godzilla-max / rose_sketch

a DDS-XRCE implementation for RX65N MCU

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This repository contains the code which integrates eProsima Micro-XRCE-DDS-Client and communicates with the Micro-XRCE-DDS-Agent. Renesas RX65N is the target MCU and the code is implemented at the top of the AWS FreeRTOS.

DDS-XRCE demonstration for the Renesas RX65N MCU

Demonstration overview

This demonstration implements eProsima Micro-XRCE-DDS-Client as a DDS-XRCE implementation to RX65N MCU. It was described in the Renesas news release . The software can send/receive ROS 2 "std_msgs/String" to/from Micro-XRCE-DDS-Agent. It is implemented at the top of the AWS FreeRTOS and has room for other embedded applications to run.
The below is the RX65N evaluation board line-up and GR-ROSE is used for this demonstration.


  • Renesas RX65N Envision Kit (in mass production)
  • Renesas Starter Kit+ for RX65N (in mass production)

Useful reference:

Renesas new release
Renesas Electronics RX65N Microcontrollers Support DDS-XRCE Communication Protocol for ROS 2
RX65N product homepage

[Hardware requirement]

Target board with RX65N implemented

(2) Linux PC
Linux PC is to run Micro-XRCE-DDS-Agent.

(3) Windows PC
The PC is to write software to the GR-ROSE and monitor log outputs from the GR-ROSE by using terminal software.

(4) Ethernet cable
When Ethernet connection is used, connect between GR-ROSE and Linux PC via an Ethernet cable.
When Wi-Fi connection is used, connect between Wi-Fi router and Linux PC via an Ethernet cable.

(5) Wi-Fi router
When Wi-Fi connection is used, connect between GR-ROSE and Linux PC via an Wi-Fi router.

(6) USB cable
A(male)-MicroB(male) type USB. Connects GR-ROSE and Windows PC.

Connection diagram

Ethernet connection

       +-------------------+        Ethernet       +-------------------+
       |      Linux PC     +-----------------------+      GR-ROSE      |
       +-------------------+                       +-------------------+
                                                             | USB
                                                   |     Windows PC    |

Wi-Fi connection

      Ethernet                           Get IP address automatically
       +-------------------+   or Wi-Fi  +--------------+ Wi-Fi +-------------------+
       |      Linux PC     +-------------+ Wi-Fi router +-------+      GR-ROSE      |
       +-------------------+             +--------------+       +-------------------+
                                                                          | USB
                                                                |     Windows PC    |


Linux PC

Software below must be installed.

(1) ROS 2 (Dashing Diademata)
See install instructions on the web site.

(2) Micro-XRCE-DDS-Agent
Download from the web site and follow the instructions.

The version used for this demonstration is v1.1.0.

Windows PC

Software below must be installed

(1) e2studio Download from the web site and follow the instructions.

The version used for this demonstration is V.7.5.0.

(2) GCC for Renesas Windows Toolchain(ELF)
Download from the web site and follow the instructions.

The version used for this demonstration is

Demonstration procedure

[Get the project]

Download the project by selecting [Download ZIP] under [Clone or download] menu.

[Modify the sketch]

(1) Import the downloaded ZIP file by selecting [Import] under [File] menu of e2studio.

(2) Copy tcp_talker_besteffort.ino in the examples folder to the sketch.cpp.

(3) Switch transport setting in the project following the [Switch Ethernet/Wi-Fi] below.

[Switch Ethernet/Wi-Fi]

In case of Wi-Fi :
(1) To switch transport setting in demo sketch, set the variable "use_ethernet" to "false" as below.


static bool use_ethernet = false;

(2) Set your Wi-Fi router's SSID and password in the demo sketch as below.


char ssid[] = "SSID";           // your network SSID (name)
char pass[] = "PASSWORD";       // your network password  

In case of Ethernet:
(1) To switch transport setting in the demo sketch, set the variable "use_ethernet" to "true" as below.


static bool use_ethernet = true;

[Build the sketch]

(1) Build the project and it generates rose_sketch.bin in the ReleaseBin folder.

[Write the sketch to GR-ROSE]

(1) Use the USB cable to connect GR-ROSE and Window PC.

(2) Reset the GR-ROSE and it recognizes the GR-ROSE as a USB storage.

(3) Move the rose_sketch.bin to the GR-ROSE drive and LED brinks once programming completed.


(1) Run Micro-XRCE-DDS-Agent on the Linux PC and open terminal software to execute the commands as below.

$ cd <build directory of Micro-XRCE-DDS-Agent>
$ ./MicroXRCEAgent tcp -p 2020 -d

You should see Micro-XRCE-DDS-Agent log in the terminal as below.

Enter 'q' for exit
[1567490860.309055] info     | TCPServerLinux.cpp | init                     | running...             | port: 2020
[1567490860.309423] info     | DiscoveryServerLinux.cpp | init                     | running...             | Port: 7400

(2) Run the listener demonstration which is a part of ROS 2 package and open new terminal window to run the commands as below.

$ cd <Work space directory of ROS 2>
$ source install/setup.bash
$ ros2 run demo_nodes_cpp listener

Run GR-ROSE in the method of removing and inserting USB cable connected to GR-ROSE.
You should see the listener message in the terminal as below.

[INFO] [listener]: I heard: [Hello DDS world!: 0]
[INFO] [listener]: I heard: [Hello DDS world!: 1]
[INFO] [listener]: I heard: [Hello DDS world!: 2]
[INFO] [listener]: I heard: [Hello DDS world!: 3]
[INFO] [listener]: I heard: [Hello DDS world!: 4]

(3) You can also monitor the talker messages by terminal software running on PC which is connected to the GR-ROSE.

Found agent => ip:, port: 2020
Chosen agent => ip:, port: 2020
 Sent topic: Hello DDS world!: 0
 Sent topic: Hello DDS world!: 1
 Sent topic: Hello DDS world!: 2
 Sent topic: Hello DDS world!: 3
 Sent topic: Hello DDS world!: 4

Other demonstrations

You can run other demonstrations. Choose a target sketch and copy it to the sketch.cpp, and then build the project includes it.
Below is the demo sketch directory.

|-- ...(SNIPPED)...
|-- examples/
|   |-- tcp_talker_besteffort.ino    [Talker: TCP/best-effort stream]
|   |
|   |-- tcp_talker_reliable.ino      [Talker: TCP/reliable stream]
|   |
|   |-- tcp_listener_besteffort.ino  [Listener: TCP/best-effort stream]
|   |
|   |-- tcp_listener_reliable.ino    [Listener: TCP/reliable stream]
|   |
|   |-- udp_talker_besteffort.ino    [Talker: UDP/best-effort stream]
|   |
|   |-- udp_talker_reliable.ino      [Talker: UDP/reliable stream]
|   |
|   |-- udp_listener_besteffort.ino  [Listener: UDP/best-effort stream]
|   |
|   `-- udp_listener_reliable.ino    [Listener: UDP/reliable stream]
|-- sketch.cpp
|-- ...(SNIPPED)...


These demonstrations contain the following software running on the GR-ROSE. However, there are some modifications necessary to make it work. The below is the summary of the modifications.

|-- arduino/
|   |-- lib/
|   |   |-- WiFiEsp/
|   |   |   |-- WiFiEspServerClientWrapper.cpp   [Add code for Wi-Fi connection]
|   |   |   |-- WiFiEspServerClientWrapper.h     [Add code for Wi-Fi connection]
|   |   |   |-- ...(SNIPPED)...
|   |   |-- ...(SNIPPED)...
|   |-- ...(SNIPPED)...
|-- examples/                    [Demo sketch of Micro-XRCE-DDS-Client]
|-- FreeRTOS/
|   |-- application_code
|   |-- config_files/
|   |   |-- ...(SNIPPED)...
|   |   |-- FreeRTOSIPConfig.h   [Change mode]
|   |   |                         mode changes as below
|   |   |                          * Don't use DHCP server
|   |   |                          * Use FreeRTOS API (FreeRTOS_inet_addr())
|   |   |-- ...(SNIPPED)...
|   |
|   |-- lib/
|   |   |-- aws/
|   |   |   |-- ...(SNIPPED)...
|   |   |   |-- FreeRTOS-Plus-TCP/
|   |   |   |   |-- include/
|   |   |   |   |   |-- ...(SNIPPED)...
|   |   |   |   |   |-- FreeRTOS_IP_Private.h  [Change broadcast address]
|   |   |   |   |   |                           Change to DDS multicast address as broadcast address
|   |   |   |   |   |                           to enable discovery functionality of Micro-XRCE-DDS-Client
|   |   |   |   |   |-- ...(SNIPPED)...
|   |   |   |   |
|   |   |   |   `-- source/
|   |   |   |-- ...(SNIPPED)...
|   |   |
|   |   `-- third_party/
|   `-- src/
|-- Micro-XRCE-DDS-Client/
|   |
|   |-- include/
|   |   `-- uxr/
|   |       `-- client/
|   |           |-- core/
|   |           |-- profile/
|   |           |   |-- discovery/
|   |           |       `-- discovery.h           [Add API for transport setting]
|   |           |   `-- transport/
|   |           |       |-- serial/
|   |           |       |-- tcp/
|   |           |       |   |-- tcp_transport_freertos.h       [Add header file for FreeRTOS]/Add API for transport setting]
|   |           |       |   |-- tcp_transport_linux.h
|   |           |       |   |-- tcp_transport_windows.h
|   |           |       |   `-- tcp_transport.h
|   |           |       `-- udp/
|   |           |           |-- udp_transport_freertos.h      [Add header file for FreeRTOS]/[Add API for transport setting]
|   |           |           |-- udp_transport_linux.h
|   |           |           |-- udp_transport_windows.h
|   |           |           `-- udp_transport.h
|   |           |-- ...(SNIPPED)...
|   |           |-- config.h                      [Add configuration file generated by config.h.in]/[Add code for Wi-Fi connection]
|   |           |-- transport.h                   [Modify setting for include files]
|   |           |-- visibility.h
|   |           |-- ...(SNIPPED)...
|   |           `-- config.h.in
|   |-- src/
|   |   `-- c/
|   |       |-- core/
|   |       |-- profile/
|   |       |   |-- discovery/
|   |       |   |   |-- transport/
|   |       |   |   |   |-- udp_transport_datagram_freertos.c               [Add code for FreeRTOS]
|   |       |   |   |   |-- udp_transport_datagram_freertos_esp8266_wifi.c  [Add code for Wi-Fi connection]
|   |       |   |   |   `-- udp_transport_datagram_internal.h               [Add code for Wi-Fi connection]
|   |       |   |   `-- discovery.c    [Add API for transport setting]
|   |       |   `-- transport/
|   |       |       |-- serial/
|   |       |       |-- tcp/
|   |       |       |   |-- tcp_transport_freertos.c               [Add code for FreeRTOS]
|   |       |       |   |-- tcp_transport_freertos_esp8266_wifi.c  [Add code for Wi-Fi connection]
|   |       |       |   |-- tcp_transport_internal.h
|   |       |       |   `-- tcp_transport.c
|   |       |       `-- udp/
|   |       |           |-- udp_transport_freertos.c               [Add code for FreeRTOS]
|   |       |           |-- udp_transport_freertos_esp8266_wifi.c  [Add code for Wi-Fi connection]
|   |       |           |-- udp_transport_internal.h
|   |       |           `-- udp_transport.c
|   |       |
|   |       `-- util/
|   |           |-- time.c   [Add code for FreeRTOS]
|   |           `-- time_internal.h
|   |-- thirdparty/
|   |   `-- microcdr/
|   |       |-- include/
|   |       |   `-- ucdr/
|   |       |       |-- ...(SNIPPED)...
|   |       |       |-- config.h              [Add configuration file generated by config.h.in]
|   |       |       |-- ...(SNIPPED)...
|   |       |       `-- config.h.in
|   |       |
|   |       |-- ...(SNIPPED)...
|   |
|   |-- ...(SNIPPED)...
|-- ros2_msg/                 [Add ROS 2 message ROS 2 message type "std_msgs/String"]
|   |                          it is generated by Micro-XRCE-DDS-Gen from "Ros2String.idl"
|   |-- Ros2String.c
|   |-- Ros2String.h
|   `-- Ros2String.idl
|-- sketch.cpp
|-- ...(SNIPPED)...

Known issues/limitations

This demonstration is for Micro-XRCE-DDS-Client TCP and UDP communication and no serial communication.
TCP/reliable stream demonstration with Wi-Fi communication is not available.
Message default size used for the demonstration was 20 Byte and no message type other than "std_msgs/String" has been confirmed.


We will not be liable for damages or losses arising from your use or inability to use this demonstration. Use at your own risk.


a DDS-XRCE implementation for RX65N MCU


Language:C 82.4%Language:C++ 17.3%Language:Objective-C 0.2%Language:Assembly 0.1%