gmr / mikkoo

Mikkoo is a PgQ to RabbitMQ Relay

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A PgQ to RabbitMQ relay. Mikkoo is a PgQ consumer that that publishes to RabbitMQ. In addition, it includes a built in auditing system that can be used to confirm that all PgQ events are received by RabbitMQ.

Mikkoo is named for the rabbit in the "Clever Rabbit and the Elephant" fable.

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Mikkoo is available on the Python Package Index and can be installed via `pip`:

pip install mikkoo

Once you've setup Skytools you may want to install the optional included utility functions in mikkoo.sql to make usage easier.

You can do this with a combination of curl and psql:

curl -L | psql

This will install multiple stored procedures and an audit table in a mikkoo schema. Take a look at the DDL to get a good idea of what each funciton is and how it can be used.

PgQ Setup

  1. Install pgq into your database and create the queue:

    # SELECT pgq.create_queue('test');
    (1 row)
  2. Ensure that pgqd is running.

PgQ Event to AMQP Mapping

When inserting events into a PgQ queue, the pgq.insert_event/7 function should be used with the following field mappings:

PgQ Event AMQP
ev_type Routing Key
ev_data Message body
ev_extra1 Exchange
ev_extra2 Content-Type Property
ev_extra3 AMQP Properties1
ev_extra4 Headers2
ev_time Headers.timetamp
ev_txid Headers.txid

There is a convenience schema in the mikkoo.sql file that adds stored procedures for creating properly formatted mikkoo events in PgQ. In addition, there is are auditing functions that allow for the creation of an audit-log of events that were sent to PgQ.

AMQP Message Properties

The following table defines the available fields that can be set in a JSON blob in the ev_extra3 field when inserting an event.

Property PgSQL Type
app_id text
content_encoding text
content_type text
correlation_id text
delivery_mode int2
expiration text
message_id text
headers text/json3
timestamp int4
type text
priority int4
user_id text

Values assigned in the JSON blob provided to ev_extra3 take precedence over the automatically assigned app_id, content_type, correlation_id, headers, and timestamp values created by Mikkoo at processing time.

As of 1.0, Mikkoo will automatically add four AMQP headers property values. These values will not overwrite any values with the same name specified in ev_extra4. overwriting values with the same name, even if they are specified in the The sequence value is a dynamically generated ID that attempts to provide fuzzy distributed ordering information. The timestamp value is the ISO-8601 representation of the ev_time field, which is created when an event is added to PgQ. The txid value is the ev_txid value, the PgQ transaction ID for the event. These values are added to help provide some level of deterministic ordering. The origin value is the hostname of the server that Mikkoo is running on.

Event Insertion Example

The following example inserts a JSON blob message body of {"foo": "bar"} that will be published to the postgres exchange in RabbitMQ using the test.routing-key routing key. The content type is specified in ev_extra2 and the AMQP type message property is specified in ev_extra3.

# SELECT pgq.insert_event('test', 'test.routing-key', '{"foo": "bar"}', 'postgres', 'application/json', '{"type": "example"}', '');
(1 row)

When this message is received by RabbitMQ it will have a message body of:

{"foo": "bar"}

And it will have message properties similar to the following:

Property Example Value
app_id mikkoo
content_type application/json
correlation_id 0ad6b212-4c84-4eb0-8782-9a44bdfe949f
Key Example Value
sequence 4539586784185129828
timestamp 2017-02-23 06:17:14.471682-00
txid 41356335556
timestamp 1449600290
type example


The Mikkoo configuration file uses YAML for markup and allows for one or more PgQ queue to be processed.

If you have a Sentry or a Sentry account, the Application/sentry_dsn setting will turn on sentry exception logging, if the raven client library is installed.

Queues are configured by name under the Application/workers stanza. The following example configures two workers for the processing of a queue named invoices. Each worker process connects to a local PostgreSQL and RabbitMQ instance using default credentials.

       postgres_url: postgresql://localhost:5432/postgres
         host: localhost
         port: 5671
         vhost: /
           protocol: 2
       confirm: false

Queue Configuration Options

The following table details the configuration options available per queue:

Key Description
confirm Enable/Disable RabbitMQ Publisher Confirmations. Default: True
consumer_name Overwrite the default PgQ consumer name. Default: mikkoo
max_failures Maximum failures before discarding an event. Default: 10
postgresql_url The url for connecting to PostgreSQL
rabbitmq Data structure for connection parameters to connect to RabbitMQ
retry_delay How long in seconds until PgQ emits failed events. Default: 10
unregister Unregister a consumer with PgQ on shutdown. Default: True
wait_duration How long to wait before checking the queue after the last empty result. Default: 10

rabbitmq attributes:

Attribute Description
host The hostname or ip address of the RabbitMQ server (str)
port The port of the RabbitMQ server (int)
vhost The virtual host to connect to (str)
username The username to connect as (str)
password The password to use (str)
ssl_options Optional: the SSL options for the SSL connection socket
heartbeat_interval Optional: the AMQP heartbeat interval (int) default: 300 sec

ssl_options attributes:

+----------------+------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Attribute | Description | +================+==============+===========================================================================+ | ca_certs | The file path to the concatenated list of CA certificates (str) | +----------------+------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | ca_path | The directory path to the PEM formatted CA certificates (str) | +----------------+------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | ca_data | The PEM encoded CA certificates (str) | +----------------+------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | prototcol | The ssl PROTOCOL_* enum integer value. Default: 2 for enum PROTOCOL_TLS (int) | +----------------+------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | certfile | The file path to the PEM formatted certificate file (str) | +----------------+------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | keyfile | The file path to the certificate private key (str) | +----------------+------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | password | The password for decrypting the keyfile private key (str) | +----------------+------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | ciphers | The set of available ciphers in the OpenSSL cipher list format (str) | +----------------+------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+

Example Configuration

The following is an example of a full configuration file:


  poll_interval: 10
  sentry_dsn: [YOUR SENTRY DSN]

    enabled: true
    host: localhost
    port: 8125

      confirm: False
      consumer_name: my_consumer
      max_failures: 5
      postgres_url: postgresql://localhost:5432/postgres
        host: localhost
        port: 5671
        username: guest
        password: guest
          protocol: 2
      retry_delay: 5
      unregister: False
      wait_duration: 5

  user: mikkoo
  pidfile: /var/run/mikkoo

  version: 1
      format: '%(levelname) -10s %(asctime)s  %(process)-6d %(processName) -20s %(name) -18s: %(message)s'
      datefmt: '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'
      class: logging.StreamHandler
      formatter: verbose
      debug_only: True
      handlers: [console]
      level: INFO
      propagate: true
      handlers: [console]
      level: INFO
      propagate: true
      handlers: [console]
      level: ERROR
      propagate: true
      handlers: [console]
      level: ERROR
      propagate: true
      handlers: [console]
      level: ERROR
      propagate: true
    handlers: [console]
    level: CRITICAL
    propagate: true
  disable_existing_loggers: true
  incremental: false

Running Mikkoo

After creating a configuration file for Mikkoo like the one above, simply run the mikkoo application providing the path to the configuration file:

mikkoo -c mikkoo.yml

The application will attempt to daemonize unless you use the -f foreground CLI switch.

Mikkoo's CLI help can be invoked with --help and yields the following output:

$ mikkoo -h
usage: mikkoo [-h] [-c CONFIG] [-f]

Mikkoo is a PgQ to RabbitMQ Relay

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -c CONFIG, --config CONFIG
                        Path to the configuration file
  -f, --foreground      Run the application interactively

  1. AMQP properties should be set as a JSON blob. Values set in the ev_extra3 field will overwrite the automatically created properties app_id, content_type, correlation_id, headers, and timestamp.

  2. If ev_extra4 is specified and is a JSON key/value dictionary, it will be assigned to the headers AMQP property.

  3. headers should be sent to a key/value JSON blob if specified


Mikkoo is a PgQ to RabbitMQ Relay

License:BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License


Language:Python 89.7%Language:PLpgSQL 9.9%Language:Shell 0.3%