gmarrot / dotnet-wording-plugin

Gradle plugin to manage wording in .Net projects (.resx files), using Google Sheet as source.

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Gradle Wording Plugin for .Net Projects


This plugin allow you to manage .Net application's wording with a simple Google Sheet file. Just create a sheet with columns for keys, wording and comments. The plugin will generate or update existing .resx files. Your product owner will be able to edit himself application's wording.


As this plugin has been written in Kotlin and use particular features of the language, it requires Gradle 5.0+ to work.

Quick Start

Wording Update

You can create a Google Sheet for your application's wording with one column for keys, one optionally for comments and columns for languages like this :

Keys Comments English French
UserFirstName The user's first name First Name Prénom
UserLastName The user's last name Last Name Nom

You can find a sample here.

In your project, you need to apply the plugin in your build.gradle.

plugins {
    id "com.betomorrow.dotnet.wording" version "1.0.0"

Or you can use the legacy plugin declaration. As it uses third-party libraries from Maven Central, you will also need to update your buildscript.

buildscript {
    repositories {
        maven {
            url ""
    dependencies {
        classpath "com.betomorrow.gradle:dotnet-wording-plugin:1.0.0"

apply plugin: "com.betomorrow.dotnet.wording"

Then you can declare your wording configuration :

wording {
    sheetId = "1xIZpaIsHMr1U6uuI6ox8kOPoH6O9A91aiVw21OYVyDQ"

    keysColumn = "A"

    languages {
        "default" {
            output = "WordingSampleApp/Resources/StringResources.resx"
            column = "C"
        "fr" {
            output = "WordingSampleApp/Resources/"
            column = "D"

At this step, you can run the wording's upgrade : ./gradlew upgradeWording.

The first time you launch this command, the plugin will ask you to grant access on Google Sheet.

> Task :downloadWording
Please open the following address in your browser:
Attempting to open that address in the default browser now...

You will see an authorization request in your browser. You have to accept it to allow the plugin to download the wording file.

The plugin will finally update wording files. In this sample, WordingSampleApp/Resources/StringResources.resx and WordingSampleApp/Resources/

Wording Check

You can specify for each language a states column to check its validity. If you do it, you will also need to set a validWordingStates to the wording DSL for share it with all languages or in each one.

Here is an example with three languages (two with shared valid states and one with his own) :

wording {
    sheetId = "1xIZpaIsHMr1U6uuI6ox8kOPoH6O9A91aiVw21OYVyDQ"

    keysColumn = "A"
    validWordingStates = ["Validated"]

    languages {
        "default" {
            output = "WordingSampleApp/Resources/StringResources.resx"
            column = "C"
            statesColumn = "F"
        "fr" {
            output = "WordingSampleApp/Resources/"
            column = "E"
            statesColumn = "F"
            validWordingStates = ["Validé"]
        "es" {
            output = "WordingSampleApp/Resources/"
            column = "G"
            statesColumn = "H"

When you specify these two parameters, you can run the wording's check : ./gradlew checkWording.


Plugin creates several tasks to manage wording :

  • downloadWording : Export sheet in local .xlsx file that you can commit for later edit. It prevent risks to have unwanted wording changes when you fix bugs.
  • updateWording : Update all wording files.
  • upgradeWording : Download Google Sheet and update all wording files.
  • checkWording : Check the validity of all wording keys for each defined language.

It also creates tasks for each defined languages : updateWordingDefault, checkWordingDefault, updateWordingFr, checkWordingFr, ...

Complete DSL

wording {
    credentials = "credentials.json"    // Optional, default : use provided credentials  
    clientId = ""                       // Optional, default : use provided credentials  
    clientSecret = ""                   // Optional, default : use provided credentials  

    sheetId = "THE SHEET ID"            // *Required*
    sheetNames = ["commons", "app"]     // Optional, default: use all sheets of the file
    filename = "wording.xlsx"           // Optional, default: "wording.xlsx"
    keysColumn = "A"                    // Optional, default: "A"
    commentsColumn = ""                 // Optional, default: null

    validWordingStates = []             // List of valid states for wording. Optional, default: empty list

    skipHeaders = true                  // Skip headers. Optional, default: true
    addMissingKeys = false              // Add missing key from sheet in wording files. If false, it will throw errors on default wording file when missing keys. Optional, default: false
    removeNonExistingKeys = false       // Remove wording from resx files that not exist in Google Sheet. Optional, default: false
    sortWording = false                 // Sort wording with Google Sheet file keys order. Optional, default: false

    languages {
        'default' {
            output "src/main/res/values/strings.xml"        // Path and name of the wording file for the language. *Required*
            column = "B"                                    // Column of the language's wording. *Required*
            statesColumn = ""                               // Column of the wording's state for the language. Optional, default: null
            validWordingStates = []                         // List of valid states for wording. If not set, it uses the validWordingStates for parent DSL. Optional, default: empty list
        'fr' {
            output = "src/main/res/values-es/strings.xml"   // Path and name of the wording file for the language. *Required*
            column = "C"                                    // Column of the language's wording. *Required*
            statesColumn = ""                               // Column of the wording's state for the language. Optional, default: null
            validWordingStates = []                         // List of valid states for wording. If not set, it uses the validWordingStates for parent DSL. Optional, default: empty list
        // [...] Add more languages here


The plugin includes Google Projet credentials for convenience use but you can setup your own projet. Create new project in GCP Console then enable Drive API in API library and create credentials. You can use credentials.json file or clientId / clientSecret.


Gradle plugin to manage wording in .Net projects (.resx files), using Google Sheet as source.


Language:Kotlin 100.0%