go-goracle / dburl

Package dburl provides a standard, URL style mechanism for parsing and opening SQL database connection strings

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

About dburl

Package dburl provides a standard, URL style mechanism for parsing and opening SQL database connection strings for Go, supporting standard URLs for the standard databases PostgreSQL, MySQL, SQLite3, Oracle, Microsoft SQL Server, and most other databases with a publicly available Go driver.

Database URL Connection Strings

Supported database URLs are of the form:



Component Description
protocol driver name or alias (see below)
transport "tcp", "udp", "unix" or driver name (odbc/oleodbc)
user username
pass password
host host
dbname* database, instance, or service name/ID to connect to
?opt1=... additional database driver options (see respective SQL driver for available options)

* for Microsoft SQL Server, the syntax to supply an instance and database name is /instance/dbname, where /instance is optional. For Oracle databases, /dbname is the unique database ID (SID). Please see below for examples.


Database connection URLs (as described below) can be parsed with Parse as such:

u, err := dburl.Parse("postgresql://user:pass@localhost/mydatabase/?sslmode=disable")
if err != nil { /* ... */ }

Additionally, a simple helper func Open, is available to quickly parse, open, and return a standard SQL database connection:

db, err := dburl.Open("sqlite:mydatabase.sqlite3?loc=auto")
if err != nil { /* ... */ }

Example URLs

The following are URLs that can be handled with a call to Open or Parse:


Protocol Schemes and Aliases

The following protocols schemes (ie, driver) and their associated aliases are supported out of the box:

Database (scheme/driver) Protocol Aliases [real driver]
Microsoft SQL Server (mssql) ms, sqlserver
MySQL (mysql) my, mariadb, maria, percona, aurora
Oracle (ora) or, oracle, oci8, oci
PostgreSQL (postgres) pg, postgresql, pgsql
SQLite3 (sqlite3) sq, sqlite, file
Amazon Redshift (redshift) rs [postgres]
CockroachDB (cockroachdb) cr, cockroach, crdb, cdb [postgres]
MemSQL (memsql) me [mysql]
TiDB (tidb) ti [mysql]
Vitess (vitess) vt [mysql]
Google Spanner (spanner) gs, google, span (not yet public)
MySQL (mymysql) zm, mymy
PostgreSQL (pgx) px
Apache Avatica (avatica) av, phoenix
Apache Ignite (ignite) ig, gridgain
Cassandra (cql) ca, cassandra, datastax, scy, scylla
ClickHouse (clickhouse) ch
Couchbase (n1ql) n1, couchbase
Cznic QL (ql) ql, cznic, cznicql
Firebird SQL (firebirdsql) fb, firebird
Microsoft ADODB (adodb) ad, ado
ODBC (odbc) od
OLE ODBC (oleodbc) oo, ole, oleodbc [adodb]
Presto (presto) pr, prestodb, prestos, prs, prestodbs
SAP HANA (hdb) sa, saphana, sap, hana
Snowflake (snowflake) sf
VoltDB (voltdb) vo, volt, vdb

Any protocol scheme alias:// can be used in place of protocol://, and will work identically with Parse/Open.


Install in the usual Go fashion:

go get -u github.com/xo/dburl


Please note that the dburl package does not import actual SQL drivers, and only provides a standard way to parse/open respective database connection URLs.

For reference, these are the following "expected" SQL drivers that would need to be imported:

Database (driver) Package
Microsoft SQL Server (mssql) github.com/denisenkom/go-mssqldb
MySQL (mysql) github.com/go-sql-driver/mysql
Oracle (ora) gopkg.in/rana/ora.v4
PostgreSQL (postgres) github.com/lib/pq
SQLite3 (sqlite3) github.com/mattn/go-sqlite3
Amazon Redshift (redshift) github.com/lib/pq
CockroachDB (cockroachdb) github.com/lib/pq
MemSQL (memsql) github.com/go-sql-driver/mysql
TiDB (tidb) github.com/go-sql-driver/mysql
Vitess (vitess) github.com/go-sql-driver/mysql
Google Spanner (spanner) github.com/xo/spanner (not yet public)
MySQL (mymysql) github.com/ziutek/mymysql/godrv
PostgreSQL (pgx) github.com/jackc/pgx/stdlib
Apache Avatica (avatica) github.com/Boostport/avatica
Apache Ignite (ignite) github.com/amsokol/ignite-go-client/sql
Cassandra (cql) github.com/MichaelS11/go-cql-driver
ClickHouse (clickhouse) github.com/kshvakov/clickhouse
Couchbase (n1ql) github.com/couchbase/go_n1ql
Cznic QL (ql) github.com/cznic/ql
Firebird SQL (firebirdsql) github.com/nakagami/firebirdsql
Microsoft ADODB (adodb) github.com/mattn/go-adodb
ODBC (odbc) github.com/alexbrainman/odbc
OLE ODBC (oleodbc) github.com/mattn/go-adodb
Presto (presto) github.com/prestodb/presto-go-client/presto
SAP HANA (hdb) github.com/SAP/go-hdb/driver
Snowflake (snowflake) github.com/snowflakedb/gosnowflake
VoltDB (voltdb) github.com/VoltDB/voltdb-client-go/voltdbclient

Please see the GoDoc API page for a full API listing.

URL Parsing Rules

Parse and Open rely heavily on the standard net/url.URL type, as such parsing rules have the same conventions/semantics as any URL parsed by the standard library's net/url.Parse.

Full Example

A full example for reference:

// example/example.go
package main

import (

    _ "github.com/denisenkom/go-mssqldb"

func main() {
    db, err := dburl.Open("sqlserver://user:pass@localhost/dbname")
    if err != nil {

    var name string
    err = db.QueryRow(`SELECT name FROM mytable WHERE id=10`).Scan(&name)
    if err != nil {

    fmt.Printf(">> got: %s\n", name)

Related Projects

The dburl package was built primarily to support these projects:

  • usql - a universal command-line interface for SQL databases
  • xo - a command-line tool to generate Go code from a database schema


Package dburl provides a standard, URL style mechanism for parsing and opening SQL database connection strings

License:MIT License


Language:Go 99.2%Language:Shell 0.8%