githubixx / ansible-role-cni

Ansible role to install CNI (Container Network Interface)

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Ansible role to install CNI - Container Network Interface. CNI (Container Network Interface), a Cloud Native Computing Foundation project, consists of a specification and libraries for writing plugins to configure network interfaces in Linux containers, along with a number of supported plugins. CNI concerns itself only with network connectivity of containers and removing allocated resources when the container is deleted. Because of this focus, CNI has a wide range of support and the specification is simple to implement.


Change history:


Recent changes:


  • update cni_version to 1.4.0


  • adjust unarchive directory mode
  • add sub path to cni_tmp_directory value to avoid change of permissions of parent directory. If cni_tmp_directory was set to /tmp the unarchive operation changed the mode of that directory. Adding a static sub path to cni_tmp_directory avoids the problem.


  • update cni_version to 1.3.0
  • add Molecule verify step
  • remove Ubuntu 18.04 support (reached EOL)
  • add Ubuntu 22.04 support
  • add dummy and tap CNI binaries
  • rename Molecule kvm scenario to default / move memory + cpus options to boxes

Role Variables

# CNI plugin version
cni_version: "1.4.0"

# CNI binary directory
cni_bin_directory: "/opt/cni/bin"

# CNI configuration directory
cni_conf_directory: "/etc/cni/net.d"

# Directory to store the archive
cni_tmp_directory: "{{ lookup('env', 'TMPDIR') | default('/tmp', true) }}"

# Owner/group of "CNI" files/directories. If the variables are not set
# the resulting binary will be owned by the current user.
cni_owner: "root"
cni_group: "root"

# Specifies the permissions of the "CNI" binaries
cni_binary_mode: "0755"

# Operating system
# Possible options: "linux", "windows"
cni_os: "linux"

# Processor architecture "CNI" should run on.
# Other possible values: "arm", "arm64", "mips64le", "ppc64le", "s390x"
cni_arch: "amd64"

# Name of the archive file name
cni_archive: "cni-plugins-{{ cni_os }}-{{ cni_arch }}-v{{ cni_version }}.tgz"

# The CNI download URL (normally no need to change it)
cni_url: "{{ cni_version }}/{{ cni_archive }}"

# Restart "kubelet" service after "CNI" binaries or configuration have changed.
# This handler expects a systemd service called "kubelet.service".
cni_restart_kubelet: false


  • Distribute CNI network configuration files (for Cilium this is not needed as CNI files are created by Cilium)

Example Playbook

- hosts: your-host
    - githubixx.cni


This role has a small test setup that is created using Molecule, libvirt (vagrant-libvirt) and QEMU/KVM. Please see my blog post Testing Ansible roles with Molecule, libvirt (vagrant-libvirt) and QEMU/KVM how to setup. The test configuration is here.

Afterwards molecule can be executed:

molecule converge

This will setup a few virtual machines (VM) with different supported Linux operating systems and installs CNI.

To run a few tests:

molecule verify

To clean up run

molecule destroy



Author Information


Ansible role to install CNI (Container Network Interface)