumpy but settles on the correct bbox in the end
  • geomap - pinch-zoom doesn't follow user's fingers close enough when scaling
  • geomap - [bug] pinch zoom on iPad 2 (iOS 5) doesn't refresh tiles when zooming out
  • geomap - request new image in shingled service during interactive pan
  • geomap - [bug] zoom in more than once with zoom method moves tiles to the wrong spot
  • geomap - [bug] only services that have finished refreshing move when the user pans
  • geomap - [bug] map panning is jumpy, appears to be related to shapes and/or drawing context
  • geomap - [bug] pan sometimes lags on first drag
  • geomap - tiled data-scaleOrigin should be stored as an array
  • geomap - android - [bug] cannot always pan map after appending shapes
  • geomap - android - browser stops pan/zoom after 7 logos on logo demo
  • geomap - [bug] mouse wheel on bad or missing tile doesn't zoom out on first rotate
  • geomap - increase mobile performance by 9000
  • docs - geomap - add argument to refresh to force reload of images for dynamic data
  • docs - geomap - allow service-level refresh
  • docs - geomap - zoomMax option (tiled & shingled)
  • docs - geo - include method for bbox
  • geomap - bboxMax should reset center & pixelSize
  • geomap - [bug] initializing center, zoom, & bbox doesn't set all properties
  • geo - [bug] polygonize doesn't return valid polygon when using geodetic coordinates
  • geomap - [bug] dragBbox doesn't include the bbox property in the shape
  • geomap - dragBbox should send a Point (with bbox) for single clicks
  • docs - geomap - dragCircle mode
  • geo - include method for bbox
  • geomap - dragCircle mode
  • geomap - [regression] refresh & toggle methods no longer keep original service objects in sync
  • geomap - [bug] when a singled image hasn't loaded after pan and you double click on empty space, the zoomed bbox seems wrong
  • geomap - allow service-level refresh
  • geographics - remove the blit canvas from the DOM, i.e., don't attach
  • geomap - don't initialze service-level geographics until they're used
  • geomap - add argument to refresh to force reload of images (in case of dynamic data)
  • geomap - loadstart, loadend events
  • geomap - allow append to take an array of shapes
  • geomap - allow remove to take an array of shapes
  • geomap - zoomMax option
  • geomap - [bug] cannot interact with other elements on the page on iOS after panning the map (#71)
  • geomap - iOS - [bug] after one finger is removed, stop processing as if multitouch is still on
  • geomap - dumb high-precision mice down on tiled maps ** otherwise, the high precision rounds down to zero change in zoom
  • geomap - use linear distance for pinch zoom calculation
  • docs - geomap - zoomMin option
  • geomap - zoomMin option
  • docs - geomap - use MapQuest Open by default; can't deny that it looks much nicer
  • geomap - use MapQuest Open by default; can't deny that it looks much nicer
  • docs - geomap - rename dragBbox to dragBox
  • geomap - rename dragBbox to dragBox
  • geomap - [bug] error using tiled deferred services

1.0a4 (2012-02-19)

  • geomap - [bug] changing the tilingScheme doesn't update pixelSize, maxPixelSize, center or centerMax
  • geomap - [bug] shingled services throw exception during resize
  • docs - geomap - axisLayout option
  • geomap - axisLayout option
  • docs - upgrade to jQuery Mobile rc3
  • docs - allow page refreshing
  • docs - geomap - more modes: measureDistance, measureArea, static
  • docs - geomap - append label argument
  • docs - geomap - toPixel/toMap should take all coordinate dimensions like the proj functions
  • geomap - toPixel/toMap should take all coordinate dimensions like the proj functions
  • geomap - move the drawing container instead of individual points during pan
  • geomap - [bug] drawStyle resets after window resize
  • geomap - append label argument
  • docs - geomap - measureLabels option
  • geomap - measureLabels option
  • geomap - measureDistance mode
  • geomap - measureArea mode
  • docs - geomap - service-level shapeStyle
  • docs - geomap - getUrl string option
  • geomap - [bug] create doesn't clear drawing shapes
  • docs - geomap - service-level shapes
  • docs - geo - detect geodetic coordinates and call $.geo.proj automatically, don't require devs to set $.geo.proj to null
  • docs - geomap - add projection section explaining how bbox & center affect map unit type
  • docs - geomap - rename getUrl to src
  • docs - geomap - scroll option
  • docs - geomap - pannable option
  • geomap - src string option
  • examples - string service src
  • geomap - [bug] map tracks mouse when not panning if click on other elements
  • geomap - pannable option
  • geomap - scroll option
  • geomap - [bug] shapesContainer is being cleared twice during mouse wheel zoom
  • geomap - support pinch zoom on iOS
  • docs - geo - add recenter function for bbox
  • geomap - static mode
  • docs - geomap - allow Deferred or Promise as return value from src function
  • geomap - [bug] widget factory merges first service with default sometimes causing exceptions with shingled services
  • geomap - allow Deferred or Promise as return value from src function
  • geomap - [bug] resize event triggered too many times during resize
  • geomap - service-level shapes
  • geomap - service-level find
  • geographics - add a resize method, call from geomap.resize
  • geo - add recenter function for bbox
  • geomap - [bug] errors creating second un-tiled map after destroying a first on same element
  • geomap - refresh shouldn't request new images if the map element is hidden
  • geomap - [bug] delayed multitouch isn't nearly as smooth as true multitouch
  • geomap - [bug] tiled pinch zoom isn't smooth
  • geo - detect geodetic coordinates and call $.geo.proj automatically, don't require devs to set $.geo.proj to null
  • geomap - [bug] mouse wheel doesn't work with jQuery 1.7 ** upgrade to latest jquery.mousewheel plugin
  • geomap - service object visibility and opacity options should be moved to a style property
  • geomap - use currentServices in all functions unless we actually need to update the public options services object
  • geomap - don't change user's service objects in opacity/toggle
  • geomap - show attr text
  • docs - geomap - selector argument to find method
  • geomap - selector argument to find method
  • geomap - pan mode should use a hand cursor by default
  • geomap - [bug] only services that have finished refreshing move when the user pans ** for a4: hide unfinished services
  • geomap - [bug] a user can mess with the center option, e.g., convert numbers to strings, and it can wreck havoc with map state
  • geomap - [bug] zoom option doesn't return proper values for shingled services
  • geomap - [bug] non-tiled maps can zoom out past zoom 0
  • geomap - don't request tiles that are -y index
  • geomap - [bug] initializing tiled map by non-geodetic bbox always causes zoom level 0
  • docs - geomap - empty string needed for label element
  • geomap - label divs should have class="geo-label" & style="position: absolute;"
  • geomap - [bug] double tap to end shapes adds two points before ending the shape, in different places
  • geomap - [bug] lifting fingers after pinch zoom in drawLineString or drawPolygon modes sometimes adds fake visual coordinate on touch point last lifted
  • docs - upgrade to jQuery 1.7.2
  • geomap - [bug] scroll=off doesn't zoom map but also doesn't allow document scroll
  • geomap - [bug] changing mode does not reset measure drawing
  • geomap - [bug] jQuery UI Widget Factory no longer passes pageX & pageY event properties during trigger when using jQuery 1.7 ** upgrade to Widget Factory 1.8.17
  • examples - all demo (shingled)
  • docs - geomap - custom modes
  • examples - all demo (tiled)

1.0a3 (2011-11-01)

  • docs - geomap - more modes: zoom, drawPoint, drawLineString, drawPolygon
  • geomap - [bug] tiles do not show when pixel sizes are near or lower than 1.0
  • geo - cache bbox as geoBbox to match namespacing convention started by jQuery Mobile
  • docs - geo - initial bbox operations: center, height/width, expandBy, scaleBy & reaspect functions
  • docs - geo - initial geometry operations: bbox, distance, contains, centroid
  • docs - geomap - shape event
  • docs - geomap - refresh argument in append, remove & empty
  • docs - geomap - document the resize method
  • docs - launch
  • docs - upgrade to jQuery Mobile b3
  • docs - services - remove id property, explain the class property
  • docs - rename getPixelSize to just pixelSize
  • docs - services - change visible to visibility so it matches shapeStyle & CSS
  • docs - geomap - allow child selector syntax to target service elements with toggle & opacity methods
  • geomap - split servieTypes to different files
  • geomap - add data-geo-service to all service container elements, set to type of service
  • geomap - add data-geo-map to map divs initialized with geomap, remove on destroy
  • geomap - allow child selector syntax to target service elements with toggle & opacity methods
  • geomap - [bug] toggle does not refresh the map services being shown for the first time
  • geomap - [bug] destroy keeps window resize handler
  • geomap - [bug] destroy erases content originally inside map div
  • geomap - serviceType objects' destroy method isn't being called
  • geomap - [bug] destroyed geomaps remember appended shapes
  • docs - geomap - zoom method
  • geomap - zoom method
  • geo - calculate bbox in projected coordinates
  • docs - proj - mention that Geodetic methods can also do bbox
  • geo - geometry - bbox function
  • docs - geomap - destroy method
  • geo - bbox - center function
  • geo - bbox - height/width function
  • geo - bbox - expandBy function
  • geo - bbox - scaleBy function
  • geo - bbox - reaspect function
  • docs - geomap - drawStyle option
  • geomap - [bug] shapeStyle not maintained after resize
  • geomap - [bug] second drag while in inertial pan causes map to jump back
  • geomap - drawPoint mode
  • geomap - drawLineString mode
  • geomap - refreshShapes should check bbox cache before drawing
  • geomap - drawPolygon mode
  • geomap - port zoom mode
  • geomap - port shift-zoom mode for pan & draw modes
  • geo - geometry - distance function
  • examples - distance
  • geomap - rename getPixelSize to just pixelSize
  • geomap - [bug] zoom method doesn't work with shingled map
  • geomap - store service state data as jQuery data on serviceContainer element
  • geo - geometry - contains function
  • geomap - rename service.visible to visibility having either "visible" or "hidden" values
  • geo - geometry - centroid function
  • geomap - make service id property optional, add HTML id to serviceContainer if present
  • geomap - append should cache the shape's bbox (instead of the bbox function)
  • geomap - remove should remove the shape's bbox cache
  • geomap - empty should remove the bbox cache for all shapes
  • geomap - make the refresh argument in append public, add one to remove & empty
  • geomap - disable shape redraw during interactive zoom if more than 255 shapes
  • geomap - [bug] shape bbox culling hides shapes that are partially on screen & should be drawn
  • docs - geomap - make pixelSize a read-only option instead of a function
  • geomap - make pixelSize a read-only option instead of a function
  • docs - geomap - make shapeStyle an option
  • geomap - make shapeStyle an option
  • examples - rewrite shapeStyle example

1.0a2.5 (2011-08-03)

  • geomap - find - [bug] does not handle GeoJSON features
  • geomap - find - allow for 0 pixel tolerance
  • geomap - find - check for bbox on non-Point geometries before getting too specific
  • geo - bbox - cache shape bboxes
  • docs - do not suggest that it's ok to change the geometry now that we're caching bbox
  • geomap - jsperf test of bbox query vs. geom query on point data
  • geographics - [bug] 0 opacity acts as full opacity
  • geomap - add opacity to service type objects & call from geomap's opacity method
  • geomap - add toggle to service type objects & call from geomap's toggle method
  • geo.proj - update bundled web mercator projection code (removed 150 lines of code)
  • geomap - auto-handle window resize events
  • docs/geomap - scale map according to cursor location instead of re-centering during double-click zoom
  • geomap - iOS - [bug] second tap can be anywhere & cause a zoom
  • geomap - shingled - [bug] map doesn't resize correctly
  • examples - geomap drawStyle option

1.0a2 (2011-06-29)

  • geomap - Support dynamic map services
  • geomap - [BUG] geomap causes a script error if jQuery UI is already included
  • docs - Document shape methods
  • geomap - [BUG] Port of soft double-click does not work
  • geomap - [BUG] Cannot see dev-supplied inner content if not set to rel/abs position
  • geomap - Add mobile test page
  • geographics - Port graphic code from internal control
  • geomap - Implement append method
  • geographics - drawArc should use style's width and height and only take center as an argument
  • geomap - Document and implement the public refresh method
  • geomap - Implement shapeStyle method
  • geographics - Draw points as rounded rectangles via width, height & borderRadius properties on shapeStyle, drop oval functionality
  • geomap - Remove the pixels property from position events and add the type property to make the event argument a true GeoJSON Point
  • proj - support up to four dimentional array to convert MultiPolygon coordinates in one shot
  • proj - add functions to convert individual positions that developers can re-implement for their own projection
  • geomap - implement remove method
  • geomap - implement find method
  • geomap - [bug] toPixel should round pixel values
  • geomap - [bug] GeometryCollection shapes do not draw with their parent shape's style
  • geomap - implement empty method

1.0a1 (2011-05-09)

  • docs - Document a new interface to our internal map control
  • geomap - Port interactive map widget base to jQuery UI widget factory
  • geomap - Support tiled map services


Copyright (c) 2012 Applied Geographics, Inc. Project lead by Ryan Westphal Licensed under the MIT, GPL licenses.


Small, fast & simple JavaScript mapping and geo API as a jQuery plugin

License:GNU General Public License v2.0