godrm / SwiftNodes

Graph + Graph Algorithms in Swift

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👩🏻‍🚀 This project is still a tad experimental. Contributors and pioneers welcome!


SwiftNodes provides a Graph data structure together with graph algorithms. A Graph stores values in nodes which can be connected via edges. SwiftNodes was first used in production by Codeface.

How to Edit, Query and Copy Graphs

The following explanations touch only parts of the SwiftNodes API. We recommend exploring the DocC reference, unit tests and production code. The code in particular is actually small and easy to grasp.

Insert Values

A Graph<NodeID: Hashable, NodeValue> holds values of type NodeValue in nodes. Nodes are unique and have IDs of type NodeID:

let graph = Graph<String, Int> { "id\($0)" }  // NodeID == String, NodeValue == Int
let node = graph.insert(1)                    // node.id == "id1", node.value == 1

let nodeForID1 = graph.node(for: "id1")       // nodeForID1 === node
let valueForID1 = graph.value(for: "id1")     // valueForID1 == 1

When inserting a value, a Graph must know how to generate the ID of the node that would store the value. So the Graph initializer takes a closure returning a NodeID given a NodeValue.

Generate Node IDs

You may generate NodeIDs independent of NodeValues:

let graph = Graph<UUID, Int> { _ in UUID() }  // NodeID == UUID, NodeValue == Int
let node1 = graph.insert(42)
let node2 = graph.insert(42)  // node1 !== node2, same value in different nodes

If NodeID and NodeValue are the same type, you can omit the closure and the Graph will assume the value is itself used as the node ID:

let graph = Graph<Int, Int>()  // NodeID == NodeValue == Int
let node1 = graph.insert(42)   // node1.value == node1.id == 42
let node2 = graph.insert(42)   // node1 === node2 because 42 implies the same ID

And if your NodeValue is itself Identifiable by IDs of type NodeID, then you can also omit the closure and Graph will use the ID of a NodeValue as the NodeID of the node holding that value:

struct IdentifiableValue: Identifiable { let id = UUID() }
let graph = Graph<UUID, IdentifiableValue>()  // NodeID == NodeValue.ID == UUID
let node = graph.insert(IdentifiableValue())  // node.id == node.value.id

Connect Nodes via Edges

let graph = Graph<String, Int> { "id\($0)" }
let node1 = graph.insert(1)
let node2 = graph.insert(2)

// two ways to add an edge:
let edge = graph.addEdge(from: node1,  to: node2)        // by nodes
       _ = graph.addEdge(from: node1.id,  to: node2.id)  // by node IDs
// same result: edge.origin === node1, edge.destination === node2

An edge is directed and goes from its edge.origin node to its edge.destination node.

Specify Edge Counts

Every edge has an integer count accessible via edge.count. It is more specifically a "count" rather than a "weight", as it increases when the same edge is added again. By default, a new edge has count 1 and adding it again increases its count by 1. But you can specify a custom count when adding an edge:

graph.addEdge(from: node1, to: node2, count: 40)  // edge count is 40
graph.addEdge(from: node1, to: node2, count: 2)   // edge count is 42

Remove Edges

A GraphEdge<NodeID: Hashable, NodeValue> has its own ID type which combines the NodeIDs of the edge's origin- and destination nodes. In the context of a Graph or GraphEdge, you can create edge IDs easily in two ways:

let edgeID_A = Edge.ID(node1, node2)
let edgeID_B = Edge.ID(node1.id, node2.id)  // edgeID_A == edgeID_B

This leads to six ways of removing an edge:

let edge = graph.addEdge(from: node1, to: node2)

graph.removeEdge(with: edge.id)
graph.removeEdge(with: .init(node1, node2))
graph.removeEdge(with: .init(node1.id, node2.id))
graph.removeEdge(from: node1, to: node2)
graph.removeEdge(from: node1.id, to: node2.id)

Query and Traverse a Graph

Graph offers many ways to query its nodes, node IDs, values and edges. Have a look into Graph.swift to see them all. In addition, a GraphNode has caches that enable quick access to its neighbours:

node.descendants  // all nodes to which there is an edge from node
node.ancestors    // all nodes from which there is an edge to node
node.neighbours   // all descendants and ancestors
node.isSink       // whether node has no descendants
node.isSource     // whether node has no ancestors

Sort Nodes

The nodes in a Graph maintain an order. So you can also sort them:

let graph = Graph<Int, Int>()  // NodeID == NodeValue == Int
graph.insert(3)                // graph.values == [5, 3]
graph.sort { $0.id < $1.id }   // graph.values == [3, 5]

Copy a Graph

Many algorithms produce a variant of a given graph. Rather than modifying the original graph, SwiftNodes suggests to copy it.

A graph.copy() is identical to the original graph in IDs, values and structure but contains its own new node- and edge objects. You may also copy just a subset of a graph and limit the included edges and/or nodes:

let subsetCopy = graph.copy(includedNodes: [node2, node3], 
                            includedEdges: [edge23])

How Algorithms Mark Nodes

Many graph algorithms do associate little intermediate results with individual nodes. The literature often refers to this as "marking" a node. The most prominent example is marking a node as visited while traversing a potentially cyclic graph. Some algorithms write multiple different markings to nodes.

To be able to achieve optimal performance (time- and space efficiency) in practice, algorithms must be able to mark nodes directly instead of implementing node markings via hash maps. So in SwiftNodes, every node has an optional property node.marking which can store a GraphNode.Marking object. The marking can itself be used to generally mark a node, but it also contains four general-purpose properties (two integer numbers and two boolean flags) that algorithms can use in whatever way they need.

Graph+Node.Marking.swift contains some conveniences for marking and unmarking nodes. Also have a look at how the included algorithms make use of node markings.

Included Algorithms

SwiftNodes has begun to accumulate some graph algorithms. The following overview also links to Wikipedia articles that explain what the algorithms do. We recommend also exploring them in code.


graph.findComponents() returns multiple sets of nodes which represent the components of the graph.

Strongly Connected Components

graph.findStronglyConnectedComponents() returns multiple sets of nodes which represent the strongly connected components of the graph.

Condensation Graph

graph.makeCondensationGraph() creates the condensation graph of the graph, which is the graph in which all strongly connected components of the original graph have been collapsed into single nodes, so the resulting condensation graph is acyclic.

Minimum Equivalent Graph

graph.makeMinimumEquivalentGraph() creates the MEG of the graph. Right now, this only works on acyclic graphs and might even hang or crash on cyclic ones.

Ancestor Counts

graph.findNumberOfNodeAncestors() returns a [(Node, Int)] containing each node of the graph together with its ancestor count. The ancestor count is the number of all (recursive) ancestors of the node. Basically, it's the number of other nodes from which the node can be reached.

This only works on acyclic graphs right now and might return incorrect results for nodes in cycles.

Ancestor counts can serve as a proxy for topological sorting.


Here is the internal architecture (composition and essential dependencies) of the SwiftNodes code folder:

The above image was created with Codeface.

Development Status

From version/tag 0.1.0 on, SwiftNodes adheres to semantic versioning. So until it has reached 1.0.0, its API may still break frequently, but this will be expressed in version bumps.

SwiftNodes is already being used in production, but Codeface is still its primary client. SwiftNodes will move to version 1.0.0 as soon as its basic practicality and conceptual soundness have been validated by serving multiple real-world clients.


Graph + Graph Algorithms in Swift

License:MIT License


Language:Swift 100.0%