glyph-fr / simple_form_extension

Custom Simple Form inputs and components for powerful Rails forms

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Simple Form Extension

This gems adds custom common input types to simple form.

Available inputs

The following custom Simple Form inputs are available :

  • boolean
  • collection_check_boxes
  • collection_radio_buttons
  • date_time
  • file
  • image
  • numeric
  • redactor
  • selectize
  • slider
  • color

Most of those inputs come with built-in javascript plugins, sometimes depending on external gems, others with the javascript plugin bundled in the gem's vendor directory.

For more informations on javascript plugins usage, see the Javascript plugins section


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'simple_form_extension'

And then execute:


Or install it yourself as:

gem install simple_form_extension

Use the install generator :

rails generate simple_form_extension:install

Add to your application.css :

 *= require simple_form_extension

Add to your application.js :

//= require simple_form_extension


There are two types of inputs provided by Simple Form Extension.

Input overrides

The first are overrides of default Simple Form inputs, which allows for cleaner defaults. You have nothing to do to use them, since they'll be used automatically when calling form.input.

Those inputs are the following :

  • boolean
  • collection_check_boxes
  • collection_radio_buttons
  • date_time
  • file
  • numeric

New inputs

The other inputs are new ones, that extend the possibilities of your forms. You need to explicitly call them in your forms with the :as parameter.

This inputs are the following :

New Inputs usage


The image is built to work with Paperclip attachments.

It allows you to show a preview of the image before uploading it and a thumbnail of that image when displaying the form after the image has been uploaded.

= form.input :picture, as: :image

Optionnaly, the input can add a Remove button to the image. For this feature to work you have to define a setter on your model that'll remove the image when given '1' as a value.

As a default, the input will look for a remove_<attachment_name> method, and if it finds it, a Remove button will be added.

# app/models/photo.rb
class Photo < ActiveRecord::Base
  has_attached_file :picture

  def remove_picture=(value)
    # Remove your attachment here

# app/views/photos/_form.html.haml
= simple_form_for @photo do |form|
  = form.input :picture, as: :image

You can customize the name of the setter that will be called with the :remove_method option :

= form.input :picture, as: :image, remove_method: :destroy_picture


The selectize field allows you to create a powerful select field using the Selectize javascript plugin.

= form.input :items, as: :selectize, collection: Item.all

The following options are available :

  • :creatable : allow you to add options that are not initally present in the list
  • :multi : sets the field to multi mode, allowing users to select multiple items
  • :collection : sets the collection. Can be any ActiveRecord::Relation (#name and #title will be called to define label) or a Hash with { :text, :value } keys at least
  • :max-items : When in multi mode, maximum items that can be selected
  • :sort-field : The name of the collection item's field that will be used for sorting. You can add a field to the collection and it'll be serialized to JSON and used from selectize to sort your collection.
= form.input :items, as: :selectize, collection: { |item| { text:, value:, position: item.position } }, :'sort-field' => :position, multi: false, creatable: true

Used javascript plugin : Selectize

Selectize on enums

You can use a selectize input field on enums.

The different options of the enum will be displayed. You can translate those options by defining the following translation key : activerecord.enums.<model_name>.<attribute_name>.<option_name>.

For example, if we have a User model with an invitation enum and the accepted state, we'll have to translate : activerecord.enums.user.invitation.accepted.


To use the slide component, you'll always want to set the :min and :max options.

Use it with :

= form.input :field, as: :slider, min: 0, max: 10

Options are the following :

  • :step : Which size the steps should be between :min and :max
  • :orientation : 'horizontal' or 'vertical', defaults to hotirzontal
  • :range : set to true for the slider to be a range slider
  • :disabled : set to true to disable interaction
  • :ticks : pass an array of ticks to display on the slider, ex: [0, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10]
= form.input :field, as: :slider, min: 0, max: 10, step: 2, orientation: 'vertical',
                     range: true, ticks: [0, 5, 10]

Used javascript plugin : Bootstrap Slider


There are not options for now on this redactor input.

To use it, just call it as usual :

= form.input :content, as: :redactor

Used javascript plugin : Redactor


The color input allows to add a colorpicker to a string field.

= form.input :background_color, as: :color

Options :

  • format
  • align

Used javascript plugin : Bootstrap Color Picker

Javascript Plugins

Simple Form Extension comes with several javascript plugins built-in for the inputs to work properly.

Plugins are automatically initialized on page load, with or without Turbolinks.

This means that for a classic page you don't need to initialize anything yourself.

Manual javascript plugins initialization

If you append some HTML, after the page is loaded, containing inputs that you need to initialize, you'll need to manually call the Simple Form Extension plugins initialization method.

Note : Most of the javascript-bound inputs need their associated plugin to be run to build their final appearance. So their initialization can't be deferred, and you need to initialize them manually when appending HTML to the page after the page is loaded

All you need to do is calling the following simpleForm jQuery plugin :


As an example, if you're loading a form from the server, you can do the following :

$.get('/form/url', function(response) {
  // Store the fragment loaded from the server in a variable
  $fragment = $(response)
  // Append it to the DOM
  // Initialize Simple Form Extension plugins

Disabling image input file type validation

By default, Simple Form Extension restricts the image file types users can select to JPEG, PNG and GIF file types. This is done by using the accept html attribute of the input tag.

You can turn off this behavior by :

  • Setting SimpleFormExtension.default_image_input_accept = nil in an initializer for an app-wide setting
  • Setting form.input :image, input_html: { accept: nil } locally on the fields you want to allow other input types


  1. Fork it ( )
  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  5. Create new Pull Request


Custom Simple Form inputs and components for powerful Rails forms

License:MIT License


Language:Ruby 100.0%