gitdillo / mavlinkhandler

Fatter than pymavlink, thinner than dronekit

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Easy to use software for communicating over mavlink.

Concept similar to Dronekit and MAVROS.

Only dependency is pymavlink.

Tested on kubuntu 20.04.3 LTS using python 3.8.10.


The basic object is MavlinkHandler, which encapsulates various useful objects and fields.

Calling the MavlinkHandler's connect() method calls mavutil.mavlink_connection() and stores the returned connection object in MavlinkHandler's connection field.

The basic internal workings are shown below:


MavlinkHandler contains a thread, accessed via its mavlink_update_thread field. This thread continuously monitors the connection, intercepting all incoming messages.

MavlinkHandler contains a MavlinkHistory object, accessed via its history field. This history contains a store_messsage() method, which is called by the thread every time a message is received. Messages are classified by source, meaning a system ID and component ID pair.

The history contains SourceHistory objects under its source_histories field.

Each source history refers to one source (system:component) and stores incoming messages to a certain depth (controlled by its history_depth).

Source histories are added every time a new source (system:component) appears in the incoming stream.

So, left to its own devices, a MavlinkHandler will continuously update its list of source histories, classifying messages by source.


To intercept incoming messages, write and attach hooks to the update thread, e.g.:

def heartbeat_printer(m):
    if m.get_type() == 'HEARTBEAT':
        print('Heartbeat from ' + str(m.get_srcSystem()) + ':' + str(m.get_srcComponent()))


mh = MavlinkHandler()

To remove a hook, use the thread's remove_hook() method.

Retrieving messages

For getting messages out of the histories, use get_message(), get_last_message() and get_next_message()

get_message() will fetch a message by system ID, component ID, message type and index (so you can retrieve older messages).

get_last_message() is the same but only fetches the most recent message.

get_next_message() is interesting because it can be set to blocking or non blocking. In its blocking version, it will return the message that fits the requirements or will time out returning None. If, however, it is set to the non blocking, it will immediately return a MessageRequest object (constructor accessible via the mavlink handler's history). This is an object conceptually similar to a Future, it has a message field which is initially set to None. It is up to the caller to keep monitoring it, as soon as an appropriate message is received, it will be accessible via this message field. Also, time of arrival of the message will be in the message_timestamp field.

Requests and Records

Message requests are useful for intercepting future events. However, they can be limited in use since they expire after intercepting a single message. Internally, they add a hook to the update thread which they remove once their target has been received.

A tool broader in its scope is the Record object, which will keep a list of all messages fitting the filtering criteria set in its constructor.

For example, when expecting an ACK message from a source component, a naive approach might be to create a MessageRequest with the type and source as criteria. This approach, however, might run into problems if an unrelated ACK is received (which will make the request stop) or if the ACK is received too quickly, before the thread has had time to process the hook of the MessageRequest. A more thorough approach, is to start a Record before we send a message to the component and then process the resulting messages until the desired one appears.

Sending messages

To send a message, first construct it using pymavlink's ...encode() methods. These can be accessed via the mavlink handler's connection.mav field.

Once created a message can be sent via the mavlink handler's send_message() method.

System ID and its preservation

The mavlink handler's own system and component ID is set when calling its connect() method via args source_system and source_component.

Messages sent via the handler's send_message() method will incorporate these identifiers. If these need to be changed, this can be done via the mavlink handler's set_source() method, which acts on the handler's connection.mav.srcSystem and connection.mav.srcComponent fields.

Sometimes, it is necessary to preserve the IDs of a message, for example, when forwarding a message generated by another source. In this case, using the handler's send_message() method with arg preserve_source=True will send it as is.

NOTE: for that to work, the message needs to have been packed and so, have a non empty _msgbuf. An exception seems to be STATUSTEXT messages, which apparently have empty _msgbuf. Current implementation creates a new STATUSTEXT message with the same text, alters the mavlink handler's own system and component ID, blocks sending other messages, sends the message and then restores the handler to its original state. This is a workaround since, ideally, source preservation should be happening at the level of pymavlink's send() method, which also packs a header in a message, even if the message has already been packed.


To illustrate usage, some examples are included, currently and More examples will be added to illustrate Message Requests and Records.

Chat demo

First run in one terminal and then, in another terminal, run

If you run in interactive mode (python -i ...), you can then use the mh.send_message() to send existing messages (there is a heartbeat named h lying about so mh.send_message(h) will work).

You can also make your own messages using the mh.connection.mav.WHATEVER_encode(...) and then send them across using mh.send_message()

Quick and dirty tip, in the python console type mh.connection.mav. and then double tap Tab to see the ...encode methods for every message type.

Contrarian vehicle

Run and in separate terminals (doesn't matter which one runs first). The "vehicle" only sends heartbeats and refuses to arm by sending appropriate COMMAND_ACK to arm requests. The GCS will try to arm the vehicle by sending it an arm request in a COMMAND_LONG.

Autopilot handler

This is a fairly extensive example, highlighting many uses. It is supposed to be used either running on a companion computer connected to an autopilot or, perhaps, as part of a GCS.

It introduces a class AutopilotHandler, which contains a mavlink handler connected to a MAVLink stream. The mavlink handler, continuously updates various fields of the autopilot handler as messages come through (e.g. field .armed will always contain the armed state as reported by the HEARTBEAT message). This is done by method update_fields(), which is added as a hook to the mavlink handler's update thread by the constructor of AutopilotHandler.

This example also highlights an implementation of an interactive transaction between components: sending a message and intercepting a result. At the level of MavlinkHandler this is done by method send_get_response(), which sends a message and listens for a result.

At the level of AutopilotHandler, send_get_response() is used to create a straighforward implementation of running a COMMAND_LONG in run_command_long().

Finally, running a COMMAND_LONG is demonstrated by using it to arm and disarm the vehicle in methods: arm(), disarm() and _arm_disarm().

To run

Start a simulated or real vehicle, sending a mavlink stream as udp to port 14550.

Run: python3 -i

If the vehicle is ready to arm, it will arm, if not, it will refuse (do be careful if you have connected a real vehicle).

If you are running in interactive mode, you will have a variable ah of type AutopilotHandler which you can use to issue further commands (try arm() or disarm()). You can also try any COMMAND_LONG by using run_command_long(), for example, a disarm command is: ah.run_command_long(mavutil.mavlink.MAV_CMD_COMPONENT_ARM_DISARM, [0,0,0,0,0,0,0])


ah.run_command_long(400, [0,0,0,0,0,0,0]) for short.


Fatter than pymavlink, thinner than dronekit

License:GNU General Public License v3.0


Language:Python 100.0%