gluckzhang / phoebe

Realistic Failure Injection for System Calls

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Realistic Failure Injection for System Calls


Phoebe is a fault injection framework for reliability analysis with respect to system call invocation failures. First, Phoebe enables developers to have full observability of system call invocations for an application, second Phoebe generates failure models that are realistic in the sense that they resemble errors that naturally happen in production. With the generated failure models, Phoebe automatically conducts a series of chaos engineering experiments to systematically assess the reliability of applications with respect to system call invocation failures.


BPF Compiler Collection (BCC)

Follow the instructions here:

Other Dependencies

pip install -r requirements.txt

System Call Monitor

sudo ./ -p [PID] -mL -i 1

Monitor all system call invocations including their types, return code and execution time for process PID. The execution time is recorded in milliseconds, with the monitoring interval 1 second.

sudo ./ --process [PROCESS_NAME] -mL -i 15

Similar to the previous command, but it monitors all the system call invocations done by process with name PROCESS_NAME.

Failure Model Synthesizer

python -h [HOST_URL] --start=[START] --end=[END]

Query the monitoring information from Prometheus server and generate a set of realistic failure injection models. The option --start and --end follow the format of unix timestamp or rfc3339 string (e.g., 2020-05-30T10:00:00Z).

System Call Injector

sudo ./ -p [PID] -P 0.5 --errorno=-ETIMEDOUT futex

Fail invocations to futex with an error code ETIMEDOUT and a failure rate 50% (half of the invocations are likely to be failed) for process PID.

sudo ./ --process [PROCESS_NAME] -P 0.5 -c 100 --errorno=-ETIMEDOUT futex

Fail invocations to futex with an error code ETIMEDOUT which are done by process with name PROCESS_NAME. The faile rate is 50%. There are at most 100 invocations are injected with such an error.


cd ./visualization && ./

Then the Grafana dashboard is available at http://localhost:3000/.


Realistic Failure Injection for System Calls


Language:Python 99.1%Language:Shell 0.9%