gilzoide / gilzoide

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Hi everybody! =D

I'm Gil and I develop free software with a focus on usability.

I am the author of some Godot plugins:

I also make Unity plugins:

  • Easy Project Settings: easily create custom Project Settings by adding the [ProjectSettings] attribute to your ScriptableObject subclass
  • Camera Viewport Rect: automatically setup Camera viewports from RectTransforms
  • Back Button Stack: easily manage a stack of objects that respond to the ESC button / Android Back button
  • Gesture Recognizers: touch/pointer gesture recognizer scripts based on EventSystem handlers or Input (Tap/Multitap, Long Press, Pan, Pinch, Twist, Swipe, Edge Pan)
  • Update Manager: simple to use Update Manager pattern + Jobified Update for MonoBehaviours and pure C# classes alike
  • SQLite-net: SQLite-net for Unity, supports Windows, Linux, macOS, iOS, tvOS, visionOS, Android and WebGL
  • SQLite Asset: read-only SQLite database assets for Unity with ScriptedImporters for ".sqlite", ".sqlite2" and ".sqlite3" files
  • SQLite Asset - CSV: easily import ".csv" files as read-only SQLite database assets in Unity
  • Conditional Objects: modify GameObjects and Components at Prefab/Scene import time, based on build configurations
  • Scene Reference: autogenerated ScriptableObjects that are stable references to the scenes configured in Build Settings
  • Safe Area Layout: uGUI layout group that makes children respect the Safe Area
  • Gradle Wrapper: automatically generate Gradle Wrapper (gradlew) when exporting Android projects
  • Main Thread Task: Task/UniTask-based Main Thread dispatcher classes, no GameObjects involved
  • TaskFactoryObject: TaskFactory Unity objects plus a collection of TaskSchedulers with optional limited concurrency
  • Serializable Collections: serializable versions of Dictionary, HashSet and KeyValuePair for Unity 2020.1+
  • Asset List: ScriptableObject that automatically aggregates assets using AssetDatabase.FindAssets
  • Gradient Rect: Unity UI component that generates meshes using Gradients
  • Rounded Corners: Unity UI component that generates meshes with rounded corners
  • Flex UI: Flexbox layout support for Unity UI using the Yoga layout engine
  • Lottie Player: player for Lottie animations, powered by rlottie, multithread/Job System-friendly

I'm also a musician and have some songs recorded 🎵

Feel free to reach me about anything at all! ^^

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