gilday / dotfiles

personal configuration for bash, vim, curl, rsync, etc

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gilday dotfiles

Configures my shell (zsh) to be awesome. I have been developing exclusively on a mac for a couple of years, so it leans heavily towards macOS. Next time I develop on a Linux desktop, I will update support for that system. I removed support for Cygwin: I have not developed on Windows in a while, and I expect to make use of the new Windows Subsystem for Linux next time I do.


Install Ansible, then run the provision.yml playbook

ansible-playbook provision.yml

Configure git user and email by adding $HOME/.gitconfig-hook i.e.

    name = Johnathan Gilday
    email =

macOS Dark Mode Toggle

macOS Mojave introduced "Dark Mode", but applications which have their own Dark mode features are not yet integrated with this feature. I need scripts and keyboard shortcuts to glue all the "Dark Modes" together. Inspired by

The Automator Quick Action service toggle-dark-mode.workflow toggles the macOS Dark Mode, then runs an Apple Script to update iTerm's color scheme.

A scheduled vim function reads the current environment and updates the vim color scheme accordingly.

IntelliJ uses the same polling mechanism as vim: the IntelliJ plugin macOS Dark Mode Sync polls the current system settings and adjusts IntelliJ's theme accordingly.

  1. Create keyboard shortcut for the Automator service "toggle-dark-mode" (installed by Ansible in previous steps). I use ⌘⇧L
  2. Install IntelliJ macOS Dark Mode Sync plugin


personal configuration for bash, vim, curl, rsync, etc


Language:Vim Script 45.0%Language:Shell 36.0%Language:Python 6.5%Language:Jinja 6.4%Language:Ruby 6.0%