githubzwj / simple-filer

Web-based P2P file transfer library

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


This library allows you to send/receive files(even bigger than your computer memory allows) between 2 browsers(Chrome only at this moment). The file data go directly from browserA to browserB using the data channel of WebRTC as the underlying transport layer.


npm install simple-filer


  • Chrome browser
  • WebServer running on TLS with WebSocket support


server side

WebRTC needs a signaling server to exchange some meta data between peers before peers can talk to each other directly. The regular approach is to use WebSocket. The following snippet uses nodeJS as an example:

var users = {} // online users with key as userID, value as socket
const WebSocket = require('ws');
const wss = new WebSocket.Server({
  server: httpsServer

wss.on('connection', function(ws){
  ws.on('message', msg => {
    var msgObj = JSON.parse(msg);

    switch (msgObj.msgType) {
      case "signaling":
        var targetClient = users[];
        targetClient.send(msg) // forward the signaling data to the specified user
      default: console.log('Oops, unknown msg: ', msgObj)

All you need to do is assign a message handler for ws.onmessage, JSON.parse the message, if the msgObj.msgType is signaling, send the whole message to whoever is.

client side

var ws = new WebSocket('wss://');

var Filer = require('simple-filer')
var filer = new Filer({myID: 123, signalingChannel: ws})

ws.onmessage = msg => {
  var msgObj = JSON.parse(;
  switch (msgObj.msgType) {
    case "signaling":

filer.on('task', function(task) { // when you are about to send/receive a file, task event is fired
  console.log('new task: ', task); // this is where you can add task info on the webpage

filer.on('progress', function({fileID, progress, fileName, fileURL}){ // file transfer progress event
  console.log('file transfer progress: ', fileName, ': ', progress)

filer.on('status', function({fileID, status}){ // file transfer status: pending/sending/receiving/done/removed
  console.log('new status for ', fileID, ': ', status)

Example app

Inside the example folder, there is a full-featured example app.

cd node_modules/simple-filer/example
npm install
npm run start

Open Chrome browser, go to's httpS). The first time you open this address, Chrome would show you a 'not secure' message. That's because WebRTC requires WebServer to run on TLS, and I use a self-signed certificate.

If you want to run this app in your local network, edit the example/public/javascripts/bundle.js, search for var ws = new WebSocket('wss:, change the IP address, then restart the app. This example app works pretty well in local network(small office, home), because the data go directly between two browsers, it's even faster than data copy using thumb-drive. You can also open the example/public/javascripts/src/demo.js to know how it works. Here is a running screenshot of this app:

running demo


var filer = new Filer({myID: 123, signalingChannel: ws, webrtcConfig: configObject})

Create a new filer object(you should only create one such object in your web app).

myID is current user's ID provided by your application. signalingChannel is what WebRTC needs to exchange meta data between peers. Usually, you can pass a connected WebSocket client. webrtcConfig is optional, passed to the underlying SimplePeer(an excellent WebRTC library) constructor. This argument should be like:

{iceServers: [{url: ''}, {url: 'turn:SERVERIP:PORT', credential: 'secret', username: 'username'}, ...]}

SimplePeer already provides a default value for this argument, so you don't need to provide one.


Call this method when your WebSocket client has received a signaling message. The signaling message must have the following properties:

  • msgType - its value must be 'signaling'
  • from - message sender's userID
  • to - message receiver's userID
  • signalingData - signaling data generated by underlying WebRTC

You don't need to compose this message yourself, you just call filer.send(), everything is done for you.

filer.send(receiverUID, file)
  • receiverUID - the targeting user you want to send the file, UID is provided by your application
  • file - the html file object. After calling filer.send(), a new task is created for both sender and receiver.

When the file is received and saved successfully, you can choose to remove it by calling removeTask(). It's recommended to call this method after you have saved the file in your hard drive, otherwise it'd take unnecessary space.


filer.on('task', function(taskData){})

Fired when you call filer.send() or when file receiver received a message about the incoming file. This is the moment you could add a html table row with the taskData.

filer.on('progress, function({fileID, progress, fileName, fileURL}){})

Fired when part of the file has been sent/received. You can use this event to show a progress bar. When the progress value hits 1 at receiving side, you can generate a link with fileName and fileURL.

filer.on('status', function({fileID, status}){})

Fired when status changed from one value to another. There are 5 status during a file transfer:

  • pending - wait for P2P connection to be established
  • sending - file is sending
  • receiving - file is receiving
  • done - file is done sending or receiving
  • removed - filer.removeTask() is called, all the underlying data is removed

Why Chrome only

WebRTC is a W3C standard, Firefox, Opera also support it. But one advantage of Chrome is the FileSystem API support(Exploring the FileSystem APIs). Data can be saved in a sanboxed file system which can only be accessed by Chrome. That means you can send/receive files bigger than your computer memory allowed. Unfortunately, FileSystem API is Chrome-specific. I will consider adding support for Firefox(and nodeJS) in the future.

How does it work

First, each file, no matter its size, is sent/received in multiple chunks. Each chunk is of the size of (64 * 1024 - 48) * 32 bytes(a little bit less than 2M). And the data is sent via data channel, the Chrome implementation of WebRTC allow the maximum message size in data channel to be 64k. So, file senders need to run a loop of 32 iterations at most to send the whole chunk.

Let's say Alice want to send a bigger file to Bob. After their P2P connection has been established. The whole process can be illustrated as the following 2 diagrams:

workflow of message exchange

how chunk is sent/received

Alice first send a meta data to Bob, containing information like: fileID(randomly generated string), fileName, fileSize, fileType. After receiving the meta data, Bob create a local write buffer with the same size of a chunk, then send the request for first chunk. Alice received the request, read the first chunk of the file into her local read buffer, run a loop to send the whole chunk. When Bob received each piece of the chunk, he append them into his local write buffer first. When his write buffer is full, he write the whole buffer into Chrome FileSystem, when the write is finished, Bob send the request for the next chunk if this is not the last one.

Built with

  • Simple-peer - Simple WebRTC video/voice and data channels.


  • This library is far from production ready, but it works well in small office, home.
  • Although you can send many files to many peers at the same time, it's recommended against that. JavaScript is not very efficient at handling binary data.


When a file is in receiving, removing it might cause an error(refer to #1).

Besides, I have a personal chat web app(, no registration needed). I also created a dedicated discussion group in my chat app for this project. If you have more issues or suggestions, just go in there.


This project is licensed under the MIT License.


Web-based P2P file transfer library

License:MIT License


Language:JavaScript 99.4%Language:HTML 0.5%Language:CSS 0.0%