gokulkrishh / Tools-I-use

A collection of tools and applications I use for Frontend Development

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Tools I use

A list of tools and applications I use for Frontend Developement

Table of Contents

  1. Browsers
  2. Browser Extensions
  3. Text Editors
  4. Terminal
  5. Git
  6. Perf Tools


Desktop Browser

  1. Chrome Canary - Mac & Windows
  2. Chrome - Mac, Windows, Ubuntu
  3. Firefox Developer Edition - Mac, Windows, Linux
  4. Firefox - Mac, Windows, Linux
  5. Safari - Mac
  6. IE - Windows

Mobile Browser - Android

  1. Chrome Beta
  2. Chrome
  3. Firefox

Mobile Browser - iOS

  1. Safari
  2. Chrome

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Browser Extensions


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Text Editors

  1. Sublime Text 3 - MAC, Windows, Ubuntu
  2. Atom Editor - MAC, Windows (My current editor, love it)

Sublime plugins & themes

Atom plugins & themes

  • Theme - Material UI - Theme based on google's Material Design (current theme in my atom editor)
  • Run HTML in browser - Run your html pages in browser
  • Reload on save - Automatic reload on file save (Must have plugin)
  • Color Picker - Right click or press CMD-SHIFT-C/CTRL-ALT-C to open picker
  • ReactJS - ReactJS (JSX) language support, indentation, snippets, auto completion, reformatting
  • Local Server Express - Serve current project via Express.
  • Emmet - the essential tool for web developers.

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  1. oh my zsh - MAC, Windows, Ubuntu terminal

oh my zsh plugins & themes & configs



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  1. GIT Terminal - MAC, Windows, Ubuntu


Perf Tools

Performance testing

  • Webpagetest - Test a website's performance
  • Pagespeed Insights - Make your web pages fast on all devices
  • Speed Check - A free online speed check service including waterfall breakdown and website preview

Markup validator

  • Markup Validation - Checks the markup validity of Web documents in HTML, XHTML, SMIL, MathML, etc

Responsive testing

  • Device emulation - Chrome device emulation
  • Resizr - Test your responsive web page
  • W3C mobile Checker - Checker performs various tests on a Web Page to determine its level of mobile-friendliness
  • Mobile Friendly - Analyze a URL and report if the page has a mobile-friendly design

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More contents are coming soon....



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A collection of tools and applications I use for Frontend Development

License:MIT License