go-wyvern / qmgo

Qmgo is a MongoDB dirver for Go . It is based on Mongo official driver but easier to use like Mgo

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Qmgo is a MongoDB dirver for Go . It is based on Mongo official driver, but easier to use like mgo (such as the chain call).

  • Qmgo can allow user to use the new features of MongoDB in a more elegant way.

  • Qmgo is the first choice for migrating from mgo to the new MongoDB driver with minimal code changes.


-Go 1.10 and above.

-MongoDB 2.6 and above.


The recommended way is to use go mod to automatically install dependencies by import github.com/qiniu/qmgo and build .

Of course, the following methods are also feasible:

go get github.com/qiniu/qmgo


  • Start, import and create a new connection
ctx := context.Background()
client, err := qmgo.NewClient(ctx, &qmgo.Config{Uri: "mongodb://localhost:27017"})
db := client.Database("class")
coll := db.Collection("user")

If your connection points to a fixed database and collection, we recommend using the following more convenient method to initialize the connection. The subsequent operations are based on cli and no longer need to care about the database and collection.

cli, err := qmgo.Open(ctx, &qmgo.Config{Uri: "mongodb://localhost:27017", Database: "class", Coll: "user"})

The following examples will be based on cli, if you use the first method for initialization, replace cli with coll

After the initialization is successful, please defer to close the connection

defer func() {
if err = cli.Close(ctx); err != nil {
  • Create index

Before doing the operation, we first initialize some data:

type BsonT map[string]interface{}

type UserInfo struct {
	Name   string `bson:"name"`
	Age    uint16 `bson:"age"`
	Weight uint32 `bson:"weight"`

var oneUserInfo = UserInfo{
    Name: "xm",
    Age: 7,
    Weight: 40,

Create index

cli.EnsureIndexes(ctx, []string{"name"}, []string{"age", "name,weight"})
  • Insert a document
// insert one document
result, err := cli.Insert(ctx, oneUserInfo)
  • Find a document
// find one document
  one := UserInfo{}
  err = cli.Find(ctx, BsonT{"name": oneUserInfo.Name}).One(&one)
  • Delete documents
err = cli.Remove(ctx, BsonT{"age": 7})
  • Insert multiple data
// batch insert
var batchUserInfoI = []interface{}{
    UserInfo{Name: "wxy", Age: 6, Weight: 20},
    UserInfo{Name: "jZ", Age: 6, Weight: 25},
    UserInfo{Name: "zp", Age: 6, Weight: 30},
    UserInfo{Name: "yxw", Age: 6, Weight: 35},
result, err = cli.Collection.InsertMany(ctx, batchUserInfoI)
  • Search all, sort and limit
// find all, sort and limit
batch := []UserInfo{}
cli.Find(ctx, BsonT{"age": 6}).Sort("weight").Limit(7).All(&batch)


  • Supported
    • CRUD to documents
    • Create indexes
    • Sort、limit、count
  • TODO
    • Transaction
    • Aggregate
    • Options for every operation

qmgo vs mgo vs go.mongodb.org/mongo-driver

Below we give an example of multi-file search、sort and limit to illustrate the similarities between qmgo and mgo and the improvement compare to go.mongodb.org/mongo-driver.

How do we do ingo.mongodb.org/mongo-driver:

// go.mongodb.org/mongo-driver
// find all, sort and limit
findOptions := options.Find()
findOptions.SetLimit(7) // set limit
var sorts bson.D
sorts = append(sorts, bson.E{Key: "weight", Value: 1})
findOptions.SetSort(sorts) // set sort

batch := []UserInfo{}
cur, err := coll.Find(ctx, BsonT{"age": 6}, findOptions)
cur.All(ctx, &batch)

How do we do in Qmgo and mgo:

// qmgo
// find all, sort and limit
batch := []UserInfo{}
cli.Find(ctx, BsonT{"age": 6}).Sort("weight").Limit(7).All(&batch)

// mgo
// find all, sort and limit
coll.Find(BsonT{"age": 6}).Sort("weight").Limit(7).All(&batch)


The Qmgo project welcomes all contributors. We appreciate your help!


Qmgo is a MongoDB dirver for Go . It is based on Mongo official driver but easier to use like Mgo

License:Apache License 2.0


Language:Go 100.0%