Girlscript Bangalore (girlscript-blr)


Geek Repo





Company:Girlscript Foundation


Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Girlscript Bangalore's repositories


This repo is a part of GirlScript Bangalore. Here we give brainstorming coding questions that will help you become a better coder. The difficulty problems will both range from beginner to advanced for everyone to contribute. So keep coding and keep contributing!


Change is the law of nature and the law goes for everything, from our opinions to human nature, from our body's nutrients need to emotional wellness needs and everything else. We need to track these changes to get better understanding of ourselves and everyone around. This tracking is nothing but a form of data collection and tracking. Especially during the pandemic and economic crisis like the ones we are facing now, the data maintenance has become crucial in so many cases like tracking the records of individuals for travel arrangements or distribution of rations or unemployment rate among the most affected classes of the society.