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[NeurIPS'22] EHRSQL: A Practical Text-to-SQL Benchmark for Electronic Health Records

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EHRSQL: A Practical Text-to-SQL Benchmark for Electronic Health Records

EHRSQL is a large-scale, high-quality dataset designed for text-to-SQL question answering on Electronic Health Records from MIMIC-III and eICU. The dataset includes questions collected from 222 hospital staff, such as physicians, nurses, insurance reviewers and health records teams. It can be used to test three aspects of QA models: generating a wide range of SQL queries asked in the hospital workplace, understanding various types of time expressions (absolute, relative, or both), and the capability to abstain from answering (querying the database) when the model prediction is not confident (a trustworthy semantic parsing task).

The dataset is released along with our paper titled EHRSQL: A Practical Text-to-SQL Benchmark for Electronic Health Records (NeurIPS 2022 Datasets and Benchmarks). For further details, please refer to our paper.

02/22/2023 We created a leaderboard website for the trustworthy semantic parsing task. Please visit the task website for more general information on the task and a general introduction.


04/30/2023 We corrected minor annotation errors and label inconsistencies in the dataset. Please download the updated version.

Getting Started

Requirments and Installation

  • Python version >= 3.7
  • Pytorch version == 1.7.1
  • SQLite3 version >= 3.33.0
git clone
conda create -n ehrsql python=3.7
conda activate ehrsql
pip install pandas
pip install dask
pip install scikit-learn
pip install func-timeout
pip install transformers==4.19.2 # 4.29.2 works too
pip install sentencepiece
pip install wandb # if needed


Question and SQL

The train.json file contains the following fields for each database:

  • db_id: the ID of the database to which the question pertains
  • question: the paraphrased version of the question
  • template: the original template question
  • query: the corresponding SQL query for the question
  • value: sampled values from the database
  • q_tag: the question template
  • t_tag: the sampled time template
  • o_tag: the sampled operation value
  • tag: the combination of the question template (q_tag) with the time templates (t_tag) and operation values (o_tag)
  • department: the hospital department where the question was collected
  • importance: the importance of the question in the hospital (high, medium, low, or n/a)
  • para_type: the source of the paraphrase (machine or human)
  • is_impossible: whether the question is answerable or unanswerable
  • split: the data split (train, valid, or test)
  • id: a unique ID for each data instance
    "db_id": "mimic_iii", 
    "question": "what is the ingesting method of methimazole?", 
    "template": "what is the intake method of methimazole?", 
    "query": "select distinct prescriptions.route from prescriptions where prescriptions.drug = 'methimazole'", 
    "value": {"drug_name": "methimazole"},
    "q_tag": "what is the intake method of {drug_name}?", 
    "t_tag": ["", "", "", "", ""], 
    "o_tag": ["", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", ""], 
    "tag": "what is the intake method of {drug_name}?",
    "department": "['nursing']",
    "importance": "medium", 
    "para_type": "machine", 
    "is_impossible": false,
    "split": "train", 
    "id": "75379177b6a56fb54e946591"

In valid.json, answerable instances have the same structure as train.json. However, unanswerable instances have fewer fields.

    "db_id": "mimic_iii",
    "question": "tell me what medicine to use to relieve a headache in hypertensive patients.",
    "query": "nan",
    "department": "['nursing']",
    "para_type": "human",
    "is_impossible": true,
    "split": "valid",
    "id": "9db3a82be08e143d7976b015"


We follow the same table information style used in Spider. tables.json contains the following information for both databases:

  • db_id: the ID of the database
  • table_names_original: the original table names stored in the database.
  • table_names: the cleaned and normalized table names.
  • column_names_original: the original column names stored in the database. Each column has the format [0, "id"]. 0 is the index of the table name in table_names. "id" is the column name.
  • column_names: the cleaned and normalized column names.
  • column_types: the data type of each column
  • foreign_keys: the foreign keys in the database. [7, 2] indicates the column indices in column_names. that correspond to foreign keys in two different tables.
  • primary_keys: the primary keys in the database. Each number represents the index of column_names.
    "column_names": [
        "row id"
        "subject id"
    "column_names_original": [
    "column_types": [
    "db_id": "mimic_iii",
    "foreign_keys": [
    "primary_keys": [
    "table_names": [
    "table_names_original": [


To access the databases, PhysioNet’s credentialed access (see license) is needed. Below are the links to the download pages.

Once completed, run the code below to preprocess the database. This step involves patient sampling, further de-identification, and time-shifting, and more.

cd preprocess
python3 --data_dir <path_to_mimic_iii_csv_files> --db_name mimic_iii --deid --timeshift --current_time "2105-12-31 23:59:00" --start_year 2100 --time_span 5 --cur_patient_ratio 0.1

T5 SQL Generation

To train T5-base models, run the code below.

python T5/ --config T5/config/ehrsql/training/ehrsql_mimic3_t5_base.yaml --CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES <gpu_id>

To generate SQL queries with abstention, run the code below.

python T5/ --config T5/config/ehrsql/eval/ehrsql_mimic3_t5_base__mimic3_valid.yaml --output_file prediction_raw.json --CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES <gpu_id>
python T5/ --inference_result_path outputs/eval_ehrsql_mimic3_t5_base__mimic3_valid --input_file prediction_raw.json --output_file prediction.json --threshold 0.14923561

Codex SQL Generation

To generate SQL queries with Codex, run the code below. It is important to note that the ability to abstain has not been implemented in the current version of the Codex run script.

python gpt/ --api_key_path <api_key_path> --test_data_path dataset/ehrsql/mimic_iii/valid.json --inference_result_path outputs/eval_ehrsql_mimic3_codex__mimic3_valid --output_file prediction.json --prompt_path gpt/prompts/codex_apidoc.txt


To evaluate the generated SQL queries, run the code below. This code is compatible with both T5 and Codex SQL generation outputs.

python --db_path ./dataset/ehrsql/mimic_iii/mimic_iii.db --data_file dataset/ehrsql/mimic_iii/valid.json --pred_file ./outputs/eval_ehrsql_mimic3_t5_base__mimic3_valid/prediction.json
python --db_path ./dataset/ehrsql/mimic_iii/mimic_iii.db --data_file dataset/ehrsql/mimic_iii/valid.json --pred_file ./outputs/eval_ehrsql_mimic3_codex__mimic3_valid/prediction.json

Have Questions?

Ask us questions on our Github issues page or contact


When you use the EHRSQL dataset, we would appreciate it if you cite the following:

  title={EHRSQL: A Practical Text-to-SQL Benchmark for Electronic Health Records},
  author={Lee, Gyubok and Hwang, Hyeonji and Bae, Seongsu and Kwon, Yeonsu and Shin, Woncheol and Yang, Seongjun and Seo, Minjoon and Kim, Jong-Yeup and Choi, Edward},
  journal={Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems},


[NeurIPS'22] EHRSQL: A Practical Text-to-SQL Benchmark for Electronic Health Records

License:Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International


Language:Python 91.0%Language:Jupyter Notebook 9.0%