glenjamin / fourten

An opinionated Go HTTP Client.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Four Ten

410 Gone

An opinionated Go HTTP Client.

This library aims to provide a high-level interface for performing HTTP requests with minimal ceremony, including key features for use in a production setting.

It is my intention that you shouldn't need to drop down to lower level abstractions, but the library will allow you to if you so desire.

Being abstract is something profoundly different from being vague … The purpose of abstraction is not to be vague, but to create a new semantic level in which one can be absolutely precise.

Edsger W. Dijkstra


  • Be simple and easy to use
  • Be reasonably fast
  • HTTP Status errors are Go errors
  • Everything requires a Context
  • Short, sensible default timeouts
  • Allow setting up reusable defaults across requests
  • Support automatic retry of idempotent requests
  • Easily handle JSON request and response bodies
  • Allow consumers to add observability via metrics and tracing


// Setup a client with defaults you care about
client := fourten.New(
    fourten.SetHeader("Authorization", "Bearer 1234567890"),
    fourten.Observe(func(req fourten.RequestInfo) fourten.ResponseObserver {
        start := time.Now()
        return func(res fourten.ResponseInfo) {
            metrics.Timer("http.request", time.Since(start), map[string]string{
                "error": String(res.err != nil),
                "status": res.StatusCode,
                "route": req.Target,

ctx := context.Background()

// Make GET requests with response decoding
    json := make(map[string]interace{})
    res, err := client.GET(ctx, "/items", &json)
    println(err, res, json)

// HTTP Status codes are turned into errors
    res, err := client.GET(ctx, "/error", nil) // 4xx, 5xx etc
    errors.Is(err, fourten.ErrHTTP) // true

    // And can be cast into useful error types
    var httpErr *fourten.HttpError
    if errors.As(err, &httpErr) {
        json := make(map[string]interace{})
        err := httpErr.Decode(json)
        raw := httpErr.Body()
        println(err, res, json, raw)

// Derive new clients from the existing client's defaults as needed
derived := client.Derive(

// Make POST requests with request encoding and body decoding
    input = map[string]interface{}{"abc": "def"}
    output := make(map[string]interace{})
    res, err := derived.POST(ctx, "/items", input, &output)
    println(err, res, output)

// To override options per request, derive a client inline
    res, err := client.Derive(fourten.DontRetry).POST(ctx, "/items/one-shot", nil, nil)
    println(err, res, json)

// URL parameters can be filled in via optional additional arguments
    res, err := client.POST(ctx, "/items/:item-id", nil, nil, fourten.Param("item-id", "123456"))
    println(err, res, json)

// Sending loads of data? gzip your bodies
	zippy := client.Derive(fourten.GzipRequests)

// Retries are off by default, but can be enabled and configured
retrying := client.Derive(
    fourten.RetryMaxDuration(5 * time.Second),
    // initial delay, max delay, iteration multiplier, jitter factor
    fourten.RetryBackoff(200 * time.Millisecond, time.Second, 2, 0.1)

// Or you can supply completely custom retry logic
retrying := client.Derive(
    fourten.RetryStrategy(func() fourten.Retrier {
        attempts := 0
        return func(err error) time.Duration {
            if attempt += 1; attempt > 3 {
                return -1
            if httpErr := fourten.AsHTTPError(err); httpErr != nil {
                if httpErr.Response.StatusCode >= 500 {
                    return 200 * time.Millisecond
                return -1
            return time.Second







An opinionated Go HTTP Client.

License:MIT License


Language:Go 100.0%