gitploy-io / spinnaker-demo

The demo for integration with Spinnaker.

Repository from Github https://github.comgitploy-io/spinnaker-demoRepository from Github https://github.comgitploy-io/spinnaker-demo

Spinnaker Demo


The demo shows how to integrate with Spinnaker. The goal is to deploy the commit on GitHub to Kubernetes.


Step 0: Install Spinnaker

First, we should install Spinnaker. Armory provides Minnaker, help to install Spinnaker on Lightweight Kubernetes, so you can install Spinnaker easily.

Step 1: Spinnaker Artifacts

Helms provides various artifacts. This demo uses the Helm artifact and the GitHub artifact for Kubernetes. Helm artifacts fetch the Helm chart from the official Helm repository, and GitHub artifacts fetch the values.yaml file from GitHub.

Move into the halyard-0 pod, first:

kubectl exec -it halyard-0 -- sh

Enable Helm artifact:

hal config artifact helm enable
hal config artifact helm account add \
    --no-validate \
    --repository '' \

Enable GitHub artifact:

hal config artifact github enable
hal config artifact github add \
    --token YOUR_TOKEN \

Apply changes:

hal deploy apply

Step 2: Spinnaker Custom Webhook Stage

A deployment status API call is required to update the deployment status in the Spinnaker pipeline. Fortunately, Spinnaker provides a custom webhook stage that allows you to call the deployment status API.

To add a custom webhook stage, create a file ~/.hal/default/profiles/orca-local.yml and add the following content.

    - label: Update Deployment status
      type: updateDeploymentStatus
      enabled: true
      description: Update the deployment status.
      method: POST
      url:${ parameterValues['owner'] }/${ parameterValues['repo'] }/deployments/${ parameterValues['deployment_id'] }/statuses
        # GitHub token
          - token GITHUB_TOKEN
          - application/json
      payload: |-
          "description": "${parameterValues['description']}",
          "state": "${parameterValues['state']}",
          "log_url": "http://localhost:9000/#/applications/${execution.application}/executions/details/${}"
        - label: GitHub Owner
          name: owner
          type: string
        - label: GitHub Repo
          name: repo
          type: string
        - lable: Deployment ID
          name: deployment_id
          type: string
        - label: Description
          name: description
          type: string
        - label: State
          name: state
          type: string
          description: The state can be one of "queued", "in_progress", "success", "failure"

⚠️ You should replace GITHUB_TOKEN with a Github token with repo permission.

Move into the halyard-0 pod, first:

kubectl exec -it halyard-0 -- sh
hal deploy apply

Step 3: Spinnaker Pipeline

Now, you should create an application in Spinnaker UI. Then add the Spinnaker pipeline and go to Pipeline Action > Edit as JSON and save the JSON file below.

  "appConfig": {},
  "application": "demo",
  "id": "e2e887f0-96cc-485a-9699-4414b96ac1a6",
  "index": 0,
  "keepWaitingPipelines": false,
  "lastModifiedBy": "anonymous",
  "limitConcurrent": true,
  "name": "Deploy to dev",
  "parameterConfig": [],
  "spelEvaluator": "v3",
  "stages": [
    "account": "spinnaker",
    "cloudProvider": "kubernetes",
    "completeOtherBranchesThenFail": false,
    "continuePipeline": true,
    "failPipeline": false,
    "manifestArtifactId": "50d838f7-54b7-4aaf-b922-d0b84e6b43a1",
    "manifests": [],
    "moniker": {
     "app": "demo"
    "name": "Deploy (Manifest)",
    "refId": "2",
    "requisiteStageRefIds": [
    "skipExpressionEvaluation": false,
    "source": "artifact",
    "stageTimeoutMs": 60000,
    "trafficManagement": {
     "enabled": false,
     "options": {
      "enableTraffic": false,
      "services": []
    "type": "deployManifest"
    "completeOtherBranchesThenFail": false,
    "continuePipeline": false,
    "failPipeline": true,
    "name": "Check Success",
    "preconditions": [
      "context": {
       "stageName": "Deploy (Manifest)",
       "stageStatus": "SUCCEEDED"
      "failPipeline": false,
      "type": "stageStatus"
    "refId": "3",
    "requisiteStageRefIds": [
    "type": "checkPreconditions"
    "name": "Check Failure",
    "preconditions": [
      "context": {
       "stageName": "Deploy (Manifest)",
       "stageStatus": "FAILED_CONTINUE"
      "failPipeline": false,
      "type": "stageStatus"
    "refId": "4",
    "requisiteStageRefIds": [
    "type": "checkPreconditions"
    "alias": "preconfiguredWebhook",
    "name": "Update Deployment Success",
    "parameterValues": {
     "deployment_id": "${ trigger['payload']['deployment']['id'] }",
     "description": "Finish to deploy successfully",
     "owner": "gitploy-io",
     "repo": "spinnaker-demo",
     "state": "success"
    "refId": "5",
    "requisiteStageRefIds": [
    "statusUrlResolution": "getMethod",
    "type": "updateDeploymentStatus"
    "alias": "preconfiguredWebhook",
    "name": "Update Deployment Failure",
    "parameterValues": {
     "deployment_id": "${ trigger['payload']['deployment']['id'] }",
     "description": "Failed to deploy",
     "owner": "gitploy-io",
     "repo": "spinnaker-demo",
     "state": "failure"
    "refId": "6",
    "requisiteStageRefIds": [
    "statusUrlResolution": "getMethod",
    "type": "updateDeploymentStatus"
    "expectedArtifacts": [
      "defaultArtifact": {
       "customKind": true,
       "id": "dd7f632c-7eb5-4ad9-af54-43e77af986de"
      "displayName": "Artifact",
      "id": "50d838f7-54b7-4aaf-b922-d0b84e6b43a1",
      "matchArtifact": {
       "artifactAccount": "embedded-artifact",
       "customKind": false,
       "id": "852d0c38-abe6-470c-9c1b-b0cdaae1334f",
       "name": "artifact",
       "type": "embedded/base64"
      "useDefaultArtifact": false,
      "usePriorArtifact": false
    "inputArtifacts": [
      "account": "helm-demo",
      "artifact": {
       "artifactAccount": "helm-demo",
       "id": "b50903e0-a991-4661-b129-4a6f727e3b16",
       "name": "spinnaker-demo",
       "type": "helm/chart",
       "version": "0.1.0"
      "account": "github-demo",
      "artifact": {
       "artifactAccount": "github-demo",
       "id": "2ed72052-54dd-4053-9ac4-ef037d6c5175",
       "name": "release/values.yaml",
       "reference": "",
       "type": "github/file",
       "version": "${ trigger['payload']['deployment']['sha']  }"
    "name": "Bake (Manifest)",
    "namespace": "default",
    "outputName": "spinnaker-demo",
    "overrides": {
     "tag": "${ trigger['payload']['deployment']['sha']  }"
    "refId": "7",
    "requisiteStageRefIds": [],
    "templateRenderer": "HELM3",
    "type": "bakeManifest"
    "alias": "preconfiguredWebhook",
    "name": "Update Deployment status",
    "parameterValues": {
     "deployment_id": "${ trigger['payload']['deployment']['id'] }",
     "description": "Spinnaker starts to deploy",
     "owner": "gitploy-io",
     "repo": "spinnaker-demo",
     "state": "in_progress"
    "refId": "8",
    "requisiteStageRefIds": [
    "statusUrlResolution": "getMethod",
    "type": "updateDeploymentStatus"
  "triggers": [
    "enabled": true,
    "payloadConstraints": {
     "deployment.environment": "dev",
     "repository.full_name": "gitploy-io/spinnaker-demo"
    "source": "app",
    "type": "webhook"
  "updateTs": "1640829328000"

Pipeline Template

Step 4: GitHub webhook setting

Now, everything is ready. To trigger the pipeline, you have to set up an organization webhook.

⚠️ We need to expose our local development environment to the internet. ngrok is a good option for it. You can expose the gate port to listen for events by running ngrok http 8084.

Forwarding ->

The payload URL should be http://GATE_HOST/api/v1/webhooks/webhook/app. And you have to select application/json for the content type and deployment for the events.


If you have any questions, please leave them in the community.


The demo for integration with Spinnaker.

License:MIT License