gnikkoch96 / Banking-Application

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

The reason I made this project is to create a simple software that utilizes a database. In this case, I used SQLite because I heard it was good for storing small amounts of data which is perfect for a sample project like this one. I also wanted to refresh my Database knowledge.

Description: This is just a simple program to replicate the basic functionalities of a banking application. The user can login, register, check their balance, deposit theoretical money, withdraw theoretical money, and check their past transactions. Withdrawing and Depositing will be recorded in a transaction table from the local database which is stored within the project itself and properly referenced within the Datasource class using the System.getProperty("user.dir").

Database Design

Users have one-to-many relationships with transactions while transactions have only a one-to-one relationship with users. This means that users can have one to multiple transactions while transactions are uniquely recorded per unique individuals.

Technologies Used

1. Eclipse 2. SQLite 3. SQLite Browser (GUI)

How to use

Clone this repository, and run the file. It should take you to the login GUI.

How it works


When launching this program, you will be prompted with a login screen. When you try to login, there will be a validation to see whether or not your username/password combination is in the current database. If you haven't tried making an account yet (i.e. through the register), then that would be the next step to move towards the main application.


Pressing the register button will lead you to the GUI below. The user will have to fill out all of the fields properly as I've placed a couple of validations such as email syntax validations, password and retype password validations, and whether or not the email already exists in the database or not. There is no password policy, so the user can create an easily decryptable password. Once all fields are inputted and validated, the user may press the register button to be greeted with a success dialog

Bank App (Main)

This is the "main" screen to access all of the functionalities. You may choose only one activity at a time.

Check Balance

Pressing the Check Balance will access the current user's balance which was queried from the database


The user can deposit theoretical money through the desktop-app, and it will be recorded into the database (more specifically in the transactions table)


The user can withdraw theoretical money, and it will also be recorded into the local database

Check Past Transaction

Each transaction (i.e. Deposit or Withdraw) will be recorded along with their date and time. The user is able to check all of the transactions they've ever done on the desktop-application


Logging out just takes the user back to the login menu again

What I Learned

Swings Framework (GUI)

The Swing framework was used to create the GUI aspect of the program. JFrame is a container that can hold JComponents including other containers such as JPanel.

There is a way to organize the components within the containers by setting a layout for each container. By default JFrame has BorderLayout and JPanel has FlowLayout. For my project, I utilized GridLayout a lot as it was much simpler to use to organize the way I wanted my design to be.

I also learned that the setSize() is to be used only when there is no parent layout manager which is the case for all of the components within the JFrame. Instead of the nested containers, I would be using the setPreferredSize().

WindowListeners were used here to activate and reactivate panels that were disabled. I used a third-party library to disable panels called DisabledPanels (which can be read in more detail here: Essentially it allows me to disable all of the components from a JPanel which I needed because I wanted the user to be able to access only one JFrame at a time.

SQLite (Database)

For this project, I had to review my Database knowledge again as it's been a while.

The most important queries that I did for my project would be the SELECT and INSERT. SELECT would be used to query the past transactions from the table, while the INSERT command was used to insert deposit and withdraw transactions.

I set my database through a GUI called the SQLite Browser (shown below) which can be downloaded on their site. This GUI allows me to execute SQL queries rather than having to do it through code. It made the whole process of setting up my database much easier than I thought it would have been

Connecting the Database to the GUI

I created a BankDB class that would query through the Datasource class. The Datasource class is the one that connects to the database using the Connection class.

Statement and ResultSet were used a lot when querying data. Statement objects were used to create statements to be executed through the connected database. Whenever querying from the database, I had to use the ResultSet to obtain the list of data from executing the Statement which was usually in the format of (SELECT * FROM table).

With access to the result set, I am able to iterate through each data to store within the corresponding type. In my case, I had only two, Transaction and User.

The methods queryTransactionDetails(...) and queryUser() returned a list where type is the corresponding type. BankDB will have access to these returned lists with their references to the list and list which can be accessed through other parts of the application (i.e. login, deposit, withdraw, and check past transactions)

What I Think Could be Improved On

I think what I screwed up on was not designing my project thoroughly. I noticed that I was reusing a lot of variables and methods like addComponents(). To fix this in the future, I would create a parent class that would contain all of the common methods and variables that is used and make each of those classes extend to them.

Also, I believe that my naming convention and comments would require some work as well



Language:Java 100.0%