gioleppe / PizzaManagementSystem

Repository from Github https://github.comgioleppe/PizzaManagementSystemRepository from Github https://github.comgioleppe/PizzaManagementSystem

Pizza Management System

This small toy program implements a Pizza Management System, by which a user can request a new order, get the next order in line, or close the next order.

The system was implemented using .NET 6 and PostgreSQL.

You can find the requirements and a small usage guide in the following sections.


The only requirements are .NET 6 and Docker and Docker Compose.

Docker is only needed in case you don't have a local PostgreSQL daemon. In that case, just create a database and change the PostgreConnectionString in the appsettings.Development file accordingly.

The program bind on port 4242 by default. You can change it in the appsettings.

Usage Guide

  1. cd into the Solution folder
  2. dotnet restore to restore all NuGet dependencies
  3. check appsettings.Development to see if the PostgreConnectionString and the AspNetUrls settings are fine for you
  4. dotnet run watch --project .\PizzaManagementSystem\ to run the program
  5. go to localhost:4242/swagger/index.html to see Swagger's documentation page and make some requests

Endpoints Documentation

  • [POST] Order This endpoint lets you place a new order. You must provide an array of valid order items. Pizza types available at launch are as follows: Margherita = 0 Ortolana = 5 Diavolina = 10 Bufalina = 15 Of course, you must provide a quantity greater than 0 for each order item. The endpoint returns a summary of the order, containing the computed Total for the order as well as the Order Id and the number of orders pending before this one.
  • [GET] Order/Next This endpoint lets you retrieve the next order in line, along with its specific information
  • [DELETE] Order/CloseNext This endpoint lets you close the next order. The order gets physically removed from the database for the sake of simplicity.



Language:C# 100.0%