goji / context

x/net/context bridge for Goji 1 (old). Try https://github.com/goji/goji instead!

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool



Context provides a canonical way to use go.net's context package with Goji. It provides two-way bindings between context.Context objects and Goji's web.C, giving you a convenient way to look up Goji Env variables from the context.Context and allowing you to freely convert one request context to the other.

Warning! The two-way binding implies that the context.Context is bound to the lifetime of Goji's web.C, which is scoped to the lifetime of the web request. You will encounter data races if you refence the context.Context in a goroutine which outlives the web request.


x/net/context bridge for Goji 1 (old). Try https://github.com/goji/goji instead!


Language:Go 100.0%