gkrajuska / Synth-A-Modeler

backup of synth-a-modeler

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The Synth-A-Modeler project was carried out at the TU Berlin's Audio Communication Group. The Synth-A-Modeler compiler was written by Edgar Berdahl, and the graphical user interface was created by Peter Vasil. We would like to graciously thank Prof. Julius O. Smith III, Alexandros Kontogeorgakopoulos, Prof. Stefan Weinzierl, Prof. Yann Orlarey, and the Alexander von Humboldt foundation for their support.



Project structure

cmd: This folder consist Edgar Berdahl's Synth-A-Modeler compiler and example model files.

cmd2: A C++ version of the Synth-A-Modeler compiler (experimental).

extras: Consists of Synth-A-Modeler file editor support for Emacs and Vim and a Synth-A-ModelerGUI Linux installer.

gui: This folder consist the Synth-A-ModelerGUI project.


The Synth-A-ModelerGUI project is heavily using the JUCE library. It also depends on Google's re2 regular expression library for parsing Synth-A-Modeler *.mdl files.

Get the sources and dependencies

Clone the Synth-A-Modeler repository:

git clone --recursive https://github.com/ptrv/Synth-A-Modeler.git

The --recursive switch tells git to pull also the JUCE submodule. Without the switch you have to seperately get the submodule.

git clone https://github.com/ptrv/Synth-A-Modeler.git
cd Synth-A-Modeler
git submodule update --init

Also there is a dependency on re2, the regular expression library used in this project.

For Mac OS X and Windows there are already binaries of the library provided, on Linux consider the following steps to get and compile the library:

cd Synth-A-Modeler
cd gui/Libs

Compiling Introjucer

Introjucer is part of the JUCE library. It is the project manager for JUCE projects. Every time you have to make changes to the Synth-A-ModelerGUI projects (i.e. add new source files, change compile options), you have to use the Introjucer application. But first it must be compiled.

Depending on your development machine there are project files for several platforms. For linux:

cd Synth-A-Modeler
cd juce/extras/Introjucer/Builds/Linux

With the Introjucer you can now open *.jucer files, like the one at the Synth-A-Modeler/gui path.

Compiling Synth-A-ModelerGUI

There are project files for different operating systems provided. For Mac OS X a Xcode project, for Windows Visual Studio 2010 project and a Makefile for Linux.

To compile on Linux:

cd Synth-A-Modeler
cd gui/Build/Linux

Run the application:



Please refer to the Wiki for information on the usage of Synth-A-ModelerGUI.


backup of synth-a-modeler