gitmathub / mocha-chai-sinon

This is a learning resource for learning about the JavaScript test libraries: Mocha, Chai and Sinon. It's going to be quite basic and starting from scratch.

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Testing with Mocha, Chai and Sinon

This is a learning resource for learning about the JavaScript test libraries: Mocha, Chai and Sinon. It's going to be quite basic and starting from scratch.

Testing Types

Function Testing

Units tests are usualy testing the input and output of functions/ methods.

Testing with a stub

When testing a function is not wanted or possible because it uses a not available database or internet connection or external service, then you can stub the function. The function is "somehow overridden" by a custom function that mimics the function by returning the expected result.

Testing with a spy

Testing with a spy is quite similar to stub testing: the function in question is wrapped/ overridden. But the focus is different. It's not about testing the return value but the behavior and side effects of the function. For example: Does the function call another function, and if so, how often. This information might be important to deduct if the function works correctly.

Testing wiht mock

It's like combining stub with spy.

Example: a function fetches some data from online

  • stub: prevent going online, return expected data when the function is called
  • spy: report if the fetch has been called with which parameters
  • mock: stub + spy

About the Libraries

Mocha and Chai are used together. Mocha as test runner and chai for assertion. While with Jest you get both functionalities alltogether, you have to install and study mocha and chai seperatly.

And if you want to test with stub, spy and mock, you'll need Sinon.


npm i mocha chai
npm i sinon

Mocha - Test Runner


describe('Result', () => {
  it('should not be an array', () => {
    const result = [] // result of some method
    expect(result)'array'); // chai assertion

For running a test by name, you can use the grep option. For example if the description of the test contains the String "MOCK", then the command looks like this:

npm run test -- -g MOCK

Chai - Assertion



Sinon - Stub, Spy, Mock

see the *.test.js files for the example implementations.

Testing an API - Service - Repository Stack

Considerations about testing a stack like this:

-> router -> service -> repository -> database

  • router

    • request sent -> expected result
    • why? asure the api contract is met
  • service

    • service method call -> response
    • why? specified busines logic is met
    • assumes busines logic rules
    • parameter validations?
  • repository

    • repository method call -> data result
    • why?
      • assure the query correctly implemented
      • assure the pagination works (batch query)
      • check the required parameters
      • assure result is in the expected format
    • assumes real database in order to get errors on a wrong query
    • assumes real database to test parameter
    • assumes real database to check the result comes in expected format
  • does it make sense to mock the database?

    • at build time we don't want a connection to the database
  • resources

Learning Resources


This is a learning resource for learning about the JavaScript test libraries: Mocha, Chai and Sinon. It's going to be quite basic and starting from scratch.


Language:JavaScript 100.0%