ginsen / docker-services

Suite of network services for web developers under docker containers. Contain: MySQL, PostGreSQL, ElasticSearch, Redis, MailDev, RabbitMQ, Adminer, Kibana and SonarQube.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Suite of network services for web developers under docker containers. Contain: MySQL, PostGreSQL, ElasticSearch, Redis, MailDev, RabbitMQ, Adminer, Kibana and SonarQube.

Before run docker-compose (only first time)

Create external network

Before run docker-compose up -d is mandatory create external network to connect common services and others app between containers, run this command and replace mynet with the name what you choice.

$ docker network create mynet

Create external volumes

The database needs external volume to persist data, the database available in docker-compose file is:

  • MySQL
  • PostGreSQL
  • ElasticSearch
  • Redis

To create external volumes, you can do it with this command, docker volume create name_volume, change name_volume with the volume name what you choice.

Run command below to create MySQL, PostGreSQL, ElasticSearch and Redis volumes

$ docker volume create mysql_data
$ docker volume create postgres_data
$ docker volume create es_data
$ docker volume create redis_data

Set environment vars (.env)

Copy .env.dist to .env and replace with your custom values

$ cp .env.dist .env

NOTE: Keep in mind the names of external network and volume to set in:

# /.env


Configuring SonarQube

SonarQube require PostGreSQL to persist their data and is mandatory create sonar user and sonar database into posgres, to do this actions run below commands.

Up PostGreSQL server.

$ docker-compose up -d --build postgres

Create sonar user.

$ docker exec -i postgres createuser -D -P sonar

Create sonar database.

$ docker exec -i postgres createdb sonar --encoding=UTF-8 --owner=sonar

If you some memory error when run sonar, throw this command:

$ sudo sysctl -w vm.max_map_count=262144

Up containers

Now you are ready to start and up docker service containers, you can up all with one command, as below

$ docker-compose up -d

Or up only containers that you choice

$ docker-compose up -d mysql adminer


List net service.

Service Name in net Port Example connection into network docker
MySQL local_mysql>3306/tcp, 33060/tcp mysql://user:password@local_mysql:3306/mydatabase
PostGreSQL local_postgres>5432/tcp postgresql://local_postgres:5432/sonar
ElasticSearch local_elastic>9200/tcp, 9300/tcp curl -i -XGET 'http://local_elastic:9200/'
Redis local_redis>6379/tcp redis://local_redis:6379
MailDev maildev 25/tcp smtp://maildev:25
RabbitMQ local_rabbit>5672/tcp, 15671/tcp, 25672/tcp, 4369/tcp, 5671/tcp

List web service

Service Interface web
Adminer http://localhost:8081
PGAdmin http://localhost:8082
Kibana http://localhost:8083
SonarQube http://localhost:8084
MailDev http://localhost:8085
RabbitMQ http://localhost:8086


Suite of network services for web developers under docker containers. Contain: MySQL, PostGreSQL, ElasticSearch, Redis, MailDev, RabbitMQ, Adminer, Kibana and SonarQube.

License:MIT License