godotengine / godot-cpp

C++ bindings for the Godot script API

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Not declare _bind_methods() may be cause not call "_ready()"

pupil1337 opened this issue · comments

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Issue description

This may be a problem, and I'm not sure. For safety reasons, I reported it.


When Base class not declare _ready(), and Derive class declare _ready() but not declare _bind_methods(), the virtual func _ready() in Derive class will not called.

// base.h
class Base : public Node {
	GDCLASS(Base, Node)

	static void _bind_methods() {}
// derive.h
class Derive : public Base {
	GDCLASS(Derive, Base)

	virtual void _ready() override {


register Base and Derive, and use Derive as root node in engine, run the game:
Derive will not call _ready()

// wrapped.hpp
static void initialize_class() {
	static bool initialized = false;
	if (initialized) {
	if (m_class::_get_bind_methods() != m_inherits::_get_bind_methods()) { // derive class not declare _bind_methods() cause issue
		m_inherits::register_virtuals<m_class, m_inherits>(); // register virtual (_ready,_process,...) in this line
	initialized = true;

Steps to reproduce

Look Issue description.

Minimal reproduction project


Thanks for the report!

All classes that use GDCLASS() are supposed to define their own static void _bind_methods() - it weren't for the parent class, there would have been a compilation error. I'll see if I can come up with a way for their to be a compilation error when _bind_methods() is omitted, even when there is a parent class involved.

I just posted PR #1448 that attempts to make it a compile-time error if a class doesn't define its own _bind_methods() function.

I just posted PR #1448 that attempts to make it a compile-time error if a class doesn't define its own _bind_methods() function.

Thank you. I think _ready() _input() called not affected by the definition of _bind_methods() or not. _bind_methods() is only to write ClassDB::bind_method() or ADD_PROPERTY() for editor. When declare virtual void _ready() override; in my class, it must can call from godot. declare the _bind_methods() function is optional(dont compilation error). Please check if my idea is reasonable.

declare the _bind_methods() function is optional(dont compilation error).

It isn't intended to be optional - you're supposed to always have a _bind_methods(), even if it's empty.

And, if you were defining a class that descended from a native type, not implementing _bind_methods() would already have been a compilation error. My PR is only making it also be a compilation error when defining a class that descends from another extension class (rather than from a native class).

It isn't intended to be optional - you're supposed to always have a , even if it's empty._bind_methods()

And, if you were defining a class that descended from a native type, not implementing would already have been a compilation error. My PR is only making it also be a compilation error when defining a class that descends from another extension class (rather than from a native class)._bind_methods()

Ok, I understand now