gilamran / docker-android-emulator

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Build image

docker build -t em2 .

Create container

docker run -it -d -p 5900:5900 --name c2 -e VNC_PASSWORD=password --privileged em2

Start vnc server

docker exec --privileged -it c2 bash -c "./"

start appium

docker exec --privileged -it c2 bash -c "./"

Bash to the container

docker exec -it c2 bash

Copy to the container

docker cp wdio.conf.js c2:/

adb install sample.apk adb shell am start -n app.example.butomo.sampleapplication


  • Create the docker image
  • Create the docker container
  • Bash to the container, and run npx wdio, make sure you use appium and not chrome driver
  • Copy the local wdio.conf.js to the container
  • Start the VNC server
  • Connect to the VNC server
  • Start the emulator
  • Start the appium server
  • Run the tests

Android emulator Image

The use of this Docker image simplifies the process of running an Android emulator within a Docker container. This can be achieved through a few basic commands or by utilizing a simple Docker compose file. The image includes the latest version of the Android SDK, as well as the Appium server, which allows for the execution of mobile automation tests. for more info -->


  • Run android emulator in headless or in headed mode (through VNC)
  • Support Appium driver
  • Come with the latest JDK lts.


Manual execution

Down below is the list of the main scripts to launch the relevant service, certain environment variables should be passed during starting the container.

  1. build the docker image :

    docker build android-emulator .
  2. Start your container:

    docker run -it -d -p 5900:5900 --name androidContainer --privileged android-emulator  
  3. Launch the appium session :

    docker exec --privileged -it androidContainer bash -c "appium -p 5900"


    docker exec --privileged  -it androidContainer bash -c "./"
  4. Start the emulator in headless mode :

    docker exec --privileged -it androidContainer bash -c "./"
  5. Starting VNC server:

    docker exec --privileged -it androidContainer bash -c "./"

Launch emulator in headed mode

  1. The following command must be used to initiate the Docker container:

    docker run -it -d -p 5900:5900 --name androidContainer -e VNC_PASSWORD=password --privileged android-emulator
  2. Instantiate the VNC service by running:

    docker exec --privileged -it androidContainer bash -c "./"
  3. Connect to the VNC server via remmina or any VNC viewer, on:

  4. Open dash terminal in vnc viewer and right the following command:

    #: ./

vnc gif


  • The "" script will start the emulator in a visible mode, therefore it should not be used for integration with a pipeline such as GitHub Actions or CircleCI. Instead, use the "" script.
  • By default, Running emulator is 'Nexus 6' (emulator name: nexus) (Android 13)
  • It is not necessary to launch all services in the docker-compose file, instead you should only enable the services you require, and comment out the others in the file.

Using Docker-compose

The Docker Compose file simplifies the process of starting the service. It includes multiple services, such as launching the emulator with the Appium instance or launching the VNC server. You have the flexibility to enable or disable any service based on your needs.

docker compose up


When manually starting the container, ensure to set the necessary environment variables for proper operation

Environments Description Required Service
APPIUM_PORT Port for the appium instance Yes Android
VNC_PASSWORD Password needed to connect to VNC Server Yes VNC

Kill the container

  • Run the following command to kill and remove the container:

    docker rm -f androidContainer



Language:JavaScript 62.8%Language:Shell 21.6%Language:Dockerfile 15.6%