glowkeeper / react-address-book-exemplar

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React Address Book

React Address Book

In this exercise you are going to practice:

  • Fetching data from a server using useEffect and fetch
  • Implementing a controlled form
  • Posting data to a server using fetch
  • Implementing multiple routes

Some of the components have been created for you.


  1. Fork and clone this repository
  2. npm install
  3. npm start
  4. [NEW] Start json-server. In a new terminal: npx json-server -p 4000 --watch db/db.json --routes db/routes.json
  5. Visit localhost:4000/contacts to make sure your json-server is running


  • A user can view a list of contacts at "/" when the app loads.
    • Each contact should show first name and last name
    • The list of contacts should be fetched from json-server
  • A user can create a contact at "/contacts/add" via a form when the "Add New Contact" menu link is clicked
    • The created contact should have:
      • first name
      • last name
      • street
      • city
    • When the form is submitted, the created contact should be saved in the database by sending to json-server
    • The created contact should be also be added to the contacts list
    • The add new contact form should be reset
  • A user can view a specific contact at "/contacts/:id" by pressing a "view" link from the contacts list
    • The view contact page should display all the details of the contact
    • The specific contact should be fetched from json-server based on it's id


  • Check db/db.json and think about which URLs you are going to need when creating your fetch functions.
  • Using the instructions above, json-server will run on localhost:4000, so you can GET all contacts at http//localhost:4000/contacts.
  • You can add a new contact by POST-ing to http//localhost:4000/contacts
  • You can also use a tool such as Insomnia to test these requests before you start writing code

Extension 1

  • Add support for defining the following fields for each contact:
    • Email
    • LinkedIn
    • Twitter
  • Update the new contact form and the contact view page to show these fields

Extension 2

  • The user is automatically returned to the contacts list page when a contact is added.
    • Take a look at useNavigate on React Router for how to do this.

Extension 3

  • A user can edit a contact when an "Edit" link is clicked in the contacts list
    • The updated contact should be saved in the database using a PUT or PATCH call to json-server
    • The updated contact should be viewable in the contacts list

Extension 3

  • The user can delete a contact from the contacts list

Extension 4

  • A user can see a loading spinner when the initial list of contacts is being fetched from json-server
    • To test this, you can use Chrome Developer Tools to throttle your network connection
    • Note: Your solution should assume that the list of contacts returned from the server could be empty

Extension 5

  • A user can view a list of meetings and create new meetings for each contact at "/contact/:id/meetings"
    • From the contact view page, a new link should be added, "Meetings" which takes the user to a new page, rendered with a new Meetings component
    • When the component loads, a list of meetings arranged for that contact should be fetched from json-server
    • A form at the top of the list should allow the user to add new meetings. Each meeting should contain a date, a time and a location.
    • New meetings should be saved using json-server
  • For this extension you will need to update the db.json file to store meeting objects. See the json-server documentation for more details.
  • When you add meetings, you will need to "link them" to the specific contact by including the contact id in each meeting

Extension 6

  • A user can specify a contact type when adding a contact, Work or Personal.
  • Update the contacts list and contact view to show the contact type. Display each type in a different style, or use conditional rendering to add a different icon or emoji next to the contact based on their type.
  • Add filter options to the contacts list so the user can toggle each contact type. Changing the filter should change the displayed contacts.
  • Each time the filter changes, the URL should also be updated.
    • In this instance, the specific filters should be added as URL Search params. For example, if the user filters by only "personal", the url should be something like /?type=personal. If the user filters by only "work", then the url should be /?type=work. If the user filters by both types, then the url should be /?type=work&type=personal. If there are no filters in the URL, then all contacts should be shown.
    • See useSearchParams on React Router for one approach to this.
    • Read the documentation carefully on useSearchParams. It works similar to useState, but the value you get back is an instance of URLSearchParams, not an object as you may expect.
    • You may want to consider using useSearchParams in a small test project first to understand how it works.



Language:JavaScript 75.6%Language:CSS 14.2%Language:HTML 10.2%