giorgianav / document-image-binarization

A selectional auto-encoder approach for document image binarization

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

The code of this repository was used for the following publication. If you find this code useful please cite our paper:

title = "A selectional auto-encoder approach for document image binarization",
author = "Jorge Calvo-Zaragoza and Antonio-Javier Gallego",
journal = "Pattern Recognition",
volume = "86",
pages = "37 - 47",
year = "2019",
issn = "0031-3203",
doi = ""

Below we include instructions to binarize and reproduce the experiments.


The script performs the binarization of an input image using a trained model. The parameters of this script are the following:

Parameter Default Description
-imgpath Path to the image to process
-modelpath Path to the model to load
-w 256 Input window size
-s -1 Step size. -1 to use window size
-f 64 Number of filters
-k 5 Kernel size
-drop 0 Dropout percentage
-stride 2 Convolution stride size
-every 1 Residual connections every x layers
-th 0.5 Selectional threshold
-save Output image filename
--demo Activate demo mode

The mandatory parameters are -imgpath and -modelpath, the rest are optional. You also have to choose if you want to see a demo (--demo) or to save (-save) the binarized image.

For example, to binarize the image img01.png using the model trained for Dibco 2016 and the parameters specified in the paper, you have to run the following command:

$ python -imgpath img01.png -modelpath MODELS/model_weights_dibco_6_256x256_s96_aug_m205_f64_k5_s2_se3_e200_b32_esp.h5 -w 256 -s 96 -f 64 -k 5 -stride 2 -th 0.5 --demo

The MODELS folder includes the trained models for the datasets evaluated.


The script performs the training of the proposed network from a dataset of images and a series of input parameters that allow to configure both the training process and the network topology. This executable, in addition to training, performs the validation and saves the resulting images.

The parameters of this script are the following:

Parameter Default Description
-path Base path to datasets
-db Database name ['dibco','palm','phi','ein','sal','voy','bdi','all']
-dbp Database dependent parameters [dibco fold, palm gt]
--aug Load augmentation folders
-w 256 Input window size
-s -1 Step size. -1 to use window size
-f 64 Number of filters
-k 5 Kernel size
-drop 0 Dropout percentage
-stride 2 Convolution stride size
-every 1 Residual connections every x layers
-th 0.5 Selectional threshold. -1 to evaluate from 0 to 1
-page -1 Page size to divide the training set. -1 to load all
-start_from 0 Start from this page
-super 1 Number of super epochs
-e 200 Number of epochs
-b 10 Mini-batch size
-esmode p Early stopping mode: g='global', p='per page'
-espat 10 Early stopping patience
-verbose 1 1=show batch increment, other=mute
--test Only run test (deactivate training)
--show Show the output images
-loadmodel Weights filename to load for test or for initialization

The only mandatory parameters are -path and -db. To run the training you must first indicate the path where the datasets are located (with the -path parameter) and the name of the dataset to evaluate (with the -db parameter). Depending on the name of the dataset the system will create the partitions for training and validation.

The folders of each dataset must have a specific name (see table in section "Datasets" or consult the source code). Within each folder there must be two subfolders, one with the suffix \_GR with the images in gray scale, and another with the suffix \_GT for the ground truth.

Option --aug activates the data augmentation, in this case the system will load the images stored in the folder with prefix aug_.

For example, to train a network for the dataset Dibco 2016, using data augmentation and the parameters specified in the paper, you have to run the following command:

$ python -u -path datasets -db dibco -dbp 6 --aug -w 256 -s 128 -f 64 -k 5 -e 200 -b 10 -th -1 -stride 2 -page 64

Once the script finishes, it will save the learned weights and the binarized images resulting from the validation partition in a folder with the prefix _PR- followed by the name of the model. It will also show the mean squared reconstruction error and the obtained F-m. We have also used the evaluation tool provided by DIBCO (, which allowed us to validate the obtained F-m and also calculate the pseudo F-m.


Below is a summary table of the datasets used in this work along with a link from which they can be downloaded:

Dataset Acronym URL
DIBCO 2009 DB09
DIBCO 2010 DB10
DIBCO 2011 DB11
DIBCO 2012 DB12
DIBCO 2013 DB13
DIBCO 2014 DB14
DIBCO 2016 DB16
Palm Leaf PL-I / PL-II
Persian docs PHI
Ensiedeln ES
Salzinnes SAM

The ground truth of Ensiedeln and Salzinnes is available at the following link:


A selectional auto-encoder approach for document image binarization

License:GNU General Public License v3.0


Language:Python 100.0%