githubixx / ansible-role-cilium-cli

Ansible role to install cilium command line (CLI) utility

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Installs cilium command line utility.


I tag every release and try to stay with semantic versioning. If you want to use the role I recommend to checkout the latest tag. The master branch is basically development while the tags mark stable releases. But in general I try to keep master in good shape too. A tag 2.3.0+0.12.3 means this is release 2.3.0 of this role and it uses cilium CLI version 0.12.3. If the role itself changes X.Y.Z before + will increase. If the cilium CLI version changes X.Y.Z after + will increase too. This allows to tag bugfixes and new major versions of the role while it's still developed for a specific cilium CLI release.



Role Variables

# "cilium" CLI version to install
cilium_cli_version: "0.16.4"

# Where to install "cilium" binary. This directory will only be created if
# "cilium_cli_bin_directory_owner" and "cilium_cli_bin_directory_group variables
# are also defined! Otherwise it will be assumend that the destination directory
# already exits with proper permissions.
cilium_cli_bin_directory: "/usr/local/bin"

# If the "cilium" binary should be placed in a directory that doesn't exist yet,
# this two variables have to be specified to set owner and group of that new
# directory accordingly.
# cilium_cli_bin_directory_owner: "root"
# cilium_cli_bin_directory_group: "root"

# Specifies the permissions of the destination directory.
cilium_cli_bin_directory_mode: "0755"

# Directory to store the cilium cli archive.
cilium_cli_tmp_directory: "{{ lookup('env', 'TMPDIR') | default('/tmp',true) }}"

# Owner/group of "cilium" binary.
cilium_cli_owner: "root"
cilium_cli_group: "root"

# Specifies the permissions of the "cilium" binary.
cilium_cli_binary_mode: "0755"

# Operarting system on which "cilium" should run on.
# Use "darwin" for MacOS X
cilium_cli_os: "linux"

# Processor architecture "cilium" should run on.
# Other possible values: "386","arm64","arm"
cilium_cli_arch: "amd64"

# Name of the archive file name.
cilium_cli_archive: "cilium-{{ cilium_cli_os }}-{{ cilium_cli_arch }}.tar.gz"

# The cilium CLI download URL (normally no need to change it).
cilium_cli_url: "{{ cilium_cli_version }}/{{ cilium_cli_archive }}"

Example Playbook

Example 1 (without role tag):

- hosts: your-host
    - githubixx.cilium_cli

Example 2 (assign tag to role):

  hosts: your-host
      role: githubixx.cilium_cli
      tags: role-cilium-cli


This role has a small test setup that is created using Molecule, libvirt (vagrant-libvirt) and QEMU/KVM. Please see my blog post Testing Ansible roles with Molecule, libvirt (vagrant-libvirt) and QEMU/KVM how to setup. The test configuration is here.

Afterwards molecule can be executed:

molecule converge

This will setup a few virtual machines (VM) with different supported Linux operating systems and installs cilium_cli role.

To run a small test if cilium command was successfully install run:

molecule verify

To clean up run

molecule destroy



Author Information


Ansible role to install cilium command line (CLI) utility

License:GNU General Public License v3.0