giuseppec / credentialism

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

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Semi-automated grading workflow

This is not fully developed R package, just some utility functions and this Rmd file.

The intended use is

  1. install the package locally: remotes::install_github("fabian-s/credentialism")
  2. download this Rmd file: utils::download.file(url = "", destfile = <Your_File>)
  3. modify it so it fits your exam and run the chunks interactively, and copy-paste the relevant outputs into your lecture homepage or the template spreadsheet "Notenliste"-files for the grades.

Import grading information

Assumes that student info was collected from moodle via the standard form for "Klausuranmeldung" and that the resulting sheet as exported from moodle also contains the points (or grades) the students achieved.

For processing further, your results-table needs at least the following columns:

  • matriculation: "Matrikelnummer"
  • vn, nn: surname, family name
  • po, anderePO: subjects, as exported from moodle's "Klausuranmeldung"
  • points: achieved points --
    NB: 0 points are assumed to mean invalidated / "entwertet" or no-show if you have participants that actually got 0 points, just set them to 0.1, e.g...
  • (grade, if not generated automatically from points, see below)

E.g. for the fake spreadsheet included in the package:

results <- 
  rio::import(system.file("extdata", "testtest.csv", package = "credentialism")) 
##   Matrikelnummer    vn              nn             po Gesamt
## 1         120798   Goy       Xukuraqus   Ethnobotanik     28
## 2         112259   Bir   Hahogumeqafub   Ethnobotanik     35
## 3         154577  Kunu Hamahenanidajaj  Finnougristik     57
## 4         141328   Hej     Dekihuqecoy Agrartheologie     25
## 5         106914 Guhas    Xabelesinetu Agrartheologie     64
## 6         140726  Faxa       Yonayeyuq Agrartheologie     48
##   andere PO
## 1        NA
## 2        NA
## 3        NA
## 4        NA
## 5        NA
## 6        NA
results <- results |> 
  dplyr::select(c(Matrikelnummer, vn, nn,  po, Gesamt, `andere PO`)) |> 
  dplyr::rename("matriculation" = Matrikelnummer, 
                "points" = Gesamt)
## Rows: 21
## Columns: 6
## $ matriculation <int> 120798, 112259, 154577, 141328, 106914…
## $ vn            <chr> "Goy", "Bir", "Kunu", "Hej", "Guhas", …
## $ nn            <chr> "Xukuraqus", "Hahogumeqafub", "Hamahen…
## $ po            <chr> "Ethnobotanik", "Ethnobotanik", "Finno…
## $ points        <int> 28, 35, 57, 25, 64, 48, 47, 63, 24, 0,…
## $ `andere PO`   <lgl> NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA…

Set grades

Set maximum number of points and adjust recommended grading scheme (Notenstufen) if necessary -- e.g. niceness = 0.01 would decrease the point percentages needed for a given grade by 1 %.

MAX_POINTS <- 75 #! change this if you rerun for a different exam
(scheme <- set_grading_scheme(max_points = MAX_POINTS, niceness = .0))
##  4.0  3.7  3.3  3.0  2.7  2.3  2.0  1.7  1.3  1.0 
## 32.5 34.5 36.5 41.5 45.5 50.5 54.5 59.5 62.5 66.5

Then compute grades and identify borderline cases (skip this if your table already contains grades and not just points, but make sure scheme and MAX_POINTS are set correctly):

results <- results |> 
    grade = grade_points(points, scheme = scheme),
    # who failed by 2 pts or less?
    almost_but_no_cookie = (points < scheme[1]) & (points > (scheme[1] - 2)))
## Rows: 21
## Columns: 8
## $ matriculation        <int> 120798, 112259, 154577, 141328,…
## $ vn                   <chr> "Goy", "Bir", "Kunu", "Hej", "G…
## $ nn                   <chr> "Xukuraqus", "Hahogumeqafub", "…
## $ po                   <chr> "Ethnobotanik", "Ethnobotanik",…
## $ points               <int> 28, 35, 57, 25, 64, 48, 47, 63,…
## $ `andere PO`          <lgl> NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA,…
## $ grade                <fct> 5.0, 3.7, 2.0, 5.0, 1.3, 2.7, 2…
## $ almost_but_no_cookie <lgl> FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, FAL…
# be merciful to these folks who just missed the cut-off...?
dplyr::filter(results, almost_but_no_cookie)
##   matriculation     vn              nn           po points
## 1        116242 Kofuru Pipavehavavasiy Ethnobotanik     31
##   andere PO grade almost_but_no_cookie
## 1        NA   5.0                 TRUE

See utils-grading.R for function details.

Summarize & publish (pseudonymous) results

summarize_grades and publish_grades both put their output on the clipboard if you run them in interactive()-mode.
These outputs are formatted as an HTML table, so you can paste them directly into Moodle's HTML editor... :)

# without invalid / no-show exams (by default):
summarized <- 
  summarize_grades(results, scheme = scheme, 
                   max_points = MAX_POINTS) #, exclude_invalid = TRUE)
## Joining, by = "grade"
## HTML table copied to your clipboard.
summarized |> knitr::kable()
Grade % Points
1.0 5.3 66.5-75
1.3 15.8 62.5-66
2.0 5.3 54.5-59
2.3 5.3 50.5-54
2.7 10.5 45.5-50
3.0 5.3 41.5-45
3.3 5.3 36.5-41
3.7 10.5 34.5-36
4.0 5.3 32.5-34
5.0 31.6 0-32
# all:
summarized_all <- 
  summarize_grades(results, scheme = scheme, max_points = MAX_POINTS, exclude_invalid = FALSE)
## Joining, by = "grade"
## HTML table copied to your clipboard.
summarized_all |> knitr::kable()
Grade % Points
1.0 4.8 66.5-75
1.3 14.3 62.5-66
2.0 4.8 54.5-59
2.3 4.8 50.5-54
2.7 9.5 45.5-50
3.0 4.8 41.5-45
3.3 4.8 36.5-41
3.7 9.5 34.5-36
4.0 4.8 32.5-34
5.0 28.6 0-32
invalid 9.5 -

Pseudonymous results with matriculation numbers for your moodle page or public notices:

public <- publish_grades(results, scheme = scheme, max_points = MAX_POINTS)
## HTML table copied to your clipboard.
public |> knitr::kable()
Matrikelnummer Grade Points
105621 3.7 35
106914 1.3 64
107662 4.0 34
109735 5.0 27
110417 3.3 38
112259 3.7 35
116242 5.0 31
117454 3.0 44
117853 1.3 66
120798 5.0 28
121289 invalid 0
132477 invalid 0
134927 5.0 24
136639 1.0 73
137457 5.0 27
139899 2.7 47
140726 2.7 48
141328 5.0 25
150027 2.3 51
154577 2.0 57
156298 1.3 63
# without no-shows / invalidated:
public_all <- results |>  dplyr::filter(grade != "invalid") |> 
  publish_grades(scheme = scheme, max_points = MAX_POINTS)  
## HTML table copied to your clipboard.
public_all |> knitr::kable()
Matrikelnummer Grade Points
105621 3.7 35
106914 1.3 64
107662 4.0 34
109735 5.0 27
110417 3.3 38
112259 3.7 35
116242 5.0 31
117454 3.0 44
117853 1.3 66
120798 5.0 28
134927 5.0 24
136639 1.0 73
137457 5.0 27
139899 2.7 47
140726 2.7 48
141328 5.0 25
150027 2.3 51
154577 2.0 57
156298 1.3 63

Export official grade tables

Export for new Statistik PO 2021

results_new <- dplyr::mutate(results, 
                             grade_num = as.numeric(as.character(grade)) * 100, 
                             geschl = "",
                             abschl = "",
                             Stg = "",
                             pversuch = "",
                             pvermerk = "",
                             email = "") |> 
  dplyr::rename(mtknr = "matriculation", 
                nachname = "nn",
                vorname = "vn",
                poversion = "po",
                bewertung = "grade_num") |> 
  dplyr::select(mtknr, nachname, vorname, geschl, abschl, Stg, 
                poversion, pversuch, pvermerk, bewertung, email)
## Warning in mask$eval_all_mutate(quo): NAs introduced by
## coercion
results_new |> = FALSE, max = nrow(results_new)) |> 
##   mtknr  nachname vorname geschl abschl Stg    poversion
##  120798 Xukuraqus     Goy                   Ethnobotanik
##  pversuch pvermerk bewertung email
##                          500      
##  [ reached 'max' / getOption("max.print") -- omitted 20 rows ]
# the last command puts the table on the clipboard, 
# so you can <ctrl-v> it directly into the template .xls-file

Actually need to generate separate tables for each subject, like so:

for (this_po in unique(results_new$poversion)) {
  message("####\n grades for ", this_po, ":\n")
  results_new |> dplyr::filter(poversion == this_po) |> = FALSE, max = nrow(results_new)) |> 
  readline("ready for next group? ")

Export for Statistik PO 2010 etc

not automated, sorry.

Export to Uni2Work

CS majors can get their grades from uni2work, maths majors (theoretically) as well (... I think?), the files to upload there expect this format:

results_cs_maths <- dplyr::filter(results, 
                                  po != "Statistik als HF")
export_uni2work(results_cs_maths, outfile = "demo-uni2work.csv")
## writing to file demo-uni2work.csv.

Now log in at uni2work, create an "external exam", navigate to its "Participants" tab & upload this CSV file. All done.

Encrypt before you send it out

gpg -e -r <YOUR FILE>



Language:R 100.0%