go-sif / sif

Sif is a framework for fast, predictable, general-purpose distributed computing in the map/reduce paradigm.

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Sif is a framework for fast, predictable, general-purpose distributed computing in the map/reduce paradigm.

Sif is new, and currently under heavy development. It should be considered alpha software prior to a 1.0.0 release, with the API and behaviours subject to change.

Table of Contents

Why Sif?

Sif is offered primarily as a simpler alternative to Apache Spark, with the following goals in mind:

Predictability: An emphasis on fixed-width data and in-place manipulation makes it easier to reason over the compute and memory requirements of a particular job. Sif's API is designed around a "no magic" philosophy, and attempts to make obvious the runtime consequences of any particular line of code.

Scalability: While scaling up to massive datasets is the primary focus of any distributed computing framework, Sif is also designed to scale down to small datasets as well with minimal startup time and other cluster-oriented overhead.

Ease of Integration: Rather than deploying Sif as a complex, persistent cluster, Sif is a library designed to ease the integration of cluster computing functionality within a larger application or architectural context. Write your own REST API which manages the initiation of a Sif pipeline!

Ease of Development: Sif applications are traceable and debuggable, and the core Sif codebase is designed to be as small as possible.

API Minimalism: A single representation of distributed data, with a single set of tools for manipulating it.

Architectural Minimalism: Throw away YARN and Mesos. Compile your Sif pipeline, package it as a Docker image, then deploy it to distributed container infrastructure such as Docker Swarm or Kubernetes.


Note: Sif is developed and tested against Go 1.18, leveraging generics support:

$ go get github.com/go-sif/sif

Getting Started

Sif facilitates the definition and execution of a distributed compute pipeline through the use of a few basic components. For the sake of this example, we will assume that we have JSON Lines-type data with the following format:

{"id": 1234, "meta": {"uuid": "27366d2d-502c-4c03-84c3-55dc5ecedd3f", "name": "John Smith"}}
{"id": 5678, "meta": {"uuid": "f21dec0a-37f3-4b0d-9d92-d26b11c62ed8", "name": "Jane Doe"}}


A Schema outlines the structure of the data which will be manipulated. In Sif, data is represented as a sequence of Rows, each of which consist of Columns with particular ColumnTypes.

package main

import (

func main() {
	id := coltype.Int32("id")
	// Schemas should employ fixed-width ColumnTypes whenever possible
	metaUUID := coltype.String("meta.uuid", 36)
	// or variable-width ColumnTypes, if the size of a field is not known
	metaName := coltype.VarString("meta.name")
	schema, err := schema.CreateSchema(id, metaUUID, metaName)
	if err != nil {

DataSources and Parsers

A DataSource represents a source of raw data, which will be partitioned and parsed into Rows via a Parser in parallel across workers in the cluster. Sif contains several example DataSources, primarily for testing purposes, but it is intended that DataSources for common sources such as databases, Kafka, etc. will be provided as separate packages.

DataSources typically use supplied column names to fetch specific data from the underlying source (as shown in the below jsonl example).

Ultimately, a DataSource provides a DataFrame which can be manipulated by Sif operations.

package main

import (


func main() {
	id := coltype.Int32("id")
	// In this case, since our Schema featured column names with dots,
	// the jsonl parser is smart enough to use these column names to
	// search within each JSON object for a nested field matching
	// these paths.
	metaUUID := coltype.String("meta.uuid", 36)
	metaName := coltype.VarString("meta.name")
	schema, err := schema.CreateSchema(id, metaUUID, metaName)
	if err != nil {

	parser := jsonl.CreateParser(&jsonl.ParserConf{
		PartitionSize: 128,
	frame := file.CreateDataFrame("path/to/*.jsonl", parser, schema)


A DataFrame facilitates the definition of an execution plan. Multiple Operations are chained together, and then passed to Sif for evaluation:

package main

import (

	ops "github.com/go-sif/sif/operations/transform"

func main() {
	id := coltype.Int32("id")
	metaUUID := coltype.String("meta.uuid", 36)
	metaName := coltype.VarString("meta.name")
	schema, err := schema.CreateSchema(id, metaUUID, metaName)
	if err != nil {

	parser := jsonl.CreateParser(&jsonl.ParserConf{
		PartitionSize: 128,
	frame := file.CreateDataFrame("path/to/*.jsonl", parser, schema)

	lowercaseName := coltype.VarString("lowercase_name") // a column we will add
	frame, err := frame.To(
		ops.Map(func(row sif.Row) error {
			if metaName.IsNil(row) {
				return nil
			name, err := metaName.From(row)
			if err != nil {
				return err
			return lowercaseName.To(row, strings.ToLower(name))
	if err != nil {

Execution (Bringing it all Together)

Execution of a DataFrame involves starting and passing it to a Sif cluster. Sif clusters, at the moment, consist of a single Coordinator and multiple Workers. Each is an identical binary, with the difference in role determined by the SIF_NODE_TYPE environment variable (set to "coordinator" or "worker"). This makes it easy to compile a single executable which can then be deployed and scaled up or down as one sees fit.

package main

import (

	ops "github.com/go-sif/sif/operations/transform"

func main() {
	id := coltype.Int32("id")
	metaUUID := coltype.String("meta.uuid", 36)
	metaName := coltype.VarString("meta.name")
	schema, err := schema.CreateSchema(id, metaUUID, metaName)
	if err != nil {

	parser := jsonl.CreateParser(&jsonl.ParserConf{
		PartitionSize: 128,
	frame := file.CreateDataFrame("path/to/*.jsonl", parser, schema)

	lowercaseName := coltype.VarString("lowercase_name")
	frame, err := frame.To(
		ops.Map(func(row sif.Row) error {
			if metaName.IsNil(row) {
				return nil
			name, err := metaName.From(row)
			if err != nil {
				return err
			return lowercaseName.To(row, strings.ToLower(name))
	if err != nil {

	// Define a node
	// Sif will read the SIF_NODE_TYPE environment variable to
	// determine whether this copy of the binary
	// is a "coordinator" or "worker".
	opts := &cluster.NodeOptions{
		NumWorkers: 2,
		CoordinatorHost: "insert.coordinator.hostname",
	node, err := cluster.CreateNode(opts)
	if err != nil {
	// start this node in the background and run the DataFrame
	defer node.GracefulStop()
	go func() {
		err := node.Start(frame)
		if err != nil {
	// result will be nil in this case, as only certain
	// operations produce a result.
	result, err := node.Run(context.Background())
	if err != nil {

Advanced Usage


Sif includes multiple operations suitable for manipulating DataFrames, which can be found under the github.com/go-sif/sif/operations/transform package.

Additional utility operations are included in the github.com/go-sif/sif/operations/util package, which at this time only includes Collect(), which allows for the collection of results to the Coordinator for further, local processing.

A couple of complex Operations are covered in additional detail here:


Reduction in Sif is a two step process:

  1. A KeyingOperation labels Rows, with the intention that two Rows with the same key are reduced together
  2. A ReductionOperation defines the mechanism by which two Rows are combined (the "right" Row into the "left" Row)

For example, if we wanted to bucket the JSON Lines data from Getting Started by name, and then produce counts for names beginning with the same letter:

// ...
totalCol := coltype.Uint32("total")
frame, err := frame.To(
	// Add a column to store the total for each first-letter bucket
	ops.Reduce(func(row sif.Row) ([]byte, error) {
		// Our KeyingOperation comes first, using the first letter as the key
		name, err := metaName.From(row)
		if err != nil {
			return nil, err
		if len(name) == 0 {
			return []byte{0}, nil
		return []byte{name[0]}, nil
	}, func(lrow sif.Row, rrow sif.Row) error {
		// Our ReductionOperation comes second
		// Since our keys ensure two Rows are only reduced together if they
		// have a matching key, we can just add the totals together.
		lval, err := totalCol.From(lrow)
		if err != nil {
			return err
		rval, err := totalCol.From(rrow)
		if err != nil {
			return err
		return totalCol.To(lrow, lval+rval)
// ...

Tip: ops.KeyColumns(colNames ...string) can be used with ops.Reduce to quickly produce a key (or compound key) from a set of column values.


Sif Accumulators are an alternative mechanism for reduction, which offers full customization of reduciton technique, in exchange for accumulation ending a sif pipeline. In exchange for losing the ability to further transform and reduce data, Accumulators offer the potential for significant performance benefits.

Sif offers built-in Accumulators in the accumulators package.

For example, we can use accumulators.Counter() to efficiently count records:

// ...
counter := accumulators.Counter()
frame, err := frame.To(
// ...
// In this case, node.Run returns an Accumulator, which can be
// manipulated on the Coordinator node.
result, err := node.Run(context.Background())
if node.IsCoordinator() {
	totalRows, _ = counter.Value(result.Accumulator)


Collection is the process of pulling results from distributed data back to the Coordinator for local processing. This is not generally encouraged - rather, it is best if Workers write their results directly to an output destination. But, it is occasionally useful, such as in the writing of tests:

// ...
lowercaseName := coltype.VarString("lowercase_name")
frame, err := frame.To(
	ops.Map(func(row sif.Row) error {
		if metaName.IsNil(row) {
			return nil
		name, err := metaName.Get(row)
		if err != nil {
			return err
		return lowercaseName.Set(row, strings.ToLower(name))
	// To discourage use and unpredictability, you must specify exactly
	// how many Partitions of data you wish to Collect:
// ...
// In this case, node.Run returns a CollectedPartition, which can be
// manipulated on the Coordinator node.
result, err := node.Run(context.Background())
if node.IsCoordinator() {
	err = result.Collected.ForEachRow(func(row sif.Row) error {
		// Do something with results
// ...

Extending Sif

Custom ColumnTypes

See Implementing Custom ColumnTypes for details.

Custom Accumulators

See Implementing Custom Accumulators for details.

Custom DataSources

See Implementing Custom DataSources for details.

Custom Parsers

See Implementing Custom Parsers for details.


Sif is licensed under the Apache 2.0 License, found in the LICENSE file.


Sif is a framework for fast, predictable, general-purpose distributed computing in the map/reduce paradigm.

License:Apache License 2.0


Language:Go 98.9%Language:Makefile 1.1%