gleberof / SQL-telegram-bot

MS SQL telegram bot

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

SQL telegram bot

The purpose

To send and receive messages to/from telegram bot natively with MS SQL server (by stored procedures)


How to install

  1. Clone repo git clone
  2. Run setup.sql (new DB [telegram] with all nesessary procedures will be created)
  3. Send a message to your bot directly in Telegram (it will help to identify your chat ID). If you're going to use the bot within a group - you need to set up the bot as one of the admins of that group.
  4. Open Configure.sql. Set bot_token given by Bot Father. It will automatically assign chat_id from the last message to the bot or chat.
  5. Run Jobs.sql - to enable jobs (it's checking reuests to bot automatically)
  6. To be able to run SELECT and you need to authorize you account with bot:
    • Find your bot in telegram or open the chat channel where the bot already added
    • Send the /request_access@[your_bot_name] command to bot - it's add your telegram ID to usesr table
    • Open telegram.dbo.users table and find your nickname and set flag [authorized] to 1
    • Now you can do selects with bot

How to use

  1. Send a message from SQL by EXEC [dbo].[usp_SendMessage] @message = N'Hello World!'
  2. Setup commands.

Please check [telegram].[dbo].[commands] table to learn how to configure new commands (we setup few during initial setup)


  1. Setup progress bar for backups. It's almost confugured and run by job (please try backup on you server)


  1. Execute SQL selects. It's almost ready to execute commands - put * symbol before select.


  1. Setup monitoring. Please check [telegram].[monitor].[threshold] to change threshold for alerts


Please do not hesitate to address us in case of questions if any:

  • gleberof @
  • efremovfedorofficial @


MS SQL telegram bot



Language:TSQL 98.5%Language:C# 1.5%