gkjohnson / threejs-octree

A rough octree implementation to support frustum culling and raycasts in complex THREE.js scenes

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


A rough octree implementation to support frustum culling and raycasts in complex THREE.js scenes.

NOTE: Code is generally unmatained and unfinished.


  • Max depth is needed in case there are a bunch of objects right on top of eachother
  • Consider adding an optimization using SAH and constricting the bounding boxes a a bit more
  • Provide an option for iteratively flushing all pending inserts because this can be expensive on cast operations
  • Raycasts can be a bit slow when the tree is large. This seems due to a lot of objects not being pushed down into leaves that are straddling an octant boundary.
  • Add, update, and remove operations are all delayed at the moment as well as the objects being pushed down into the tree -- we shouldn't need both (or either? Remove them?)
  • Optimize object removal.
  • Use something like an SAH algorithm to decide when to split.
  • Shrink the bounds to a size that optimially constrains the child objects?


A rough octree implementation to support frustum culling and raycasts in complex THREE.js scenes

License:MIT License


Language:JavaScript 94.3%Language:HTML 5.7%