gl-eb / tecan

Read Absorbance Files of the Tecan Plate Reader Infinite 200

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Read Absorbance Files of the Tecan Plate Reader Infinite 200

Automatically determines the table format and the number of wells that were recorded. Reads all absorbance values accordingly and records all sheet names and file names. Ignores but warns about empty or malformatted sheets.


> devtools::install_github("LKremer/tecan")


> library(tecan)
> read_tecan("tecan_example.xlsx")
# A tibble: 51 x 5                                                            
   well  blue_absorbance yellow_absorbance sheetname        filename          
   <chr>           <dbl>             <dbl> <chr>            <chr>             
 1 A1                0.6              0.75 plate format 3×9 tecan_example.xlsx
 2 A2                0.7              0.8  plate format 3×9 tecan_example.xlsx
 3 A3                0.8              0.85 plate format 3×9 tecan_example.xlsx
 4 A4                0.9              0.9  plate format 3×9 tecan_example.xlsx
 5 A5                1                0.95 plate format 3×9 tecan_example.xlsx
 6 A6                1.1              1    plate format 3×9 tecan_example.xlsx
 7 A7                1.2              1.05 plate format 3×9 tecan_example.xlsx
 8 A8                1.3              1.1  plate format 3×9 tecan_example.xlsx
 9 A9                1.4              1.15 plate format 3×9 tecan_example.xlsx
10 B1                0.6              0.75 plate format 3×9 tecan_example.xlsx
# … with 41 more rows
Warning messages:
1: In assemble_tbl(blue, yellow, xlsx_path, ...) :
  Sheet 'missing values' of 'tecan_example.xlsx' has missing data (empty table cells).
2: In autoread_tecan_sheet(xlsx_path, sheet = s) :
  Ignoring sheet 'unrelated sheet' of 'tecan_example.xlsx' since it has the wrong format.
3: In autoread_tecan_sheet(xlsx_path, sheet = s) :
  Ignoring sheet 'random empty sheet' of 'tecan_example.xlsx' since it has the wrong format.

Read the warning messages carefully!

Reading many files

> library(tecan)
> library(dplyr)

> tecan_files <- Sys.glob("some/path/*.xlsx")
> tbl <- lapply(tecan_files, read_tecan) %>% bind_rows()


Read Absorbance Files of the Tecan Plate Reader Infinite 200

License:MIT License


Language:R 100.0%