glasnt / glasnt

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

        ,,;*?%%%%%%%*;,.             Pinned                                                                       ✨
     ::,:?S###@@#S#@#S?;,::          ______________________________________  ______________________________________ 
    :,,;S@####%+;:,;?@@S;,,,        |                                      ||                                      |
  ,:,,:*S@##S*:,,,;;;?@#?:,,,,      | [] glasnt/ih                         || <>                                   |
 %:,,,;?@@%??*:,,,*%?;?@?;,,,:,     |                                      ||                                      |
 ?:,,,;# %;+#?,,,,?@+:+ #+,,,,,     | A very persuasive package, for       ||                                      |
 *;,,,:# %::;::;;::;::? @;,,::,     | creating embroidery patterns.        ||                                      |
 *;,:,,*@ ;;+::,,::+;;@ ?,,:::,     |                                      ||                                      |
 :::::,,%@S+::::::::;S@#:,::::,     | Python ✭ 98 ↡ 8                      ||                                      |
 :,:::,,%##@S;;::;;*@@##?,,::::     |                                      ||                                      |
 ::,:::*###@#?;;;;:+ @##@?;:::;     |______________________________________||______________________________________|
  :::;%@@#%S*;,,,,:+SS##@@?::;      |                                      ||                                      |
    :+*SS%%?%%*+;*%S%S%S%S*:        | [] glasnt/wat-references             || [] django/django                     |
     #*?%%%%??%SSS??%%S@ @          |                                      ||                                      |
        %SSS?*?##%**%S              | The whys to the wats                 || The Web framework for                |
                                    |                                      || perfectionists with deadlines.       |
 Katie McLaughlin                   |                                      ||                                      |
 glasnt                             | Shell ✭ 12 ↡ 1                       || Python ✭ 75831 ↡ 29851               |
                                    |                                      ||                                      |
 Enginerd @GoogleCloudPlatform |    |______________________________________||______________________________________|
 @devopsdays | Steering @pyconau |  |                                      ||                                      |
 Board @django |   Bot account      | [] glasnt/emojificate                || [] glasnt/gday-cloud-run             |
 @glasnt-bot |   Test account       |                                      ||                                      |
 @glasnt-dev                        | Turn text with emoji into text       || Australian-friendly Hello Cloud      |
                                    | with accessible emoji                || Run                                  |
 ¤ 566 followers · ✭ 78             |                                      ||                                      |
                                    | Python ✭ 64 ↡ 8                      || HTML ✭ 1                             |                 |                                      ||                                      |



Language:Python 100.0%