gknanhe / CN-DSA-Java

This repository contains all important questions and their solutions teached in DSA coarse

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Coding Ninja Java DSA Questions


Welcome <coders/>!! 💻👨‍💻

This repository contains some of the important questions of DSA . It will help you strengthen your programming skills and improve your understanding of data structures and algorithms using the Java programming language. In this repository, you will find important questions and their solutions covered during the DSA course.

Table of Contents

  1. Arrays
  2. Strings
  3. Linked Lists
  4. Stacks and Queues
  5. Trees
  6. Graphs



Linked Lists

Stacks and Queues



Please note that the above list is not exhaustive, and there are many more important questions covered during the course. Feel free to explore the solutions and enhance your understanding of Java DSA.


If you have any questions, or suggestions, or would like to contribute to this repository, please feel free to contact us. We appreciate your input and are open to collaboration!


This repository contains all important questions and their solutions teached in DSA coarse