gofilipa / digital_annotation

Developing an annotation tool to include multiple highlighter colors.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Digital Annotation

Welcome to the repo for my Digital Annoation project! Here I'm going to document my progress as I develop the project.

In brief, the project consists of developing an annotation tool from hypothes.is to include multiple color functionality for the highlighter. I am choosing hypothes.is because of its sophistication and popularity, and I've had positive experiences using it as an instructor in my own classroom. I hope that adding multiple colors to the highlighter tool will encourage students to engage with affects and other nonverbalized feelings and reactions to reading.

If you're interested in more detailed documentation about my project status, I keep a record of my development notes here.

To see a history of my theoretical development on this project, browse through the papers folder, which contains my coursework and feedback during my Interactive Technology and Pedagogy class in the Spring of 2018, as well as more recent conference paper, presented in March 2019. I'm also starting to draft a final paper for the project, which will be submitted in Fall 2019.

See my Proposal Summary for a condensed version of the proposal paper that I wrote for my Interactive Technology and Pedagogy class in Spring 2018, which contains my problem statement, proposal, critical engagements, guiding questions, and tentative plan to complete the project. To be clear, this work presents quite a range of my thinking, from my preliminary view of my project since spring 2018 to more recent speculations on where color annotation might take me.


Developing an annotation tool to include multiple highlighter colors.


Language:CSS 39.2%Language:JavaScript 30.7%Language:CoffeeScript 26.9%Language:HTML 3.2%