gmelika / buttercoinsdk-node

Official Node Client of the Buttercoin API

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Buttercoin Node SDK Client

Official Node Client of the Buttercoin API. Buttercoin is a trading platform that makes buying and selling bitcoin easy.

Getting Started

Use npm to install

npm install buttercoinsdk-node



Setting Property Name Description
Public Key publicKey Your Buttercoin API Public Key
Secret Key secretKey Your Buttercoin API Secret Key
Environment environment Your development environment (default: 'production', set to 'staging' to test with testnet bitcoins)
API Version version The API Version. Currently used to version the API URL and Service Description
// Configure Buttercoin instance.  Only apiKey and apiSecret are required.

// The environment parameter defaults to the 'production' environment.

// The version parameter defaults to the latest version as of this release, 'v1'

var buttercoin = require('buttercoinsdk-node')('<api_key>', '<api_secret>', '<environment>', '<version>');


A note on the timestamp param sent to all client methods: This param must always be increasing, and within 5 minutes of Buttercoin server times (GMT). This is to prevent replay attacks on your data.

Because of this, if you need your API calls to run in a certain order, you must chain together callbacks to ensure synchronous responses to your requests.

var timestamp = new Date().getTime();

Get Data

Key Permissions
Returns array of permissions associated with this key

buttercoin.getKey(new Date().getTime(), function (err, key) {
  console.log("key err", err);
  console.log("key", key);

Returns array of balances for this account

buttercoin.getBalances(new Date().getTime(), function (err, balances) {
  console.log("balances err", err);
  console.log("balances", balances);

Deposit Address
Returns bitcoin address string to deposit your funds into the Buttercoin platform

buttercoin.getDepositAddress(new Date().getTime(), function (err, address) {
  console.log("address err", err);
  console.log("address", address);

Get Orders
Returns array of JSON Objects containing information about buy and sell orders

Name Param Description
Status status enum: ['opened', 'reopened', 'filled', 'canceled']
Side side enum: ['buy', 'sell']
Order Type orderType enum: ['market', 'limit']
Date Min dateMin format: ISO-8601, e.g. '2014-05-06T13:15:30Z'
Date Max dateMax format: ISO-8601, e.g. '2014-05-06T13:15:30Z'
// query for multiple orders
var orderParams = { side: 'sell' };

buttercoin.getOrders(orderParams, new Date().getTime(), function (err, orders) {
  console.log("orders err", err);
  console.log("orders", orders);

// single order by id
var orderId = '<order_id>';

buttercoin.getOrder(orderId, new Date().getTime(), function (err, orders) {
  console.log("order err", err);
  console.log("single order", orders);

Get Transactions
Returns array of JSON Objects containing information about deposit and withdraw action

Name Param Description
Status status enum: ['pending', 'processing', 'funded', 'canceled', 'failed']
Transaction Type transactionType enum: ['deposit', 'withdrawal']
Date Min dateMin format: ISO-8601, e.g. '2014-05-06T13:15:30Z'
Date Max dateMax format: ISO-8601, e.g. '2014-05-06T13:15:30Z'
// query for multiple transactions
var trxnParams = {};

buttercoin.getTransactions(trxnParams, new Date().getTime(), function (err, orders) {
  console.log("trxn err", err);
  console.log("trxn", orders);

// single transaction by id
var trxnId = '53a22ce164f23e7301a4fee5';

buttercoin.getTransaction(trxnId, new Date().getTime(), function (err, transaction) {
  console.log("single trxn err", err);
  console.log("single trxn", transaction);
Unauthenticated Requests (not subject to daily API rate limit)

Get Order Book
Return an array of current orders in the Buttercoin order book

buttercoin.getOrderbook(function (err, orderBook) {
  console.log("order book err", err);
  console.log("order book", orderBook);

Get Ticker
Return the current bid, ask, and last sell prices on the Buttercoin platform

buttercoin.getTicker(function (err, ticker) {
  console.log("ticker err", err);
  console.log("ticker", ticker);

Create New Actions

Create Order

Valid order params include:

Name Param Description
Instrument instrument enum: ['BTC_USD, USD_BTC']
Side side enum: ['buy', 'sell'], required true
Order Type orderType enum: ['limit', 'market'], required true
Price price string, required false
Quantity quantity string, required false
// create a JSON object with the following params
var order = {
  instrument: "BTC_USD",
  orderAction: "buy",
  orderType: "limit",
  price: "700.00"
  quantity: "5"

buttercoin.createOrder(order, new Date().getTime(), function (err, order) {
  console.log("create order err", err);
  console.log("create order", order);

Create Transaction

Deposit transaction params include:

Name Param Description
Method method enum: ['wire'], required true
Currency currency enum: ['USD'], required true
Amount amount string, required true
// create deposit
var trxnObj = {
  method: "wire",
  currency: "USD",
  amount: "5002"

buttercoin.createDeposit(trxnObj, new Date().getTime(), function (err, trxn) {
  console.log("create trxn err", err);
  console.log("create trxn", trxn);

Withdrawal transaction params include:

Name Param Description
Method method enum: ['check'], required true
Currency currency enum: ['USD'], required true
Amount amount string, required true
// create withdrawal
var trxnObj = {
  method: "check",
  currency: "USD",
  amount: "100"

buttercoin.createWithdrawal(trxnObj, new Date().getTime(), function (err, trxn) {
  console.log("create trxn err", err);
  console.log("create trxn", trxn);

Send bitcoin transaction params include:

Name Param Description
Currency currency ['USD'], required true
Amount amount string, required true
Destination destination address to which to send currency string, required true
// send bitcoins to an address
var trxnObj = {
  currency: "BTC",
  amount: "100.231231",
  destination: "<bitcoin_address>"

buttercoin.send(trxnObj, new Date().getTime(), function (err, trxn) {
  console.log("create trxn err", err);
  console.log("create trxn", trxn);

Cancel Actions

All successful cancel calls to the API return a response status of 204 with a human readable success message

Cancel Order
Cancel a pending buy or sell order

buttercoin.cancelOrder(orderId, new Date().getTime(), function (err, msg) {
  console.log("cancel order err", err);
  console.log("cancel order", msg);

Cancel Transaction
Cancel a pending deposit or withdraw action

buttercoin.cancelTransaction(trxnId, new Date().getTime(), function (err, msg) {
  console.log("cancel trxn err", err);
  console.log("cancel trxn", msg);

Further Reading

Buttercoin - Website
Buttercoin API Docs


This is an open source project and we love involvement from the community! Hit us up with pull requests and issues.

The aim is to take your great ideas and make everyone's experience using Buttercoin even more powerful. The more contributions the better!

Release History


  • First release.


  • Added support for unauthenticated requests
  • Fixed README format and accuracy


  • Fixed issue with orderbook returning null


Licensed under the MIT license.


Official Node Client of the Buttercoin API



Language:JavaScript 100.0%