gilpark / TwitterStream_Processing

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Twitter streaming API for Processing by Gill.

Get API key if you don't have it.

This app allows you to stream tweets from twitter using the TwitterStream API.

####Past vs. Future This is the essential difference between the two APIs. Search goes back in time and streaming goes forward. When you first decide to collect tweets on a subject, you have nothing to start with. The search API is best used then to fill in the past 7 days for your subject matter. This is often called back-filling. With a database caught up to the present moment, you can then turn on the streaming API and capture all tweets going forward.

  • Getstream - you can get Streaming data in two ways.

    stream = new Getstream(); //if you need non-stop streamin

    stream = new Getstream(num); //set max tweets you want to get

    search()fn takes two parameters : location, keywords(w/o parameters it will sample )

    • keywords - you can get tweets contain given search terms

        String terms[] = {"google",...};
    • location - you can narrow down the result with given location

  • Tweet

    each Tweet obj contains usernaem, msg, geocode, date.



Language:Processing 100.0%