glynhudson / stm32tests

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this repo is just some notes gathered whilst starting out with an STM32 MCU, in particular a nucleo-f303re board.

For notes about any particular project check for a in that project's folder.

Getting started

Using Make

To compile and flash the firmware to a USB connected device and then view the serial output on a Linux box all that is required is the arm toolchain and a serial console like Minicom, both can be installed via apt-get

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install -y gcc-arm-none-eabi minicom

once this repo is cloned or downloaded/extracted a project can be compiled by just running make from the chosen project folder

git clone
cd stm32tests/emonTxshield

to flash the firmware to a USB connected nucleo board using the on-board STLink v2.1 programmer/debugger, the .bin file found in the build folder that was generated by make can be copied to the "NODE_F303RE" USB storage device. The STLink v2.1 makes flashing very easy by presenting the nucleo board as a USB mass storage device (512Kb in the case of the F303RE) and any .bin file dropped there will be flashed to the target STM32 MCU by the STLink v2.1 automatiaclly.

cp build/emonTxshield.bin /media/pi/NODE_F303RE

The path to the "NODE_F303RE" may vary depending on the host OS in use. Here Raspbian Stretch is being used an a Raspberry Pi 3 and it was autodetected and mounted by the OS.

Minicom can be used to view the serial output.

minicom -F -b115200 -D/dev/ttyACM0

if the serial output scrolls off the right hand side of the page, the "Add carriage return" setting in Minicom can be set with ctrl-a then u. to exit Minicom use ctrl-a then x and enter or to bring up a menu of options ctrl-a then z.

to make life a little easier an alias can be set up with

printf "alias nucleo='minicom  -F -b115200 -D/dev/ttyACM0'\n" >> ~/.bash_aliases
source ~/.bashrc

so that just typing nucleo will open Minicom with the correct path and baud eg

pi@raspberrypi:~ $ nucleo

Welcome to minicom 2.7

Compiled on Apr 22 2017, 09:14:19.
Port /dev/ttyACM0, 15:04:04

Press CTRL-A Z for help on special keys

0: Vrms: 1150.38, Irms: 39.15, Papp: 45038.84, Preal: 290.31, PF: 0.006
1: Vrms: 1150.38, Irms: 2047.88, Papp: 2355847.50, Preal: 3066.12, PF: 0.001
2: Vrms: 1150.38, Irms: 2047.88, Papp: 2355848.25, Preal: 3066.12, PF: 0.001
3: Vrms: 1150.37, Irms: 2047.88, Papp: 2355817.00, Preal: 1267.52, PF: 0.001
1: Vrms: 1150.94, Irms: 2047.88, Papp: 2356991.25, Preal: 1878.74, PF: 0.001
2: Vrms: 1150.94, Irms: 2047.88, Papp: 2356991.75, Preal: 1878.95, PF: 0.001
3: Vrms: 1150.94, Irms: 2047.88, Papp: 2356979.75, Preal: 2147.80, PF: 0.001
0: Vrms: 1150.94, Irms: 39.14, Papp: 45043.89, Preal: 240.61, PF: 0.005

Likewise we can add a bash function to help with uploading too with

printf 'function flash() { cp "build/${PWD##*/}.bin" "/media/${USER}/NODE_F303RE" ; }\n' >> ~/.bash_aliases
source ~/.bashrc

The line may need editing for some setups, it currently uses the current working directory to workout the .bin filename and assumes the nucleo is mounted in the current users media folder.

Now just typing flash will copy the .bin file to the nucleo board. So to compile, upload and open minicom in one move.

make && flash && nucleo

this has an added advantage that it actually catches the resetting of the nucleo so you see the full startup info of the newly flashed FW

3: Vrms: 1150.20, Irms: 87.93, Papp: 101134.68, Preal: 2293.79, PF: 0.023
0: Vrms: 1150.22, Irms: 8.00, Papp: 9203.00, Preal: -14.08, PF: -0.002
1: Vrms: 1150.22, Irms: 87.93, Papp: 101135.70
emonTxshield Demo 1.2
Patch PA0 through to PB14 for V!!!
CPU temp: 30C, Vdda: 3306mV
CPU temp: 30C, Vdda: 3304mV
1: Vrms: 1147.66, Irms: 87.92, Papp: 100899.40, Preal: 1183.72, PF: 0.012
2: Vrms: 1147.66, Irms: 87.93, Papp: 100910.83, Preal: 1183.76, PF: 0.012
3: Vrms: 1147.65, Irms: 87.92, Papp: 100906.77, Preal: 1373.21, PF: 0.014
0: Vrms: 1147.66, Irms: 8.91, Papp: 10231.19, Preal: -10.75, PF: -0.001

For the less patient (including me) here is an all in one block of code

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install -y gcc-arm-none-eabi minicom
printf "alias nucleo='minicom -F -b115200 -D/dev/ttyACM0'\n" >> ~/.bash_aliases
printf 'function flash() { cp "build/${PWD##*/}.bin" "/media/${USER}/NODE_F303RE" ; }\n' >> ~/.bash_aliases
source ~/.bashrc
git clone
cd stm32tests/emonTxshield

[this works on a Pi running Raspbian Stretch, you may get different results if (for example) the git and make packages are not already installed. Omit the first lines if tools already installed or the last lines if nucleo device not yet connected]

Alternatively to use platformIO

Install platformio

To download this repo, compile and upload with platformIO:

git clone
cd stm32tests/emonTxshield
pio run -t upload

To view serial output:

pio device monitor

[Note - For more info see the STM32 PlatformIO thread on OEM forum.]



Language:C 97.5%Language:C++ 2.1%Language:Assembly 0.3%Language:Makefile 0.1%