glathoud / d_glat

Tools in the D language including fast computations, JSON manipulation and more.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Tools for the D language. All distributed under the Boost License, see file LICENSE.

All classes and structs are thread-safe.

  • core_assoc_array.d: convenience tool to get/initialize associative arrays having more than one dimension.

    T* aa_getInit( T, KT )( ref T[KT] aa, in KT key, lazy T def_val = T.init );
  • core_enum_parse.d: code generator to declare an enum and a string parser for it.

    mixin( enum_parse_code( "SomeEnum", "parse_some_enum_str"
                             , "some_enum_name_list"
                             , [ "aaa", "bbb", "ccc", "ddd" ] ) );
  • core_fext.d: "fext" stands for "Fast Explicit Tail Calls", does Tail Call Elimination (TCE) and supports mutual recursion.

    mixin(mdecl (<fdecl>,<fbody>, <fdecl>,<fbody>, ... )); // TCE
    mixin(mdeclD(<fdecl>,<fbody>, <fdecl>,<fbody>, ... )); // no TCE, to debug
  • core_file.d:

    void ensure_dir_exists( in string dir_name );
    void ensure_file_writable_or_exit( in string outfilename, in bool ensure_dir = false );
    ubyte[] ubytedata_of_little_endian_ushortdata( in ushort[] ushortdata );
  • core_glob.d: Extract a dirEntries result and convert it into an array of string, in case foreach( name, dirEntries( ... )) is not enough.

    string[] dirSA( string path, string glob, SpanMode spanMode = SpanMode.breadth, bool followSymlink = false );
  • core_json.d:

 alias Jsonplace = string[]; // position in the JSON
 JSONValue json_array()
 JSONValue json_object()
 double json_get_double( in JSONValue jv )
 long json_get_long( in JSONValue jv )
 string json_get_string( in JSONValue jv )
 bool json_get_bool( in JSONValue jv )
 JSONValue json_get_place( in ref JSONValue j, in string place_str
                           , in JSONValue j_default )
 JSONValue json_get_place( in ref JSONValue j, in Jsonplace place
                           , in JSONValue j_default )

 Nullable!JSONValue json_get_place( in ref JSONValue j, in string place_str )
 Nullable!JSONValue json_get_place( in ref JSONValue j, in Jsonplace place )
 bool json_is_integer( in ref Nullable!JSONValue j )
 bool json_is_string( in ref Nullable!JSONValue j )
 bool json_is_string_equal( T )( in ref T j, in Jsonplace place, in string s )
 bool json_is_string_equal( T )( in ref T j, in string s )
 bool json_is_true( in ref Nullable!JSONValue j )
 void json_set_place( JSONValue j, in string place_str, in JSONValue v )
 void json_set_place( JSONValue j, in Jsonplace place, in JSONValue v )
  • core_named_sync.d Name-based synchronization between threads. For example, to ensure a given file is access by only one thread at a time, some_variable_name would be filename, a string variable.

                 // Some code
  • core_parse_number.d Take care of those . (thousands => ignored) and , (comma => replaced with a dot), then try to parse the result into a double.

    alias MaybeDouble = Nullable!double;
    MaybeDouble parseGermanDouble( in string s );
  • core_process.d

    void assertExecute( in string[] cmd );
  • core_sexpr.d Minimalistic parser for S-Expressions, optionally constrained by bool maybe_check_fun( SExpr e )

    SExpr parse_sexpr( alias maybe_check_fun = false )( in string a );
    SExpr parse_sexpr( alias maybe_check_fun = false )( in char[] a );
  • core_string.d Regex-free string tools.

    bool string_is_num09( in string s );
  • core_web.d

    char[] get_url_ssl_unsafe( in string url )
  • flatmatrix/ Systematic linear algebra computations for "flat matrices" (flat double[] array, dimensions) with an emphasis on performance. Correlation, pair deltas, sort_index, statistics, Singular Value Decomposition (SVD).

  • lib_d_eval.d Dynamic code compilation (DMD and LDC).

  • lib_interpolate.d

    T interpolate( in T a, in T b, in T prop )
  • lib_json_manip.d Many tools to manipulate JSONValues.

    JSONValue json_ascii_inplace( ref JSONValue jv );
    JSONValue json_deep_copy( in ref JSONValue j );
    JSONValue json_flatten_array( in ref JSONValue j );
    string json_get_hash( in ref JSONValue j );
    string json_get_hash( in ref JSONValue j, out string sorted_str_json );
    JSONValue json_get_replaced_many_places_with_placeholder_string
    ( in ref JSONValue j, in Jsonplace[] place_arr, in string      placeholder_string );
    // Replace SExpr values with computed doubles out of `o`
    JSONValue json_solve_calc( in ref JSONValue o );
    JSONValue json_solve_calc_one( in ref JSONValue o, in ref JSONValue v );
    double json_solve_calc_one( in ref JSONValue o, in ref SExpr e );
    void json_walkreadonly( alias iter )( in ref JSONValue j );
    bool json_walkreadonly_until( alias test )( in ref JSONValue j );
    void json_walk( alias iter )( ref JSONValue j );
    bool json_walk_until( alias test )( ref JSONValue j );
    // Extend the JSON format to permit /**/ and // comments
    string json_white_out_comments( in string extended_json_string );
    void json_white_out_comments_inplace( char[] ca );
  • lib_modified_slice.d Experiment with modified slices, with dynamic flattening. Still, in the end I prefered simple arrays and a smart algorithm.

  • lib_search_bisection.d Bisection search using double fun( T v ) as a sort reference.

bool search_bisection_string( alias fun, ... )
( in T v, in ulong a0, in ulong b0, out size_t ind0, out size_t ind1, out double prop );

bool search_bisection( alias fun, T = double, .. )
( in T v, in ulong a0, in ulong b0, out size_t ind0, out size_t ind1, out double prop );
  • Bash script to run unit tests for all (default) or one file.


Tools in the D language including fast computations, JSON manipulation and more.

License:Boost Software License 1.0


Language:D 97.9%Language:Shell 2.1%