gitter-badger / smart-testauto-framework

A software testing automation tool that can be used by people to smartly test their software applications faster to increase product quality.

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Smart TestAuto Studio (STAS)

<A smart power of testing automation - bye bye to programming>

STAS is a very powerful and the smart software testing automation tool that makes data driven End-to-End testing (UI, API, Database, Remote Machine Testing, Local Machine Testing) easy. Develop test scenarios for one environment and run the same scenarios on different environments without changing the test scenarios.

STAS is based on STAF (Smart Testing Automation Framework) java library. STAF is the brain of STAS tool.

NOTE: Appium version 8.1.1 or greater is not compatible with WinAppDriver (from microsoft) so currently Windows native application automation will not work using selenium mechanism but work using *SI page object classes that uses SikuliX.

STAS Architecture & Documentation

STAS is a well designed testing automation tool that increases the product quality amazingly with less effort and cost. The most important factor of this tool is the faster development of test scenarios and the easy maintenance of test scenarios with less effort which makes it powerful.

STAS supports the Codeless Model / Architecture by providing the standardized Cucumber/Gherkin based generic step definitions, using that you can create your test scenarios faster and test your application faster.

Please refer the links below to understand STAS tool functionality and how to use it:

Documentation related to STAS standard cucumber step definitions (English version) (contains Usecases) is present at:

STAS Architecture

STAS Connectivity

STAS Connectivity

High Level Description

This is a software testing automation framework / tool that can be used to smartly test any type of application softwares (i.e. Web Applications, Native Applications, REST Server) that utilize the functionality of the following Java based software testing automation tools: Cucumber, Selenium, SikulliX, Appium etc. It supports NO CODE / LOW CODE strategy for easy maintenance of steps definitions and standardizing the way of configuring application data, writing the test scenarios and step definitions.

This tool supports the real environment for software testing automation (Similar way our manual tester performs software testing like data preparation, run test cases (data-driven), data verification and generate reports etc.). Here using this tool we can automate data preparation, test cases execution, data verification and report generation easily.

Using STAF software we can easily test the following functionality of the software applications:

  1. Web User Interface running on different web browsers (like Chrome, Firefox etc.) on different platforms (like windows, mobile, mac, linux, android, iOS etc.)
  2. Native applications like Desktop applications (like calculator), Mobile applications (like calculator)
  3. Visualization testing / Image recognition testing (like image based testing using *SI object classes like ImageSI, ButtonSI, TextboxSI object classes etc.). NOTE: To perform visualization testing, application must be launched and visible on PC. Visualization testing can not be performed on headless web browsers.
  4. Perform Data Driven Testing (DDT) on user interface against your relational database i.e. Oracle, MySQL, Postgres, MariaDB etc. Use SmartDatabaseManager class to perform CRUD operations on database. SqlDatabaseActionHandler can be registered with database profiles to perform CRUD operations on relational/SQL databases.
  5. Perform Data Driven Testing (DDT) using Excel, CSV data, JSON, YAML and XML data files. Reads excel (.xlsx and .xls) files data using ExcelFileReader class. Reads CSV file data using CSVFileReader class.
  6. Perform Behavior Driven Testing(BDT) using Cucumber Gherkin feature files.
  7. API Testing (REST API) using SmartApiTestManager AbstractApiActionHandler class. This class maintains sessions and supports customizable login(..) and logout() APIs. Create your own class that extends AbstractApiActionHandler class and use it to perform HTTP operations like GET, POST, PUT, DELETE etc. These api action handler class can be registered with ApiConfig.yaml file.
  8. Read JSON data using JsonDocumentReader. It uses the JSON Path information available on
  9. Validate JSON data using JsonDocumentValidator class. It uses the JSON Path information available on
  10. Read YAML data using YamlDocumentReader. It uses the JSON Path information available on
  11. Validate YAML data using YamlDocumentValidator class. It uses the JSON Path information available on
  12. Read XML data using XmlDocumentReader. It uses the XML Path information available on
  13. Validate XML data using XmlDocumentValidator class. It uses the XML Path information available on
  14. Configure multiple applications in a single project and write test scenarios that involves communication among multiple applications and automate test steps in a simple way by adding less code.
  15. Support standard way of configuration for applications, application user profiles and application relational database profiles.
  16. Write scenarios and its definitions once for any platform and run the same scenarios and definitions on any other platforms for any of the software application without changing the scenario and the step definition (Note the behavior of the application on different platforms should be same but locator may change). In this case you can attach multiple locators (platform specific) to a single UI control (like textbox, buttons etc.).
  17. Use SmartCucumberScenarioContext cucumber CDI (Constructor Dependency Injection) class for UI, Api and Database test step definition.
  18. Platform specific sample driver configuration files (AppDriver.yaml) are present in the following directory src/main/java/resources/org/uitnet/testing/smartfwk/resources/sample-test-config/app-drivers/ directory. Copy specific file in your application config directory like test-config/apps-config/[app-name]/driver-configs and also copy your application file like ?.app, ?.apk ?.exe, or ?.api etc. and config into AppDriver.yaml file. When you are specifying any path use the following system variable for project root directory: ${} to avoid hardcoded path in yaml file.
  19. Use TestDataBuilder class to build randomized test data of any length that may include alphabets, numbers, special characters, newline, whitespaces, leading characters etc.
  20. Use FieldValidator class to validate the field value as per the expected value or criteria. Also StringUtil class is very handy to check the textual / string data.
  21. Use HttResponseValidator as part of API HttpResponse to validate the HTTP response. You can validate the contents of the files like any file .docx, .xlsx, .pptx, .pdf, .gif, .jpeg, .jpg, .png etc.. Many file formats are supported. Also you can validate the HTTP response payload using different validators like JsonDocumentValidator, YamlDocumentValidator, XmlDocumentValidator etc..
  22. Use DownloadedFileValidator class to validate the downloaded file (downloaded by web browser). If you want to validate the contents of any file (like .docx, .xlsx, .pptx, .pdf, .gif, .jpeg, .jpg, .png etc..) use FileContentsValidator class.
  23. Use SmartRemoteMachineManager class is used to talk to remote machines / servers using SSH to perform uploaded file verifications, execute remote command or download remote file etc.
  24. Multiple environment support, means same testcases can be executed on different environments like development, acceptance, pre-production and different web browsers etc. without changing the code. To do so create environment files in test-config/apps-config/[app-name]/environments/ directory and also create the different AppDriver-[env-name].yaml (if using different app driver), different database profiles in database-profiles/ (if different database connection required) and different ApiConfig-[env-name].yaml in api-configs/ (if different parameters are used for different environment). During testcase execution time, specify the following system property in mvn command "[app-name1]:[environment-name],[app-name2]:[environment-name]" to activate the environment for the applications configured in project.

This is also a Configuration Driven Testing (CDT) framework. Sample configurations are present here that can be used under ./test-config directory to configuration your project environment:

Integrated software testing tools (High level)

  1. Cucumber
  2. Selenium
  3. SikuliX
  4. Appium (For mobile testing)
  5. TestNG
  6. Maven
  7. Relational Database ORM tools
  8. Excel / CSV file reader tools
  9. Java / JDK: Minimum Version Required = 11
  10. Secured Shell (SSH/SFTP)
  11. Tesseract-OCR (Ref Link: - Must be installed separately and environment PATH variable must have the path of this installed directory to perform image, audio and video file content matching. FileContentsValidator class will only work along with Tesseract-OCR.

This framework removes the complexity of all other software tools and provides a Single Homogeneous Platform for testing automation. Using that you can automate any app on any platform.

Supported Platform Types

  1. windows
  2. linux
  3. mac
  4. android-mobile
  5. ios-mobile

Supported Application Types

  1. native-app: Like Desktop applications (like calculator) on any platform like windows, mac, android, iOS etc.
  2. web-app: Like applications running on web browsers (like Github UI) on any platform like windows, mac, android, iOS etc.

Supported Web Browsers

  1. Chrome
  2. Firefox
  3. Edge
  4. Opera
  5. Safari
  6. Internet Explorer
  7. Custom Webdriver (Remote Web driver)
  8. Not Applicable: This is set for native applications.

How to start with this framework tool

To start with this framework / STAS tool is as easy as could be.

Please refer the link below to understand STAS tool functionality and how to use it:

There are some sample test projects that uses STAS tool:

  1. smart-testauto-quickstart-java(For NonMobile Web Application): Github URL:

  2. smart-testauto-quickstart-android-native-java(For android-native applications): Github URL:


Apache License, 2.0


A software testing automation tool that can be used by people to smartly test their software applications faster to increase product quality.

License:Apache License 2.0


Language:Java 97.3%Language:Batchfile 1.0%Language:Shell 1.0%Language:Gherkin 0.7%